Void Linux

Başlatan 0M42, 08 Ağustos 2022 - 22:52:45

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0 Üyeler ve 1 Ziyaretçi konuyu incelemekte.


Joseph naber dostum? Thonny ide void in kütüphanesinde bulunmuyor. Acaba bir şekilde kurabilirmiyiz?


İyi, siz nasılsınız?

Alıntı YapThonny ide void in kütüphanesinde bulunmuyor. Acaba bir şekilde kurabilirmiyiz?
Thonny'nin x86_64 bit sistemler için kurulum betiği bulunuyor. Bu betiği Thonny'nin sitesinde bulunan komut ile çalıştırabilirsiniz.
bash <(wget -O - https://thonny.org/installer-for-linux)

Ben python3-pip paketini yükleyip pip3 install thonny komutu ile kurdum ve bir hata aldım, "tkinter bulunamadı". python3-tk paketini kurduktan sonra çalıştı (void için python3-tkinter). Yalnız uygulama, uygulama menüsünde gözükmüyor. Şimdi onun için bir .desktop dosyası oluşturacağım.

Uygulama menüsünde gözükmemesinin sebebi pip ile yüklememmiş. Betik ile kursaydım uygulama menüsü olacaktı.
echo "Creating the launcher"
    SITE_PACKAGES=$($TARGET/bin/python3 -c 'import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_paths()["purelib"])')
    echo "[Desktop Entry]" > $LAUNCHER
    echo "Type=Application" >> $LAUNCHER
    echo "Name=Thonny" >> $LAUNCHER
    echo "GenericName=Python IDE" >> $LAUNCHER
    echo "Exec=$TARGET/bin/thonny %F" >> $LAUNCHER
    echo "Comment=Python IDE for beginners" >> $LAUNCHER
    echo "Icon=$SITE_PACKAGES/thonny/res/thonny.png" >> $LAUNCHER
    echo "StartupWMClass=Thonny" >> $LAUNCHER
    echo "Terminal=false" >> $LAUNCHER
    echo "Categories=Development;IDE" >> $LAUNCHER
    echo "Keywords=programming;education" >> $LAUNCHER
    echo "MimeType=text/x-python;" >> $LAUNCHER
    echo "Actions=Edit;" >> $LAUNCHER
    echo "" >> $LAUNCHER
    echo "[Desktop Action Edit]" >> $LAUNCHER
    echo "Exec=$TARGET/bin/thonny %F" >> $LAUNCHER
    echo "Name=Edit with Thonny" >> $LAUNCHER

Thonny IDE'yi ben de seviyorum. Sadeliği ve basitliği güzel. Artı olarak yazılan kodu kaydetmeden çalıştırabiliyoruz.


Kardeşim çok teşekkür ederim bende iyiyim sağol.

Thonny konusuna geri döneceğim ancak şöyle bir sorunum var. Bilgisayara ssd bellek aldım bu gün yeniden bir kurulum yapayım dedim. Kurulumu aşağıdaki videodaki gibi yapıyorum.


9.50 de yaptığı gibi oluşturduğum swap alana boot seçeneği ekleyemiyorum. Daha doğrusu alttaki seçim yapılan sekmelerde bootable sekmesi görünmüyor. Normal harddiske kurulum yaparken görünüyordu ama. Dolayısı ile kurulumu bu şekilde başlattığımda grub ile ilgili hata verip kurulumu tamamlamıyor. Bende şu şekilde görünüyor ;

Type seçenekleride bunlar ;

Mesaj tekrarı yüzünden mesajınız birleştirildi. Bu mesajın gönderim tarihi : 19 Ekim 2022 - 23:20:28

Buda kurulum sonunda aldığım hata ;


Rica ederim.

Videodaki disk dos, sizinki ise gpt. Bu farktan dolayı boot sekmesi yok sanırım.

Bilgisayarınız UEFI desteklemiyorsa diski dos olarak formatlayın.

Bunu Gparted programıyla ya da komut satırından parted programıyla yapabilirsiniz

parted ile diskleri listeleyin. Diskinizi belirleyin.
sudo parted --list
cihazı belirleyip msdos olarak formatlayın. /dev/sd? kısmını diskinize göre değiştirin. Cihazın mount olmaması (bir dizine bağlanmaması) gerekiyor bu işlem için.
sudo parted /dev/sd? mklabel msdos


Josep lubuntu kurulumunda bunları hiç ayarlamıyorum kendisi otomatikmek ayarlıyor diye şimdi lubuntu yüklüyorum yükleme bitince tekrar void denicem. Yoksa değişen bir şey olmaz kurulumu durdurup direk söylediklerini mi yapayım?



Güzel kardeşim tamamdır kurulumu yaptım. Yarın thonny için yazdığın yönergeleri izlicem bir problem yaşarsam yine yazarım sana sağolasın :)

Mesaj tekrarı yüzünden mesajınız birleştirildi. Bu mesajın gönderim tarihi : 20 Ekim 2022 - 10:46:50

Alıntı yapılan: nxjoseph - 19 Ekim 2022 - 19:20:18
İyi, siz nasılsınız?

Alıntı YapThonny ide void in kütüphanesinde bulunmuyor. Acaba bir şekilde kurabilirmiyiz?
Thonny'nin x86_64 bit sistemler için kurulum betiği bulunuyor. Bu betiği Thonny'nin sitesinde bulunan komut ile çalıştırabilirsiniz.
bash <(wget -O - https://thonny.org/installer-for-linux)

Ben python3-pip paketini yükleyip pip3 install thonny komutu ile kurdum ve bir hata aldım, "tkinter bulunamadı". python3-tk paketini kurduktan sonra çalıştı (void için python3-tkinter). Yalnız uygulama, uygulama menüsünde gözükmüyor. Şimdi onun için bir .desktop dosyası oluşturacağım.

Uygulama menüsünde gözükmemesinin sebebi pip ile yüklememmiş. Betik ile kursaydım uygulama menüsü olacaktı.
echo "Creating the launcher"
    SITE_PACKAGES=$($TARGET/bin/python3 -c 'import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_paths()["purelib"])')
    echo "[Desktop Entry]" > $LAUNCHER
    echo "Type=Application" >> $LAUNCHER
    echo "Name=Thonny" >> $LAUNCHER
    echo "GenericName=Python IDE" >> $LAUNCHER
    echo "Exec=$TARGET/bin/thonny %F" >> $LAUNCHER
    echo "Comment=Python IDE for beginners" >> $LAUNCHER
    echo "Icon=$SITE_PACKAGES/thonny/res/thonny.png" >> $LAUNCHER
    echo "StartupWMClass=Thonny" >> $LAUNCHER
    echo "Terminal=false" >> $LAUNCHER
    echo "Categories=Development;IDE" >> $LAUNCHER
    echo "Keywords=programming;education" >> $LAUNCHER
    echo "MimeType=text/x-python;" >> $LAUNCHER
    echo "Actions=Edit;" >> $LAUNCHER
    echo "" >> $LAUNCHER
    echo "[Desktop Action Edit]" >> $LAUNCHER
    echo "Exec=$TARGET/bin/thonny %F" >> $LAUNCHER
    echo "Name=Edit with Thonny" >> $LAUNCHER

Thonny IDE'yi ben de seviyorum. Sadeliği ve basitliği güzel. Artı olarak yazılan kodu kaydetmeden çalıştırabiliyoruz.

Kardeşim aşağıdaki komut ile dosyaları indirdim.

bash <(wget -O - https://thonny.org/installer-for-linux)

Sonra aşağıdaki komutu yazdım çıktı şu şekilde;

[omar@Hira ~]$ pip3 install thonny
bash: pip3: komut yok
[omar@Hira ~]$

Uygulamalar menüsü geliştirme bölümünde thonny görünüyor ama çalıştırmak istediğimde

"/bin/thonny" komutu çalıştırılamadı böyle bir dizin ya da dosya yok diyor.

Mesaj tekrarı yüzünden mesajınız birleştirildi. Bu mesajın gönderim tarihi : 20 Ekim 2022 - 10:57:32

Pardon kardeşim uygulama menüsünde çalışmıyor ama masaüstüne başlatma kısayolu eklemiş oradan çalışıyor. Ben bunu uygulama menüsündeki geliştirme bölümüne nasıl taşıyacağım peki


which thonny
Komutunun ciktisi nedir?

Bu komutu yazmanıza gerek yoktu.
pip3 install thonny
Siz zaten betik ile kurdunuz. Ben böyle kurdum diye dedim.


Şu şekilde dostum ;

[omar@Hira ~]$ which thonny
which: no thonny in (/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin)
[omar@Hira ~]$


Masaüstündeki thonny başlatma dosyasının içeriğini atabilir misiniz?


İçerik derken bunlarımı kastettin acaba joseph?


Hayır ama bu da işimi gördü.

nano editor ile dosyayi acin.
nano ~/.local/share/applications/Thonny.desktop
Exec= kismini asagidaki gibi yapin.
Exec=/home/omar/apps/thonny/bin/thonny %F
Tekrar uygulama menusunden calistirmayi deneyin.


Tamam oldu dostum uygulama menüsünden çalışıyor artık ama ikonsuz olarak görünüyor


cat ~/Masaüstü/Thonny.desktop
komutu ile dosyanın içeriğini terminale yazdırın ve gönderin.



[omar@Hira ~]$ cat ~/Masaüstü/Thonny.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Python IDE
Exec=/home/omar/apps/thonny/bin/thonny %F
Comment=Python IDE for beginners

[Desktop Action Edit]
Exec=/home/omar/apps/thonny/bin/thonny %F
Name=Edit with Thonny
[omar@Hira ~]$


Exec= kısmını değiştirdiğiniz gibi yine o dosyanın Icon= kısmını değiştirmelisiniz.

Çözüm 1: Icon= kısmını değiştirin

nano editor ile dosyayi acin.
nano ~/.local/share/applications/Thonny.desktop
Icon= kismini asagidaki gibi yapin.

Çözüm 2: Masaüstündeki dosyayı uygulama menüsünde görünen dosyaya değiştirin.

cp -f ~/Masaüstü/Thonny.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/Thonny.desktop


Tamamdır joseph dostum çok teşekkür ederim  8)


Rica ederim.

Thonny Debian depolarında da bulunuyormuş, pip3 ile kurduğumu kaldırıp depodan yükledim.


Joseph merhaba, sistemde kaldırmak istediğim bir uygulama var icon browser. Ama sistem de adı tam olarak ne geçiyor öğrenmek istiyorum. Lubuntu da önce dpkg --list komutu ile uygulamanın tam ismini öğreniyor sonra kaldırma komutu ile kaldırıyordum. Void te uygulamanın tam ismini nasıl öğrenebilirim?



Kardeşim bu komutu aslında biliyorum ama tam olarak nasıl kullanacağımı bilmiyorum. Mesela aşağıdaki gibi bir komut yazdığımda çıkan sonuç;

[omar@Hira ~]$ sudo xbps-query -l icon browser
Usage: xbps-query [OPTIONS] MODE [ARGUMENTS]

-C --config <dir>        Path to confdir (xbps.d)
-c --cachedir <dir>      Path to cachedir
-d --debug               Debug mode shown to stderr
-h --help                Print help usage
-i --ignore-conf-repos   Ignore repositories defined in xbps.d
-M --memory-sync         Remote repository data is fetched and stored
                          in memory, ignoring on-disk repodata archives.
-p --property PROP[,...] Show properties for PKGNAME
-R --repository          Enable repository mode. This mode explicitly
                          looks for packages in repositories.
    --repository=<url>    Enable repository mode and add repository
                          to the top of the list. This option can be
                          specified multiple times.
    --regex               Use Extended Regular Expressions to match
    --fulldeptree         Full dependency tree for -x/--deps
-r --rootdir <dir>       Full path to rootdir
-V --version             Show XBPS version
-v --verbose             Verbose messages

-l --list-pkgs           List installed packages
-L --list-repos          List registered repositories
-H --list-hold-pkgs      List packages on hold state
    --list-repolock-pkgs  List repolocked packages
-m --list-manual-pkgs    List packages installed explicitly
-O --list-orphans        List package orphans
-o --ownedby FILE        Search for package files by matching STRING or REGEX
-S --show PKG            Show information for PKG [default mode]
-s --search PKG          Search for packages by matching PKG, STRING or REGEX
    --cat=FILE PKG        Print FILE from PKG binpkg to stdout
-f --files PKG           Show package files for PKG
-x --deps PKG            Show dependencies for PKG
-X --revdeps PKG         Show reverse dependencies for PKG
[omar@Hira ~]$

Galiba benim işimi görecek komut aşağıdaki ama tam olarak nasıl kullanmam gerekli onu bilemedim.

    Lists registered packages in the package database (pkgdb) that were installed manually by the user (i.e not as dependency of any package).


Sadece bu sekilde kullanmalisiniz.

xbps-query -l

xbps-query -l | grep "icon"


Dostum iki şekilde de sonuç alamadım ilk komut sonrası çıktı şu şekilde;

ii liba52-0.7.4_9                            Free ATSC A/52 stream decoder
ii libaio-0.3.112_1                          The Linux-native asynchronous I...
ii libaom-3.4.0_1                            AV1 Codec library implementation
ii libappindicator-12.10.0_3                 Library to allow applications t...
ii libarchive-3.6.1_1                        Library to read/write several d...
ii libargon2-20190702_3                      Password hashing library
ii libaspell-0.60.8_5                        Spell checker with good multi-l...
ii libass-0.16.0_1                           Portable library for SSA/ASS su...
ii libassuan-2.5.5_1                         IPC library used by some GnuPG ...
ii libasyncns-0.8_9                          C library for executing name se...
ii libatasmart-0.19_5                        ATA S.M.A.R.T. Reading and Pars...
ii libatomic-10.2.1pre1_3                    GNU Compiler Collection - Atomi...
ii libavcodec-4.4.2_3                        FFmpeg codec library
ii libavdevice-4.4.2_3                       FFmpeg device handling library
ii libavfilter-4.4.2_3                       FFmpeg audio/video filter library
ii libavformat-4.4.2_3                       FFmpeg file format library
ii libavresample-4.4.2_3                     FFmpeg audio resampling library
ii libavutil-4.4.2_3                         FFmpeg utility library
ii libblkid-2.38.1_1                         Library to handle device identi...
ii libblockdev-2.26_1                        Library for manipulating block ...
ii libbluray-1.3.3_1                         Library to access Blu-Ray disks...
ii libbs2b-3.1.0_3                           Audiofilter for headphones
ii libbytesize-2.6_2                         Library for operations with siz...
ii libcaca-0.99.beta19_11                    Graphics library that outputs t...
ii libcanberra-0.30_11                       XDG Sound Theme and Name Specif...
ii libcanberra-gtk3-0.30_11                  XDG Sound Theme and Name Specif...
ii libcap-2.54_1                             POSIX.1e capabilities suite
ii libcap-ng-0.8.3_1                         Alternate POSIX capabilities li...
ii libcap-progs-2.54_1                       POSIX.1e capabilities suite - u...
ii libcddb-1.3.2_9                           Library to access data on a CDD...
ii libcdio-2.1.0_1                           CD-ROM access library
ii libcdio-paranoia-10.2+2.0.1_1             CD paranoia utility/libraries f...
ii libcdparanoia-10.2_15                     CDDA reading utility with extra...
ii libcloudproviders-0.3.1_1                 DBus API for cloud storage sync...
ii libcolord-1.4.6_2                         System daemon for managing colo...
ii libcracklib-2.9.7_2                       Password Checking Library - run...
ii libcrypto1.1-1.1.1q_1                     Toolkit for Secure Sockets Laye...
ii libcryptsetup-2.4.3_1                     Setup virtual encryption device...
ii libcups-2.4.2_1                           Common Unix Printing System - c...
ii libcurl-7.84.0_2                          Multiprotocol file transfer lib...
ii libdatrie-0.2.13_1                        Implementation of double-array ...
ii libdav1d6-1.0.0_1                         Small and fast AV1 Decoder - ru...
ii libdaxctl-70.1_1                          Utility library for managing li...
ii libdb-5.3.28_8                            Berkeley DB embedded database s...
ii libdbusmenu-glib-16.04.0_5                Library for passing menus over ...
ii libdbusmenu-gtk3-16.04.0_5                Library for passing menus over ...
ii libde265-1.0.8_1                          Open h.265 video codec implemen...
ii libdecor-0.1.0_1                          Client-side decorations library...
ii libdrm-2.4.113_1                          Userspace interface to kernel D...
ii libdvdcss-1.4.3_1                         Simple library designed for acc...
ii libdvdread-6.1.3_1                        DVD access library
ii libedit-20221009.3.1_1                    Port of the NetBSD Command Line...
ii libefivar-37_2                            Library to manipulate EFI varia...
ii libelf-0.187_1                            Utilities to handle ELF object ...
ii libelogind-246.10_2                       Standalone logind fork - elogin...
ii libepoxy-1.5.10_1                         Library for handling OpenGL fun...
ii libev-4.33_1                              High-performance event loop loo...
ii libevdev-1.12.0_1                         Wrapper library for evdev devices
ii libevent-2.1.12_2                         Abstract asynchronous event not...
ii libexif-0.6.24_1                          EXIF file library
ii libfdisk-2.38.1_1                         Library for fdisk(8)
ii libffi-3.3_2                              Library supporting Foreign Func...
ii libfftw-3.3.10_1                          Library for computing the discr...
ii libflac-1.3.4_1                           Free Lossless Audio Codec - sha...
ii libfluidsynth-2.3.0_1                     Real-time software synthesizer ...
ii libfontenc-1.1.4_1                        Fontenc Library from X.org
ii libgbm-22.1.7_1                           Mesa Generic buffer management ...
ii libgcc-10.2.1pre1_3                       GNU Compiler Collection - GCC l...
ii libgcrypt-1.10.1_2                        GNU cryptographic library
ii libgexiv2-0.14.0_1                        GObject-based wrapper around th...
ii libgimp-2.10.30_1                         GNU image manipulation program ...
ii libgirepository-1.74.0_2                  Library for handling GObject in...
ii libglapi-22.1.7_1                         Free implementation of the GL A...
ii libglvnd-1.4.0_1                          GL Vendor-Neutral Dispatch library
ii libgme-0.6.3_1                            Video game music file emulation...
ii libgomp-10.2.1pre1_3                      GNU Compiler Collection - OpenM...
ii libgpg-error-1.45_1                       Library for error values used b...
ii libgpgme-1.18.0_2                         GnuPG Made Easy - library
ii libgs-9.55.0_1                            Interpreter for the PostScript ...
ii libgsf-1.14.50_1                          Structured File Library
ii libgsm-1.0.22_2                           GSM 06.10 lossy speech compression
ii libgtop-2.40.0_2                          Library to retrieve system info...
ii libgudev-237_1                            Library providing GObject bindi...
ii libgusb-0.3.10_1                          GLib wrapper around libusb1
ii libhandy1-1.8.0_1                         GTK+3 building blocks for moder...
ii libharfbuzz-5.1.0_2                       OpenType text shaping engine - ...
ii libheif-1.12.0_3                          ISO/IEC 23008-12:2017 HEIF file...
ii libhunspell1.7-1.7.1_1                    Spell checker and morphological...
ii libid3tag-0.15.1b_8                       ID3 tag library, part of MAD (M...
ii libidn2-2.3.3_1                           Internationalized string handli...
ii libimobiledevice-1.3.0_3                  Library to communicate with App...
ii libindicator-12.10.1_1                    Convenient symbols and function...
ii libinput-1.21.0_1                         Provides handling input devices...
ii libjack-1.9.21_1                          JACK Audio Connection Kit low-l...
ii libjasper-2.0.25_1                        Software-based reference implem...
ii libjbig2dec-0.19_2                        Decoder implementation of the J...
ii libjpeg-turbo-2.1.3_1                     Derivative of libjpeg which use...
ii libkeybinder3-0.3.2_2                     Library for registering global ...
ii libkmod-30_1                              Linux kernel module handling - ...
ii libksba-1.6.0_1                           CMS and X.509 access library
ii libldap-2.4.58_1                          OpenLDAP (Lightweight Directory...
ii libldns-1.8.3_1                           Modern DNS/DNSSEC library
ii liblilv-0.24.12_2                         Simple yet powerful C API for u...
ii libllvm12-12.0.1_3                        Low Level Virtual Machine - run...
ii liblrdf-0.6.1_2                           Lightweight RDF library with sp...
ii libltdl-2.4.6_6                           Runtime libraries for GNU Libto...
ii liblz4-1.9.4_1                            LZ4 compression library
ii liblzma-5.2.7_1                           XZ-format compression library
ii libmagic-5.42_2                           File type identification library
ii libmanette-0.2.6_1                        Simple GObject game controller ...
ii libmm-glib-1.18.6_1                       Mobile broadband modem manageme...
ii libmng-2.0.3_2                            Multiple-image Network Graphics...
ii libmnl-1.0.5_1                            Minimalistic user-space library...
ii libmodplug-                      A MOD playing library
ii libmount-2.38.1_1                         Library for mount(8)
ii libmpg123-1.30.2_1                        Fast console MPEG audio decoder...
ii libmtp-1.1.20_1                           Library for Microsoft's Media T...
ii libmypaint-1.6.1_1                        MyPaint brush engine library
ii libndctl-70.1_1                           Utility library for managing li...
ii libndp-1.7_1                              Library for Neighbor Discovery ...
ii libnetfilter_conntrack-1.0.8_1            Library providing an API to the...
ii libnfnetlink-1.0.1_4                      Low-level library for netfilter...
ii libnfs-5.0.1_1                            Client library for accessing NF...
ii libnftnl-1.2.3_1                          Low-level netlink interface to ...
ii libnice-0.1.19_1                          Implementation of the IETF's dr...
ii libnl3-3.5.0_1                            Netlink Protocol Library Suite
ii libnm-1.40.0_1                            Network Management daemon - sha...
ii libnma-1.10.2_1                           NetworkManager panel applet for...
ii libnotify-0.8.1_1                         Desktop notification library
ii libnuspell-5.0.1_3                        C++ spell checking library
ii libogg-1.3.5_1                            Ogg bitstream file format library
ii libopenal-1.22.2_1                        Cross-platform 3D audio library
ii libopenexr-2.4.1_2                        High dynamic-range (HDR) image ...
ii libopenjpeg2-2.5.0_1                      Open-source JPEG 2000 codec wri...
ii libopenraw-0.1.3_2                        Library for camera RAW files de...
ii libpaper-1.1.28_1                         Library for handling paper char...
ii libparted-3.5_1                           GNU Parted disk partition resiz...
ii libpcap-1.10.1_1                          System-independent interface fo...
ii libpciaccess-0.16_1                       X11 PCI Access library
ii libpcre-8.45_3                            Perl Compatible Regular Express...
ii libpcre2-10.39_2                          Perl Compatible Regular Express...
ii libpipewire-0.3.58_1                      Server and user space API to de...
ii libplist-2.2.0_2                          Apple Property List library
ii libpng-1.6.37_1                           Library for manipulating PNG im...
ii libpoppler-22.07.0_2                      PDF rendering library - poppler...
ii libpostproc-4.4.2_3                       FFmpeg video postprocessing lib...
ii libproxy-0.4.18_1                         Library handling all the detail...
ii libpsl-0.21.1_4                           Public Suffix List library func...
ii libpulseaudio-15.0_3                      Featureful, general-purpose sou...
ii libpwquality-1.4.4_1                      Library for password quality ch...
ii libraptor-2.0.15_4                        Raptor RDF Syntax Library - Run...
ii libraw-0.20.2_1                           Raw image decoder library
ii libreadline8-8.1.000_1                    GNU Readline Library
ii librist-0.2.7_1                           Reliable Internet Stream Transp...
ii librsvg-2.52.2_1                          SVG library for GNOME
ii librtmp-2.4.20161210_10                   Toolkit for RTMP streams - shar...
ii libsamplerate-0.1.9_1                     Sample Rate Converter for audio
ii libsasl-2.1.27_2                          Cyrus SASL - runtime shared lib...
ii libseccomp-2.5.4_1                        High level interface to the Lin...
ii libsecret-0.20.5_2                        GObject based library for acces...
ii libsensors-3.6.0_1                        Library to read temperature/vol...
ii libserd-0.30.10_1                         Lightweight C library for RDF s...
ii libsigc++-2.10.3_1                        Type-safe callback system for C...
ii libsmartcols-2.38.1_1                     Table or Tree library from util...
ii libsndfile-1.0.31_1                       C library for reading and writi...
ii libsndio-1.9.0_1                          Small audio and MIDI framework ...
ii libsodium-1.0.18_1                        Modern and easy-to-use crypto l...
ii libsord-0.16.6_1                          Lightweight C library for stori...
ii libsoup-2.74.0_1                          HTTP library implementation in C
ii libsoup3-3.2.0_2                          HTTP library implementation in C
ii libsoxr-0.1.3_2                           SoX resampler library
ii libspectre-0.2.10_1                       Small library for rendering Pos...
ii libspeex-1.2.1_1                          Free codec for free speech - sh...
ii libsrt-1.5.1_1                            Secure, Reliable, Transport - d...
ii libsrtp-2.3.0_1                           Library implementing SRTP, the ...
ii libssh-0.9.6_1                            Multiplatform C library impleme...
ii libssh2-1.10.0_1                          Library implementing the SSH2 p...
ii libssl1.1-1.1.1q_1                        Toolkit for Secure Sockets Laye...
ii libstdc++-10.2.1pre1_3                    GNU Compiler Collection - Stand...
ii libsvt-av1-1.1.0_1                        AV1-compliant encoder/decoder l...
ii libswresample-4.4.2_3                     FFmpeg video resampling library
ii libswscale-4.4.2_3                        FFmpeg video scaling library
ii libtasn1-4.18.0_1                         ASN.1 structure parser library
ii libtdb-1.4.5_1                            Trivial Database, similar to GD...
ii libthai-0.1.29_1                          Thai language support routines
ii libtheora-1.1.1_8                         Theora Video Compression Codec
ii libtirpc-1.3.2_1                          Transport Independent RPC libra...
ii libtracker-3.4.0_1                        Personal search tool and storag...
ii libunbound-1.17.0_1                       Validating, recursive, and cach...
ii libunistring-1.0_1                        Library for manipulating Unicod...
ii libupower-glib3-0.99.17_1                 Abstraction for enumerating pow...
ii liburcu-0.12.2_1                          Userspace RCU (read-copy-update...
ii libusb-1.0.26_1                           Library which allows userspace ...
ii libusbmuxd-2.0.2_1                        USB Multiplex Daemon library
ii libuuid-2.38.1_1                          UUID library
ii libva-2.14.0_1                            Video Acceleration (VA) API
ii libvdpau-1.5_1                            Video Decode and Presentation A...
ii libvidstab-1.1.0_2                        Video stabilization library
ii libvisual-0.4.0_9                         Abstraction library for audio v...
ii libvoikko-4.3.1_1                         Free linguistic software and da...
ii libvorbis-1.3.7_1                         The Vorbis General Audio Compre...
ii libvpx7-1.11.0_1                          VP8 and VP9 video codec
ii libwacom-1.12_1                           Library to identify wacom tablets
ii libwavpack-5.4.0_1                        Hybrid lossless audio compressi...
ii libwebp-1.2.4_1                           WebP image format
ii libwmf-                         Library for reading and convert...
ii libwnck-40.1_1                            Library for layout and renderin...
ii libwoff2common1.0.2-1.0.2_1               Web Open Font Format 2 referenc...
ii libwoff2dec1.0.2-1.0.2_1                  Web Open Font Format 2 referenc...
ii libwpe-1.12.3_2                           General-purpose library for WPE...
ii libxatracker-22.1.7_1                     Mesa XA tracker interface library
ii libxbps-0.59.1_7                          XBPS package system utilities -...
ii libxcb-1.14_2                             X protocol C-language Binding
ii libxcvt-0.1.1_1                           VESA CVT standard timing modeli...
ii libxfce4panel-4.16.5_1                    Next generation panel for the X...
ii libxfce4ui-4.16.1_2                       Replacement of the old libxfceg...
ii libxfce4util-4.16.0_2                     Utility library for the Xfce4 d...
ii libxkbcommon-1.4.1_1                      Library to handle keyboard desc...
ii libxkbfile-1.1.0_1                        Xkbfile Library from X.org
ii libxklavier-5.4_3                         Library providing high-level AP...
ii libxml2-2.9.13_3                          Library providing XML and HTML ...
ii libxshmfence-1.3_2                        X Shared memory 'SyncFence' syn...
ii libxslt-1.1.37_1                          XSLT parser library from the GN...
ii libyaml-0.2.5_1                           Fast YAML 1.1 parser and emitte...
ii libzbar-0.23.1_5                          Barcode reading library and app...
ii libzstd-1.5.2_1                           Fast real-time compression algo...
ii linux-5.19_1                              Linux kernel meta package
ii linux-base-2021.07.21_1                   Linux kernel base dependencies
ii linux-firmware-amd-20220411_1             Binary firmware blobs for the L...
ii linux-firmware-broadcom-20220411_1        Binary firmware blobs for the L...
ii linux-firmware-intel-20220411_1           Binary firmware blobs for the L...
ii linux-firmware-network-20220411_1         Binary firmware blobs for the L...
ii linux-firmware-nvidia-20220411_1          Binary firmware blobs for the L...
ii linux5.19-5.19.16_1                       Linux kernel and modules (5.19 ...
ii lmdb-0.9.29_1                             Lightning Memory-Mapped Databas...
ii lowdown-1.0.0_1                           Simple markdown translator
ii lshw-B.02.19.2_2                          Hardware lister application
ii lvm2-2.02.187_2                           Logical Volume Manager 2 utilities
ii lxdm-0.5.3_4                              GUI login manager for LXDE
ii lzo-2.10_2                                Portable lossless data compress...
ii man-pages-5.13_2                          Linux Documentation Project (LD...
ii mbedtls-2.16.12_1                         Portable cryptographic TLS library
ii mdadm-4.2_1                               Tool for managing/monitoring Li...
ii mdocml-1.14.6_6                           UNIX manpage compiler toolset (...
ii mesa-22.1.7_1                             Graphics library similar to SGI...
ii mesa-dri-22.1.7_1                         Mesa DRI drivers
ii micropython-1.14_1                        Implementation of Python 3.x fo...
ii mit-krb5-libs-1.18.3_2                    MIT Kerberos 5 implementation -...
ii mkfontscale-1.2.2_1                       X11 Scalable Font Index Generator
ii mobile-broadband-provider-info-20220511_1 Database of mobile broadband se...
ii mousepad-0.5.10_1                         Simple text editor for Xfce bas...
ii mpfr-4.1.0_1                              Library for multiple-precision ...
ii mtdev-1.1.6_1                             Multitouch Protocol Translation...
ii mypaint-brushes1-1.3.1_1                  Brushes used by MyPaint and oth...
ii ncurses-6.3_3                             System V Release 4.0 curses emu...
ii ncurses-base-6.3_3                        System V Release 4.0 curses emu...
ii ncurses-libs-6.3_3                        System V Release 4.0 curses emu...
ii neofetch-7.1.0_2                          Simple system information script
ii net-tools-2.10_1                          Basic networking tools
ii nettle-3.8_1                              Low-level cryptographic library
ii network-manager-applet-1.28.0_1           NetworkManager panel applet for...
ii newt-0.52.21_5                            Library for color text mode, wi...
ii nghttp2-1.50.0_1                          HTTP/2 C Library
ii npth-1.6_1                                New portable threads library
ii nspr-4.35_1                               NetScape Portable Runtime
ii nss-3.83_1                                Mozilla Network Security Services
ii nvi-1.81.6_19                             Berkeley Vi Editor
ii ocl-icd-2.3.1_1                           Generic OpenCL ICD loader/demul...
ii oniguruma-6.9.5.rev1_1                    Multi-charset regular expressio...
ii openresolv-3.12.0_1                       Management framework for resolv...
ii openssh-9.1p1_1                           OpenSSH free Secure Shell (SSH)...
ii openssl-1.1.1q_1                          Toolkit for Secure Sockets Laye...
ii opus-1.3.1_1                              Totally open, royalty-free, hig...
ii orc-0.4.32_1                              Oild Runtime Compiler
ii os-prober-1.81_1                          Utility to detect other OSes on...
ii p11-kit-0.23.22_3                         Provides a way to load and enum...
ii pam-1.5.2_2                               Flexible mechanism for authenti...
ii pam-base-0.4_2                            PAM base configuration files
ii pam-libs-1.5.2_2                          Flexible mechanism for authenti...
ii pango-1.50.10_2                           Library for layout and renderin...
ii pangomm-2.46.2_1                          C++ bindings for the pango library
ii parole-4.16.0_1                           Modern simple media player
ii parted-3.5_1                              GNU Parted disk partition resiz...
ii pavucontrol-5.0_2                         PulseAudio Volume Control
ii pciutils-3.7.0_1                          PCI bus related utilities
ii pick-4.0.0_1                              Fuzzy search tool for the comma...
ii pinentry-1.2.1_1                          PIN or passphrase entry dialogs...
ii pixman-0.40.0_1                           Library of low-level pixel mani...
ii polkit-121_1                              Authorization Toolkit
ii poppler-data-0.4.11_1                     Encoding data for the poppler P...
ii poppler-glib-22.07.0_2                    PDF rendering library - GLib bi...
ii popt-1.18_1                               Command line option parsing lib...
ii procps-ng-3.3.17_2                        Utilities for monitoring your s...
ii pulseaudio-15.0_3                         Featureful, general-purpose sou...
ii pulseaudio-utils-15.0_3                   Featureful, general-purpose sou...
ii python3-3.10.8_1                          Python programming language (3....
ii python3-cairo-1.20.1_3                    Python3 bindings for the cairo ...
ii python3-gobject-3.42.2_1                  Python3 bindings for GObject
ii python3-tkinter-3.10.8_1                  Python programming language - G...
ii removed-packages-0.1_76                   Uninstalls packages removed fro...
ii ristretto-0.12.3_1                        Picture-viewer for the Xfce des...
ii rtkit-0.13_3                              Realtime Policy and Watchdog Da...
ii run-parts-4.11.2_1                        Run scripts or programs in a di...
ii runit-2.1.2_12                            UNIX init scheme with service s...
ii runit-void-20220329_1                     Void Linux runit scripts
ii samba-libs-4.14.12_1                      SMB/CIFS file, print, and login...
ii sbc-2.0_1                                 Bluetooth Subband Codec (SBC) l...
ii sed-4.8_1                                 The GNU stream editor
ii setxkbmap-1.3.3_1                         Set the keyboard map using the ...
ii shadow-4.8.1_2                            Shadow password file utilities
ii shared-mime-info-2.2_1                    Core database of common types
ii slang-2.3.2_2                             S-Lang programming library
ii soundtouch-2.3.1_1                        SoundTouch Audio Processing Lib...
ii spandsp-0.0.6_3                           A library of many DSP functions...
ii speexdsp-1.2.1_1                          Free codec for free speech - DSP
ii sqlite-3.39.4_1                           SQL Database Engine in a C Library
ii sratom-0.6.8_1                            Library for serialising LV2 ato...
ii startup-notification-0.12_11              Library for tracking applicatio...
ii sudo-1.9.11p3_1                           Allow others to run commands as...
ii taglib-1.12_1                             Library for accessing ID tags i...
ii talloc-2.3.3_1                            Hierarchical pool based memory ...
ii tar-1.34_2                                GNU tape archiver with remote m...
ii tcl-8.6.12_1                              TCL scripting language
ii terminus-font-4.49.1_1                    Clean, fixed width bitmap font
ii tevent-0.11.0_1                           Event system based on the tallo...
ii thin-provisioning-tools-0.9.0_1           Tools for manipulating the meta...
ii thunar-volman-4.16.0_2                    Thunar Volume Manager
ii tiff-4.4.0_1                              Library and tools for reading a...
ii tk-8.6.12_1                               TK graphical user interface too...
ii traceroute-2.1.0_4                        Traces the route taken by packe...
ii tumbler-4.16.1_1                          D-Bus Thumbnailer service
ii twolame-0.4.0_2                           Optimised MPEG Audio Layer 2 (M...
ii tzdata-2022e_1                            Time zone and daylight-saving t...
ii udisks2-2.9.4_1                           Disk Management Service, version 2
ii ufw-0.36.1_2                              Uncomplicated Firewall
ii upower-0.99.17_1                          Abstraction for enumerating pow...
ii usbutils-014_2                            Linux USB utilities
ii util-linux-2.38.1_1                       Miscellaneous linux utilities
ii util-linux-common-2.38.1_1                Miscellaneous linux utilities -...
ii v4l-utils-1.22.1_1                        Userspace tools and libraries f...
ii void-artwork-20220303_1                   Void Linux artwork
ii void-docs-2021.10.06_1                    Documentation for Void Linux
ii void-docs-browse-2021.10.06_1             Documentation for Void Linux - ...
ii volume_key-0.3.12_5                       Library for manipulating storag...
ii vte3-0.70.0_1                             Terminal widget with improved a...
ii vulkan-loader-                 Vulkan Installable Client Drive...
ii wayland-1.21.0_1                          Core Wayland window system code...
ii webkit2gtk-2.38.1_1                       GTK+3 port of the WebKit2 brows...
ii webkit2gtk-common-2.38.1_1                GTK port of the WebKit2 browser...
ii webrtc-audio-processing-0.3.1_1           AudioProcessing library based o...
ii wget-1.21.3_1                             GNU wget download utility
ii which-2.21_3                              Displays where a particular pro...
ii wifi-firmware-1.3_4                       WiFi firmware meta-package
ii wpa_supplicant-2.10_1                     WPA/WPA2/IEEE 802.1X Supplicant
ii wpebackend-fdo-1.12.1_1                   FreeDesktop.org backend for WPE
ii x264-20191217.2245_1                      Free library for encoding H264/...
ii x265-3.5_1                                Open Source H.265/HEVC video en...
ii xauth-1.1.2_1                             X authentication utility
ii xbps-0.59.1_7                             XBPS package system utilities
ii xbps-triggers-0.124_1                     XBPS triggers for Void Linux
ii xcb-util-0.4.0_3                          XCB utilities library
ii xdg-dbus-proxy-0.1.4_1                    Filtering proxy for D-Bus conne...
ii xdg-user-dirs-0.18_1                      Tool to help manage user direct...
ii xdg-user-dirs-gtk-0.10_4                  GTK+ tool to help manage user d...
ii xf86-input-evdev-2.10.6_2                 Xorg event device input driver
ii xf86-input-libinput-1.2.1_1               Generic input driver for the X....
ii xf86-input-synaptics-1.9.1_1              Xorg synaptics touchpad input d...
ii xf86-input-vmmouse-13.1.0_4               Xorg VMware virtual mouse input...
ii xf86-input-wacom-0.40.0_1                 Xorg Wacom tablet input driver
ii xf86-video-amdgpu-22.0.0_1                Xorg AMD Radeon RXXX video driv...
ii xf86-video-ati-19.1.0_4                   Xorg ATI Radeon video driver
ii xf86-video-dummy-0.3.8_4                  Xorg dummy video driver
ii xf86-video-fbdev-0.5.0_2                  Xorg framebuffer video driver
ii xf86-video-intel-2.99.917.20210115_2      Xorg DDX Intel video driver
ii xf86-video-nouveau-1.0.17_2               Xorg opensource NVIDIA video dr...
ii xf86-video-vesa-2.5.0_2                   Xorg VESA video driver
ii xf86-video-vmware-13.3.0_4                Modular Xorg VMware virtual vid...
ii xfce-polkit-0.3_1                         Simple PolicyKit authentication...
ii xfce4-4.16.0_1                            XFCE meta-package for Void Linux
ii xfce4-appfinder-4.16.1_1                  Appfinder for the Xfce Desktop ...
ii xfce4-notifyd-0.6.4_1                     Simple, visually-appealing noti...
ii xfce4-panel-4.16.5_1                      Next generation panel for the X...
ii xfce4-power-manager-4.16.0_3              Xfce power manager
ii xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin-0.4.4_1           Pulseaudio volume control plugi...
ii xfce4-screensaver-4.16.0_1                Screensaver for XFCE4
ii xfce4-screenshooter-1.9.11_1              Plugin that makes screenshots f...
ii xfce4-sensors-plugin-1.4.3_1              Xfce hardware sensors plugin
ii xfce4-session-4.16.0_2                    Session manager for the XFCE de...
ii xfce4-settings-4.16.3_1                   Xfce settings manager
ii xfce4-taskmanager-1.5.4_1                 XFCE task manager plugin
ii xfce4-terminal-1.0.4_1                    Modern terminal emulator primar...
ii xfconf-4.16.0_2                           Xfce hierarchical (tree-like) c...
ii xfdesktop-4.16.1_1                        Desktop manager for the Xfce De...
ii xfsprogs-5.19.0_1                         Utilities for managing the XFS ...
ii xfwm4-4.16.1_1                            Next generation window manager ...
ii xfwm4-themes-4.10.0_4                     Themes for the XFCE window manager
ii xinit-1.4.1_3                             X init program
ii xkbcomp-1.4.5_1                           XKBD keymap compiler
ii xkeyboard-config-2.37_1                   X Keyboard Configuration Database
ii xorg-input-drivers-7.6_4                  X.org input drivers meta-package
ii xorg-minimal-1.2_2                        Xorg meta-package including xor...
ii xorg-server-21.1.4_1                      X11 server from X.org
ii xorg-server-common-21.1.4_1               X11 server from X.org- common f...
ii xorg-video-drivers-7.6_22                 X.org video drivers meta-package
ii xvidcore-1.3.7_1                          ISO MPEG-4 compliant video codec
ii zd1211-firmware-1.5_3                     Firmware for the Zydas 1211 wif...
ii zlib-1.2.13_1                             Compression/decompression Library
[omar@Hira ~]$
[omar@Hira ~]$ sudo xbps-query -l
ii NetworkManager-1.40.0_1                   Network Management daemon
ii SDL2-2.24.0_1                             Simple DirectMedia Layer (versi...
ii Thunar-4.16.11_1                          Thunar File Manager
ii aalib-1.4rc5_2                            Portable ASCII art GFX library
ii acl-2.3.1_1                               Access Control List filesystem ...
ii acpid-2.0.33_2                            ACPI Daemon (acpid) With Netlin...
ii adwaita-icon-theme-42.0_1                 Theme consisting of a set of ic...
ii alsa-lib-                        Advanced Linux Sound Architectu...
ii alsa-plugins-pulseaudio-         Advanced Linux Sound Architectu...
ii at-spi2-atk-2.38.0_1                      GTK+ module that bridges ATK to...
ii at-spi2-core-2.44.0_1                     Assistive Technology Service Pr...
ii atk-2.36.0_1                              Set of interfaces for accessibi...
ii atkmm-2.28.2_1                            Set of interfaces for accessibi...
ii attr-2.5.1_1                              Extended attribute support libr...
ii avahi-glib-libs-0.8_4                     Avahi glib shared libraries
ii avahi-libs-0.8_2                          Avahi shared libraries
ii babl-0.1.96_1                             Dynamic pixel format translatio...
ii base-files-0.142_14                       Void Linux base system files
ii base-system-0.114_1                       Void Linux base system meta pac...
ii bash-5.1.016_2                            GNU Bourne Again Shell
ii brotli-1.0.9_2                            Generic-purpose lossless compre...
ii btrfs-progs-5.19.1_1                      Btrfs filesystem utilities
ii bubblewrap-0.6.2_1                        Unprivileged sandboxing tool
ii bzip2-1.0.8_1                             Freely available, patent free, ...
ii c-ares-1.18.1_1                           C library that performs DNS req...
ii ca-certificates-20211016+3.83_1           Common CA certificates for SSL/...
ii cairo-1.16.0_2                            Vector graphics library with cr...
ii cairomm-1.14.2_1                          C++ bindings to Cairo vector gr...
ii cantarell-fonts-0.303.1_1                 Cantarell family of TrueType fonts
ii celt-0.11.3_3                             An audio codec for use in low-d...
ii chromaprint-1.5.1_1                       Library that extracts fingerpri...
ii coreutils-8.32_4                          GNU core utilities
ii cpio-2.13_1                               GNU copy-in/out (cpio) with rem...
ii cracklib-2.9.7_2                          Password Checking Library
ii cryptsetup-2.4.3_1                        Setup virtual encryption device...
ii dash-                           POSIX-compliant Unix shell, muc...
ii dbus-1.14.2_1                             Message bus system
ii dbus-glib-0.112_1                         GLib bindings for D-Bus
ii dbus-libs-1.14.2_1                        Message bus system - shared lib...
ii dbus-x11-1.14.2_1                         Message bus system - X11 support
ii dconf-0.40.0_1                            Low-level configuration system
ii dejavu-fonts-ttf-2.37_2                   DejaVu family of TrueType fonts
ii desktop-file-utils-0.26_1                 Utilities to manage desktop ent...
ii device-mapper-2.02.187_2                  Device Mapper userspace library...
ii dhcpcd-9.4.1_2                            RFC2131 compliant DHCP client
ii diffutils-3.8_1                           The GNU diff utilities
ii dmraid-1.0.0.rc16.3_12                    Device mapper RAID interface
ii dnssec-anchors-20181012_2                 DNSSEC trust anchors for the ro...
ii dosfstools-4.2_1                          DOS filesystem tools
ii dracut-053_4                              Low-level tool for generating a...
ii duktape-2.7.0_1                           Embeddable JavaScript engine
ii e2fsprogs-1.46.5_1                        Ext2/3/4 Filesystem Utilities
ii e2fsprogs-libs-1.46.5_1                   Ext2/3/4 Filesystem Utilities -...
ii efibootmgr-18_1                           Tool to modify UEFI Firmware Bo...
ii elogind-246.10_2                          Standalone logind fork
ii enchant2-2.3.2_2                          Generic spell checking library
ii ethtool-5.19_1                            Utility for controlling network...
ii eudev-3.2.11_1                            Fork of systemd-udev (enhanced ...
ii eudev-libudev-3.2.11_1                    Fork of systemd-udev (enhanced ...
ii exiv2-0.27.4_1                            Image metadata manipulation
ii exo-4.16.4_1                              Extension library for the Xfce ...
ii expat-2.4.9_1                             XML parser library written in C
ii f2fs-tools-1.15.0_1                       Tools for the Linux Flash-Frien...
ii faac-1.30_1                               AAC audio encoder library
ii fdk-aac-2.0.2_2                           Fraunhofer FDK AAC codec library
ii ffmpeg-4.4.2_3                            Decoding, encoding and streamin...
ii ffmpegthumbnailer-2.2.2_1                 Lightweight video thumbnailer
ii ffplay-4.4.2_3                            Simple video player using FFmpe...
ii file-5.42_2                               File type identification utility
ii findutils-4.9.0_1                         GNU Find Utilities
ii firefox-esr-102.3.0_1                     Mozilla Firefox web browser - E...
ii flite-2.2_1                               Lightweight speech synthesis en...
ii font-alias-1.0.4_2                        Standard aliases for X11 PCF fonts
ii font-misc-misc-1.1.2_7                    Standard X11 fixed PCF fonts
ii font-util-1.3.3_1                         Tools for truncating and subset...
ii fontconfig-2.14.0_1                       Library for configuring and cus...
ii freetype-2.12.1_2                         Font rendering engine and libra...
ii fribidi-1.0.12_1                          Free Implementation of the Unic...
ii fuse-2.9.9_1                              Filesystem in Userspace
ii fuse3-3.11.0_1                            Filesystem in Userspace 3.x
ii garcon-4.16.1_1                           Glib/GIO freedesktop.org compli...
ii gawk-5.1.1_1                              GNU awk utility
ii gcr-3.41.1_1                              GNOME crypto package
ii gdbm-1.23_1                               GNU database routines
ii gdk-pixbuf-2.42.6_1                       Image loading library for The G...
ii gegl-0.4.38_2                             Graph based image processing fr...
ii giflib-5.2.1_1                            Library to handle, display and ...
ii gimp-2.10.30_1                            GNU image manipulation program
ii gir-freedesktop-1.74.0_2                  Introspection data for some Fre...
ii glib-2.74.0_2                             GNU library of C routines
ii glib-networking-2.74.0_1                  Network-related giomodules for ...
ii glibc-2.32_2                              GNU C library
ii glibc-locales-2.32_2                      GNU C library - locale data files
ii glibmm-2.66.2_1                           C++ bindings for GLib
ii gmp-6.2.1_1                               Library for arbitrary precision...
ii gnome-disk-utility-42.0_1                 GNOME libraries and application...
ii gnome-icon-theme-3.12.0_3                 Theme consisting of a set of ic...
ii gnome-keyring-42.1_1                      GNOME password and secret manager
ii gnome-themes-extra-3.28_3                 Extra GNOME themes
ii gnome-themes-standard-3.28_3              Extra GNOME themes (transitiona...
ii gnupg-2.3.7_3                             GNU Privacy Guard (2.x)
ii gnutls-3.7.8_1                            GNU Transport Layer Security li...
ii gptfdisk-1.0.9_1                          GPT fdisk text-mode partitionin...
ii graphene-1.10.6_3                         Thin layer of types for graphic...
ii graphite-1.3.14_1                         Reimplementation of the SIL Gra...
ii grep-3.8_1                                GNU grep utility
ii grub-2.06_2                               GRand Unified Bootloader 2
ii grub-i386-efi-2.06_2                      GRand Unified Bootloader 2 - i3...
ii grub-x86_64-efi-2.06_2                    GRand Unified Bootloader 2 - x8...
ii gsettings-desktop-schemas-42.0_1          Collection of GSettings schemas
ii gsfonts-8.11_7                            Ghostscript standard Type1 fonts
ii gspell-1.11.1_1                           Flexible API to add spell check...
ii gst-libav-1.20.3_1                        GStreamer libav plugin (1.x)
ii gst-plugins-bad1-1.20.3_2                 GStreamer plugins from the bad ...
ii gst-plugins-base1-1.20.3_1                GStreamer Base Plug-ins (v1.x)
ii gst-plugins-good1-1.20.3_1                GStreamer set of well-maintaine...
ii gst-plugins-ugly1-1.20.3_1                GStreamer plugins from the ugly...
ii gstreamer1-1.20.3_1                       Core GStreamer libraries and el...
ii gtk+-2.24.33_2                            GTK+ toolkit (v2)
ii gtk+3-3.24.34_1                           GTK+ toolkit (v3)
ii gtk-update-icon-cache-2.24.33_2           GTK+ toolkit (v2) - The GTK+ up...
ii gtk4-4.8.1_1                              GIMP ToolKit (v4)
ii gtkmm-3.24.5_1                            C++ bindings for The GTK+ toolk...
ii gtksourceview4-4.8.2_1                    Text widget that extends GTK+ G...
ii gufw-22.04_1                              GTK+ frontend for ufw
ii gvfs-1.50.2_1                             Userspace virtual filesystem
ii gvfs-afc-1.50.2_1                         Userspace virtual filesystem - ...
ii gvfs-mtp-1.50.2_1                         Userspace virtual filesystem - ...
ii gvfs-smb-1.50.2_1                         Userspace virtual filesystem - ...
ii gzip-1.12_2                               GNU compression utility (replac...
ii hicolor-icon-theme-0.17_3                 Standard icon theme called hicolor
ii hwids-0.361_1                             Hardware Identification Databases
ii hyphen-2.8.8_3                            ALTLinux hyphenation library
ii iana-etc-20220601_1                       Unix /etc/services and /etc/pro...
ii iceauth-1.0.9_1                           ICE protocol utility
ii icu-libs-71.1_1                           Robust and fully-featured Unico...
ii ilmbase-2.4.2_2                           Base libraries from ILM for Ope...
ii imlib2-1.9.0_1                            Image manipulation library
ii inih-53_1                                 Simple ini file parser library
ii iproute2-5.19.0_1                         IP Routing Utilities
ii iptables-1.8.7_1                          Linux IPv[46] packet filtering ...
ii iputils-20211215_2                        Useful utilities for Linux netw...
ii ipw2100-firmware-1.3_6                    Firmware for the Intel PRO/Wire...
ii ipw2200-firmware-3.1_6                    Firmware for the Intel PRO/Wire...
ii iso-codes-4.11.0_1                        List of country, language and c...
ii iw-5.19_1                                 Utility for nl80211 based CLI c...
ii jansson-2.14_1                            Library for encoding, decoding ...
ii jbigkit-libs-2.2_2                        Data compression library/utilit...
ii json-c-0.16_1                             JSON implementation in C
ii json-glib-1.6.6_1                         JSON parser for GLib-based libr...
ii kbd-2.5.1_1                               Linux keyboard utilities
ii kmod-30_1                                 Linux kernel module handling
ii kpartx-0.9.1_1                            Create device maps from partiti...
ii lame-3.100_1                              Fast, high quality MP3 encoder
ii lcms2-2.13.1_1                            Small-footprint color managemen...
ii ldb-2.3.2_1                               LDAP-like database from samba
ii less-608_1                                Pager program similar to more(1)
ii libICE-1.0.10_2                           Inter Client Exchange (ICE) lib...
ii libSM-1.2.3_1                             X Session Management Library
ii libX11-1.8.1_1                            Base X libraries from Xorg
ii libXScrnSaver-1.2.3_1                     X11 Screen Saver Library
ii libXau-1.0.9_1                            Authorization Protocol for X
ii libXcomposite-0.4.5_1                     X Composite Library
ii libXcursor-1.2.1_1                        Client-side cursor loading libr...
ii libXdamage-1.1.5_1                        Xdamage extension Library
ii libXdmcp-1.1.3_1                          X Display Manager Control Proto...
ii libXext-1.3.4_1                           X Extension library
ii libXfixes-6.0.0_1                         Xfixes library and extension of...
ii libXfont2-2.0.5_1                         X font 2 Library
ii libXft-2.3.6_1                            Library for configuring and cus...
ii libXi-1.8_1                               X Input extension library
ii libXinerama-1.1.4_1                       X PanoramiX extension library
ii libXmu-1.1.3_1                            X Miscellaneous Utilities library
ii libXpm-3.5.13_1                           X PixMap Library from modular X...
ii libXpresent-1.0.0_3                       XPresent extension C library
ii libXrandr-1.5.2_1                         X RandR Library from X.org
ii libXrender-0.9.10_2                       X Render Library
ii libXres-1.2.1_1                           X Resource Information Extensio...
ii libXt-1.2.1_1                             X Toolkit Intrinsics library
ii libXtst-1.2.3_2                           X Tst Library
ii libXv-1.0.11_2                            Xv Extension library
ii libXvMC-1.0.13_1                          XVideo Motion Compensation Library
ii libXxf86vm-1.1.4_3                        Library for the XFree86-VidMode...
ii liba52-0.7.4_9                            Free ATSC A/52 stream decoder
ii libaio-0.3.112_1                          The Linux-native asynchronous I...
ii libaom-3.4.0_1                            AV1 Codec library implementation
ii libappindicator-12.10.0_3                 Library to allow applications t...
ii libarchive-3.6.1_1                        Library to read/write several d...
ii libargon2-20190702_3                      Password hashing library
ii libaspell-0.60.8_5                        Spell checker with good multi-l...
ii libass-0.16.0_1                           Portable library for SSA/ASS su...
ii libassuan-2.5.5_1                         IPC library used by some GnuPG ...
ii libasyncns-0.8_9                          C library for executing name se...
ii libatasmart-0.19_5                        ATA S.M.A.R.T. Reading and Pars...
ii libatomic-10.2.1pre1_3                    GNU Compiler Collection - Atomi...
ii libavcodec-4.4.2_3                        FFmpeg codec library
ii libavdevice-4.4.2_3                       FFmpeg device handling library
ii libavfilter-4.4.2_3                       FFmpeg audio/video filter library
ii libavformat-4.4.2_3                       FFmpeg file format library
ii libavresample-4.4.2_3                     FFmpeg audio resampling library
ii libavutil-4.4.2_3                         FFmpeg utility library
ii libblkid-2.38.1_1                         Library to handle device identi...
ii libblockdev-2.26_1                        Library for manipulating block ...
ii libbluray-1.3.3_1                         Library to access Blu-Ray disks...
ii libbs2b-3.1.0_3                           Audiofilter for headphones
ii libbytesize-2.6_2                         Library for operations with siz...
ii libcaca-0.99.beta19_11                    Graphics library that outputs t...
ii libcanberra-0.30_11                       XDG Sound Theme and Name Specif...
ii libcanberra-gtk3-0.30_11                  XDG Sound Theme and Name Specif...
ii libcap-2.54_1                             POSIX.1e capabilities suite
ii libcap-ng-0.8.3_1                         Alternate POSIX capabilities li...
ii libcap-progs-2.54_1                       POSIX.1e capabilities suite - u...
ii libcddb-1.3.2_9                           Library to access data on a CDD...
ii libcdio-2.1.0_1                           CD-ROM access library
ii libcdio-paranoia-10.2+2.0.1_1             CD paranoia utility/libraries f...
ii libcdparanoia-10.2_15                     CDDA reading utility with extra...
ii libcloudproviders-0.3.1_1                 DBus API for cloud storage sync...
ii libcolord-1.4.6_2                         System daemon for managing colo...
ii libcracklib-2.9.7_2                       Password Checking Library - run...
ii libcrypto1.1-1.1.1q_1                     Toolkit for Secure Sockets Laye...
ii libcryptsetup-2.4.3_1                     Setup virtual encryption device...
ii libcups-2.4.2_1                           Common Unix Printing System - c...
ii libcurl-7.84.0_2                          Multiprotocol file transfer lib...
ii libdatrie-0.2.13_1                        Implementation of double-array ...
ii libdav1d6-1.0.0_1                         Small and fast AV1 Decoder - ru...
ii libdaxctl-70.1_1                          Utility library for managing li...
ii libdb-5.3.28_8                            Berkeley DB embedded database s...
ii libdbusmenu-glib-16.04.0_5                Library for passing menus over ...
ii libdbusmenu-gtk3-16.04.0_5                Library for passing menus over ...
ii libde265-1.0.8_1                          Open h.265 video codec implemen...
ii libdecor-0.1.0_1                          Client-side decorations library...
ii libdrm-2.4.113_1                          Userspace interface to kernel D...
ii libdvdcss-1.4.3_1                         Simple library designed for acc...
ii libdvdread-6.1.3_1                        DVD access library
ii libedit-20221009.3.1_1                    Port of the NetBSD Command Line...
ii libefivar-37_2                            Library to manipulate EFI varia...
ii libelf-0.187_1                            Utilities to handle ELF object ...
ii libelogind-246.10_2                       Standalone logind fork - elogin...
ii libepoxy-1.5.10_1                         Library for handling OpenGL fun...
ii libev-4.33_1                              High-performance event loop loo...
ii libevdev-1.12.0_1                         Wrapper library for evdev devices
ii libevent-2.1.12_2                         Abstract asynchronous event not...
ii libexif-0.6.24_1                          EXIF file library
ii libfdisk-2.38.1_1                         Library for fdisk(8)
ii libffi-3.3_2                              Library supporting Foreign Func...
ii libfftw-3.3.10_1                          Library for computing the discr...
ii libflac-1.3.4_1                           Free Lossless Audio Codec - sha...
ii libfluidsynth-2.3.0_1                     Real-time software synthesizer ...
ii libfontenc-1.1.4_1                        Fontenc Library from X.org
ii libgbm-22.1.7_1                           Mesa Generic buffer management ...
ii libgcc-10.2.1pre1_3                       GNU Compiler Collection - GCC l...
ii libgcrypt-1.10.1_2                        GNU cryptographic library
ii libgexiv2-0.14.0_1                        GObject-based wrapper around th...
ii libgimp-2.10.30_1                         GNU image manipulation program ...
ii libgirepository-1.74.0_2                  Library for handling GObject in...
ii libglapi-22.1.7_1                         Free implementation of the GL A...
ii libglvnd-1.4.0_1                          GL Vendor-Neutral Dispatch library
ii libgme-0.6.3_1                            Video game music file emulation...
ii libgomp-10.2.1pre1_3                      GNU Compiler Collection - OpenM...
ii libgpg-error-1.45_1                       Library for error values used b...
ii libgpgme-1.18.0_2                         GnuPG Made Easy - library
ii libgs-9.55.0_1                            Interpreter for the PostScript ...
ii libgsf-1.14.50_1                          Structured File Library
ii libgsm-1.0.22_2                           GSM 06.10 lossy speech compression
ii libgtop-2.40.0_2                          Library to retrieve system info...
ii libgudev-237_1                            Library providing GObject bindi...
ii libgusb-0.3.10_1                          GLib wrapper around libusb1
ii libhandy1-1.8.0_1                         GTK+3 building blocks for moder...
ii libharfbuzz-5.1.0_2                       OpenType text shaping engine - ...
ii libheif-1.12.0_3                          ISO/IEC 23008-12:2017 HEIF file...
ii libhunspell1.7-1.7.1_1                    Spell checker and morphological...
ii libid3tag-0.15.1b_8                       ID3 tag library, part of MAD (M...
ii libidn2-2.3.3_1                           Internationalized string handli...
ii libimobiledevice-1.3.0_3                  Library to communicate with App...
ii libindicator-12.10.1_1                    Convenient symbols and function...
ii libinput-1.21.0_1                         Provides handling input devices...
ii libjack-1.9.21_1                          JACK Audio Connection Kit low-l...
ii libjasper-2.0.25_1                        Software-based reference implem...
ii libjbig2dec-0.19_2                        Decoder implementation of the J...
ii libjpeg-turbo-2.1.3_1                     Derivative of libjpeg which use...
ii libkeybinder3-0.3.2_2                     Library for registering global ...
ii libkmod-30_1                              Linux kernel module handling - ...
ii libksba-1.6.0_1                           CMS and X.509 access library
ii libldap-2.4.58_1                          OpenLDAP (Lightweight Directory...
ii libldns-1.8.3_1                           Modern DNS/DNSSEC library
ii liblilv-0.24.12_2                         Simple yet powerful C API for u...
ii libllvm12-12.0.1_3                        Low Level Virtual Machine - run...
ii liblrdf-0.6.1_2                           Lightweight RDF library with sp...
ii libltdl-2.4.6_6                           Runtime libraries for GNU Libto...
ii liblz4-1.9.4_1                            LZ4 compression library
ii liblzma-5.2.7_1                           XZ-format compression library
ii libmagic-5.42_2                           File type identification library
ii libmanette-0.2.6_1                        Simple GObject game controller ...
ii libmm-glib-1.18.6_1                       Mobile broadband modem manageme...
ii libmng-2.0.3_2                            Multiple-image Network Graphics...
ii libmnl-1.0.5_1                            Minimalistic user-space library...
ii libmodplug-                      A MOD playing library
ii libmount-2.38.1_1                         Library for mount(8)
ii libmpg123-1.30.2_1                        Fast console MPEG audio decoder...
ii libmtp-1.1.20_1                           Library for Microsoft's Media T...
ii libmypaint-1.6.1_1                        MyPaint brush engine library
ii libndctl-70.1_1                           Utility library for managing li...
ii libndp-1.7_1                              Library for Neighbor Discovery ...
ii libnetfilter_conntrack-1.0.8_1            Library providing an API to the...
ii libnfnetlink-1.0.1_4                      Low-level library for netfilter...
ii libnfs-5.0.1_1                            Client library for accessing NF...
ii libnftnl-1.2.3_1                          Low-level netlink interface to ...
ii libnice-0.1.19_1                          Implementation of the IETF's dr...
ii libnl3-3.5.0_1                            Netlink Protocol Library Suite
ii libnm-1.40.0_1                            Network Management daemon - sha...
ii libnma-1.10.2_1                           NetworkManager panel applet for...
ii libnotify-0.8.1_1                         Desktop notification library
ii libnuspell-5.0.1_3                        C++ spell checking library
ii libogg-1.3.5_1                            Ogg bitstream file format library
ii libopenal-1.22.2_1                        Cross-platform 3D audio library
ii libopenexr-2.4.1_2                        High dynamic-range (HDR) image ...
ii libopenjpeg2-2.5.0_1                      Open-source JPEG 2000 codec wri...
ii libopenraw-0.1.3_2                        Library for camera RAW files de...
ii libpaper-1.1.28_1                         Library for handling paper char...
ii libparted-3.5_1                           GNU Parted disk partition resiz...
ii libpcap-1.10.1_1                          System-independent interface fo...
ii libpciaccess-0.16_1                       X11 PCI Access library
ii libpcre-8.45_3                            Perl Compatible Regular Express...
ii libpcre2-10.39_2                          Perl Compatible Regular Express...
ii libpipewire-0.3.58_1                      Server and user space API to de...
ii libplist-2.2.0_2                          Apple Property List library
ii libpng-1.6.37_1                           Library for manipulating PNG im...
ii libpoppler-22.07.0_2                      PDF rendering library - poppler...
ii libpostproc-4.4.2_3                       FFmpeg video postprocessing lib...
ii libproxy-0.4.18_1                         Library handling all the detail...
ii libpsl-0.21.1_4                           Public Suffix List library func...
ii libpulseaudio-15.0_3                      Featureful, general-purpose sou...
ii libpwquality-1.4.4_1                      Library for password quality ch...
ii libraptor-2.0.15_4                        Raptor RDF Syntax Library - Run...
ii libraw-0.20.2_1                           Raw image decoder library
ii libreadline8-8.1.000_1                    GNU Readline Library
ii librist-0.2.7_1                           Reliable Internet Stream Transp...
ii librsvg-2.52.2_1                          SVG library for GNOME
ii librtmp-2.4.20161210_10                   Toolkit for RTMP streams - shar...
ii libsamplerate-0.1.9_1                     Sample Rate Converter for audio
ii libsasl-2.1.27_2                          Cyrus SASL - runtime shared lib...
ii libseccomp-2.5.4_1                        High level interface to the Lin...
ii libsecret-0.20.5_2                        GObject based library for acces...
ii libsensors-3.6.0_1                        Library to read temperature/vol...
ii libserd-0.30.10_1                         Lightweight C library for RDF s...
ii libsigc++-2.10.3_1                        Type-safe callback system for C...
ii libsmartcols-2.38.1_1                     Table or Tree library from util...
ii libsndfile-1.0.31_1                       C library for reading and writi...
ii libsndio-1.9.0_1                          Small audio and MIDI framework ...
ii libsodium-1.0.18_1                        Modern and easy-to-use crypto l...
ii libsord-0.16.6_1                          Lightweight C library for stori...
ii libsoup-2.74.0_1                          HTTP library implementation in C
ii libsoup3-3.2.0_2                          HTTP library implementation in C
ii libsoxr-0.1.3_2                           SoX resampler library
ii libspectre-0.2.10_1                       Small library for rendering Pos...
ii libspeex-1.2.1_1                          Free codec for free speech - sh...
ii libsrt-1.5.1_1                            Secure, Reliable, Transport - d...
ii libsrtp-2.3.0_1                           Library implementing SRTP, the ...
ii libssh-0.9.6_1                            Multiplatform C library impleme...
ii libssh2-1.10.0_1                          Library implementing the SSH2 p...
ii libssl1.1-1.1.1q_1                        Toolkit for Secure Sockets Laye...
ii libstdc++-10.2.1pre1_3                    GNU Compiler Collection - Stand...
ii libsvt-av1-1.1.0_1                        AV1-compliant encoder/decoder l...
ii libswresample-4.4.2_3                     FFmpeg video resampling library
ii libswscale-4.4.2_3                        FFmpeg video scaling library
ii libtasn1-4.18.0_1                         ASN.1 structure parser library
ii libtdb-1.4.5_1                            Trivial Database, similar to GD...
ii libthai-0.1.29_1                          Thai language support routines
ii libtheora-1.1.1_8                         Theora Video Compression Codec
ii libtirpc-1.3.2_1                          Transport Independent RPC libra...
ii libtracker-3.4.0_1                        Personal search tool and storag...
ii libunbound-1.17.0_1                       Validating, recursive, and cach...
ii libunistring-1.0_1                        Library for manipulating Unicod...
ii libupower-glib3-0.99.17_1                 Abstraction for enumerating pow...
ii liburcu-0.12.2_1                          Userspace RCU (read-copy-update...
ii libusb-1.0.26_1                           Library which allows userspace ...
ii libusbmuxd-2.0.2_1                        USB Multiplex Daemon library
ii libuuid-2.38.1_1                          UUID library
ii libva-2.14.0_1                            Video Acceleration (VA) API
ii libvdpau-1.5_1                            Video Decode and Presentation A...
ii libvidstab-1.1.0_2                        Video stabilization library
ii libvisual-0.4.0_9                         Abstraction library for audio v...
ii libvoikko-4.3.1_1                         Free linguistic software and da...
ii libvorbis-1.3.7_1                         The Vorbis General Audio Compre...
ii libvpx7-1.11.0_1                          VP8 and VP9 video codec
ii libwacom-1.12_1                           Library to identify wacom tablets
ii libwavpack-5.4.0_1                        Hybrid lossless audio compressi...
ii libwebp-1.2.4_1                           WebP image format
ii libwmf-                         Library for reading and convert...
ii libwnck-40.1_1                            Library for layout and renderin...
ii libwoff2common1.0.2-1.0.2_1               Web Open Font Format 2 referenc...
ii libwoff2dec1.0.2-1.0.2_1                  Web Open Font Format 2 referenc...
ii libwpe-1.12.3_2                           General-purpose library for WPE...
ii libxatracker-22.1.7_1                     Mesa XA tracker interface library
ii libxbps-0.59.1_7                          XBPS package system utilities -...
ii libxcb-1.14_2                             X protocol C-language Binding
ii libxcvt-0.1.1_1                           VESA CVT standard timing modeli...
ii libxfce4panel-4.16.5_1                    Next generation panel for the X...
ii libxfce4ui-4.16.1_2                       Replacement of the old libxfceg...
ii libxfce4util-4.16.0_2                     Utility library for the Xfce4 d...
ii libxkbcommon-1.4.1_1                      Library to handle keyboard desc...
ii libxkbfile-1.1.0_1                        Xkbfile Library from X.org
ii libxklavier-5.4_3                         Library providing high-level AP...
ii libxml2-2.9.13_3                          Library providing XML and HTML ...
ii libxshmfence-1.3_2                        X Shared memory 'SyncFence' syn...
ii libxslt-1.1.37_1                          XSLT parser library from the GN...
ii libyaml-0.2.5_1                           Fast YAML 1.1 parser and emitte...
ii libzbar-0.23.1_5                          Barcode reading library and app...
ii libzstd-1.5.2_1                           Fast real-time compression algo...
ii linux-5.19_1                              Linux kernel meta package
ii linux-base-2021.07.21_1                   Linux kernel base dependencies
ii linux-firmware-amd-20220411_1             Binary firmware blobs for the L...
ii linux-firmware-broadcom-20220411_1        Binary firmware blobs for the L...
ii linux-firmware-intel-20220411_1           Binary firmware blobs for the L...
ii linux-firmware-network-20220411_1         Binary firmware blobs for the L...
ii linux-firmware-nvidia-20220411_1          Binary firmware blobs for the L...
ii linux5.19-5.19.16_1                       Linux kernel and modules (5.19 ...
ii lmdb-0.9.29_1                             Lightning Memory-Mapped Databas...
ii lowdown-1.0.0_1                           Simple markdown translator
ii lshw-B.02.19.2_2                          Hardware lister application
ii lvm2-2.02.187_2                           Logical Volume Manager 2 utilities
ii lxdm-0.5.3_4                              GUI login manager for LXDE
ii lzo-2.10_2                                Portable lossless data compress...
ii man-pages-5.13_2                          Linux Documentation Project (LD...
ii mbedtls-2.16.12_1                         Portable cryptographic TLS library
ii mdadm-4.2_1                               Tool for managing/monitoring Li...
ii mdocml-1.14.6_6                           UNIX manpage compiler toolset (...
ii mesa-22.1.7_1                             Graphics library similar to SGI...
ii mesa-dri-22.1.7_1                         Mesa DRI drivers
ii micropython-1.14_1                        Implementation of Python 3.x fo...
ii mit-krb5-libs-1.18.3_2                    MIT Kerberos 5 implementation -...
ii mkfontscale-1.2.2_1                       X11 Scalable Font Index Generator
ii mobile-broadband-provider-info-20220511_1 Database of mobile broadband se...
ii mousepad-0.5.10_1                         Simple text editor for Xfce bas...
ii mpfr-4.1.0_1                              Library for multiple-precision ...
ii mtdev-1.1.6_1                             Multitouch Protocol Translation...
ii mypaint-brushes1-1.3.1_1                  Brushes used by MyPaint and oth...
ii ncurses-6.3_3                             System V Release 4.0 curses emu...
ii ncurses-base-6.3_3                        System V Release 4.0 curses emu...
ii ncurses-libs-6.3_3                        System V Release 4.0 curses emu...
ii neofetch-7.1.0_2                          Simple system information script
ii net-tools-2.10_1                          Basic networking tools
ii nettle-3.8_1                              Low-level cryptographic library
ii network-manager-applet-1.28.0_1           NetworkManager panel applet for...
ii newt-0.52.21_5                            Library for color text mode, wi...
ii nghttp2-1.50.0_1                          HTTP/2 C Library
ii npth-1.6_1                                New portable threads library
ii nspr-4.35_1                               NetScape Portable Runtime
ii nss-3.83_1                                Mozilla Network Security Services
ii nvi-1.81.6_19                             Berkeley Vi Editor
ii ocl-icd-2.3.1_1                           Generic OpenCL ICD loader/demul...
ii oniguruma-6.9.5.rev1_1                    Multi-charset regular expressio...
ii openresolv-3.12.0_1                       Management framework for resolv...
ii openssh-9.1p1_1                           OpenSSH free Secure Shell (SSH)...
ii openssl-1.1.1q_1                          Toolkit for Secure Sockets Laye...
ii opus-1.3.1_1                              Totally open, royalty-free, hig...
ii orc-0.4.32_1                              Oild Runtime Compiler
ii os-prober-1.81_1                          Utility to detect other OSes on...
ii p11-kit-0.23.22_3                         Provides a way to load and enum...
ii pam-1.5.2_2                               Flexible mechanism for authenti...
ii pam-base-0.4_2                            PAM base configuration files
ii pam-libs-1.5.2_2                          Flexible mechanism for authenti...
ii pango-1.50.10_2                           Library for layout and renderin...
ii pangomm-2.46.2_1                          C++ bindings for the pango library
ii parole-4.16.0_1                           Modern simple media player
ii parted-3.5_1                              GNU Parted disk partition resiz...
ii pavucontrol-5.0_2                         PulseAudio Volume Control
ii pciutils-3.7.0_1                          PCI bus related utilities
ii pick-4.0.0_1                              Fuzzy search tool for the comma...
ii pinentry-1.2.1_1                          PIN or passphrase entry dialogs...
ii pixman-0.40.0_1                           Library of low-level pixel mani...
ii polkit-121_1                              Authorization Toolkit
ii poppler-data-0.4.11_1                     Encoding data for the poppler P...
ii poppler-glib-22.07.0_2                    PDF rendering library - GLib bi...
ii popt-1.18_1                               Command line option parsing lib...
ii procps-ng-3.3.17_2                        Utilities for monitoring your s...
ii pulseaudio-15.0_3                         Featureful, general-purpose sou...
ii pulseaudio-utils-15.0_3                   Featureful, general-purpose sou...
ii python3-3.10.8_1                          Python programming language (3....
ii python3-cairo-1.20.1_3                    Python3 bindings for the cairo ...
ii python3-gobject-3.42.2_1                  Python3 bindings for GObject
ii python3-tkinter-3.10.8_1                  Python programming language - G...
ii removed-packages-0.1_76                   Uninstalls packages removed fro...
ii ristretto-0.12.3_1                        Picture-viewer for the Xfce des...
ii rtkit-0.13_3                              Realtime Policy and Watchdog Da...
ii run-parts-4.11.2_1                        Run scripts or programs in a di...
ii runit-2.1.2_12                            UNIX init scheme with service s...
ii runit-void-20220329_1                     Void Linux runit scripts
ii samba-libs-4.14.12_1                      SMB/CIFS file, print, and login...
ii sbc-2.0_1                                 Bluetooth Subband Codec (SBC) l...
ii sed-4.8_1                                 The GNU stream editor
ii setxkbmap-1.3.3_1                         Set the keyboard map using the ...
ii shadow-4.8.1_2                            Shadow password file utilities
ii shared-mime-info-2.2_1                    Core database of common types
ii slang-2.3.2_2                             S-Lang programming library
ii soundtouch-2.3.1_1                        SoundTouch Audio Processing Lib...
ii spandsp-0.0.6_3                           A library of many DSP functions...
ii speexdsp-1.2.1_1                          Free codec for free speech - DSP
ii sqlite-3.39.4_1                           SQL Database Engine in a C Library
ii sratom-0.6.8_1                            Library for serialising LV2 ato...
ii startup-notification-0.12_11              Library for tracking applicatio...
ii sudo-1.9.11p3_1                           Allow others to run commands as...
ii taglib-1.12_1                             Library for accessing ID tags i...
ii talloc-2.3.3_1                            Hierarchical pool based memory ...
ii tar-1.34_2                                GNU tape archiver with remote m...
ii tcl-8.6.12_1                              TCL scripting language
ii terminus-font-4.49.1_1                    Clean, fixed width bitmap font
ii tevent-0.11.0_1                           Event system based on the tallo...
ii thin-provisioning-tools-0.9.0_1           Tools for manipulating the meta...
ii thunar-volman-4.16.0_2                    Thunar Volume Manager
ii tiff-4.4.0_1                              Library and tools for reading a...
ii tk-8.6.12_1                               TK graphical user interface too...
ii traceroute-2.1.0_4                        Traces the route taken by packe...
ii tumbler-4.16.1_1                          D-Bus Thumbnailer service
ii twolame-0.4.0_2                           Optimised MPEG Audio Layer 2 (M...
ii tzdata-2022e_1                            Time zone and daylight-saving t...
ii udisks2-2.9.4_1                           Disk Management Service, version 2
ii ufw-0.36.1_2                              Uncomplicated Firewall
ii upower-0.99.17_1                          Abstraction for enumerating pow...
ii usbutils-014_2                            Linux USB utilities
ii util-linux-2.38.1_1                       Miscellaneous linux utilities
ii util-linux-common-2.38.1_1                Miscellaneous linux utilities -...
ii v4l-utils-1.22.1_1                        Userspace tools and libraries f...
ii void-artwork-20220303_1                   Void Linux artwork
ii void-docs-2021.10.06_1                    Documentation for Void Linux
ii void-docs-browse-2021.10.06_1             Documentation for Void Linux - ...
ii volume_key-0.3.12_5                       Library for manipulating storag...
ii vte3-0.70.0_1                             Terminal widget with improved a...
ii vulkan-loader-                 Vulkan Installable Client Drive...
ii wayland-1.21.0_1                          Core Wayland window system code...
ii webkit2gtk-2.38.1_1                       GTK+3 port of the WebKit2 brows...
ii webkit2gtk-common-2.38.1_1                GTK port of the WebKit2 browser...
ii webrtc-audio-processing-0.3.1_1           AudioProcessing library based o...
ii wget-1.21.3_1                             GNU wget download utility
ii which-2.21_3                              Displays where a particular pro...
ii wifi-firmware-1.3_4                       WiFi firmware meta-package
ii wpa_supplicant-2.10_1                     WPA/WPA2/IEEE 802.1X Supplicant
ii wpebackend-fdo-1.12.1_1                   FreeDesktop.org backend for WPE
ii x264-20191217.2245_1                      Free library for encoding H264/...
ii x265-3.5_1                                Open Source H.265/HEVC video en...
ii xauth-1.1.2_1                             X authentication utility
ii xbps-0.59.1_7                             XBPS package system utilities
ii xbps-triggers-0.124_1                     XBPS triggers for Void Linux
ii xcb-util-0.4.0_3                          XCB utilities library
ii xdg-dbus-proxy-0.1.4_1                    Filtering proxy for D-Bus conne...
ii xdg-user-dirs-0.18_1                      Tool to help manage user direct...
ii xdg-user-dirs-gtk-0.10_4                  GTK+ tool to help manage user d...
ii xf86-input-evdev-2.10.6_2                 Xorg event device input driver
ii xf86-input-libinput-1.2.1_1               Generic input driver for the X....
ii xf86-input-synaptics-1.9.1_1              Xorg synaptics touchpad input d...
ii xf86-input-vmmouse-13.1.0_4               Xorg VMware virtual mouse input...
ii xf86-input-wacom-0.40.0_1                 Xorg Wacom tablet input driver
ii xf86-video-amdgpu-22.0.0_1                Xorg AMD Radeon RXXX video driv...
ii xf86-video-ati-19.1.0_4                   Xorg ATI Radeon video driver
ii xf86-video-dummy-0.3.8_4                  Xorg dummy video driver
ii xf86-video-fbdev-0.5.0_2                  Xorg framebuffer video driver
ii xf86-video-intel-2.99.917.20210115_2      Xorg DDX Intel video driver
ii xf86-video-nouveau-1.0.17_2               Xorg opensource NVIDIA video dr...
ii xf86-video-vesa-2.5.0_2                   Xorg VESA video driver
ii xf86-video-vmware-13.3.0_4                Modular Xorg VMware virtual vid...
ii xfce-polkit-0.3_1                         Simple PolicyKit authentication...
ii xfce4-4.16.0_1                            XFCE meta-package for Void Linux
ii xfce4-appfinder-4.16.1_1                  Appfinder for the Xfce Desktop ...
ii xfce4-notifyd-0.6.4_1                     Simple, visually-appealing noti...
ii xfce4-panel-4.16.5_1                      Next generation panel for the X...
ii xfce4-power-manager-4.16.0_3              Xfce power manager
ii xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin-0.4.4_1           Pulseaudio volume control plugi...
ii xfce4-screensaver-4.16.0_1                Screensaver for XFCE4
ii xfce4-screenshooter-1.9.11_1              Plugin that makes screenshots f...
ii xfce4-sensors-plugin-1.4.3_1              Xfce hardware sensors plugin
ii xfce4-session-4.16.0_2                    Session manager for the XFCE de...
ii xfce4-settings-4.16.3_1                   Xfce settings manager
ii xfce4-taskmanager-1.5.4_1                 XFCE task manager plugin
ii xfce4-terminal-1.0.4_1                    Modern terminal emulator primar...
ii xfconf-4.16.0_2                           Xfce hierarchical (tree-like) c...
ii xfdesktop-4.16.1_1                        Desktop manager for the Xfce De...
ii xfsprogs-5.19.0_1                         Utilities for managing the XFS ...
ii xfwm4-4.16.1_1                            Next generation window manager ...
ii xfwm4-themes-4.10.0_4                     Themes for the XFCE window manager
ii xinit-1.4.1_3                             X init program
ii xkbcomp-1.4.5_1                           XKBD keymap compiler
ii xkeyboard-config-2.37_1                   X Keyboard Configuration Database
ii xorg-input-drivers-7.6_4                  X.org input drivers meta-package
ii xorg-minimal-1.2_2                        Xorg meta-package including xor...
ii xorg-server-21.1.4_1                      X11 server from X.org
ii xorg-server-common-21.1.4_1               X11 server from X.org- common f...
ii xorg-video-drivers-7.6_22                 X.org video drivers meta-package
ii xvidcore-1.3.7_1                          ISO MPEG-4 compliant video codec
ii zd1211-firmware-1.5_3                     Firmware for the Zydas 1211 wif...
ii zlib-1.2.13_1                             Compression/decompression Library
[omar@Hira ~]$

Bu da diğer komut

[omar@Hira ~]$ sudo xbps-query -l | grep "icon"
ii adwaita-icon-theme-42.0_1                 Theme consisting of a set of icons for GTK+
ii gnome-icon-theme-3.12.0_3                 Theme consisting of a set of icons for GNOME
ii gtk-update-icon-cache-2.24.33_2           GTK+ toolkit (v2) - The GTK+ update icon cache tool
ii hicolor-icon-theme-0.17_3                 Standard icon theme called hicolor
[omar@Hira ~]$


Demek ki o menüde gözüken uygulamanın isminde "icon" geçmiyor.

Uygulama menüsü dizinlerini kontrol edin.

ls ~/.local/share/applications/
ls /usr/share/applications/


O kısımlarda da göremedim. Bu icon browser void ile kurulu geliyor. Acaba o yüzden kaldıramama gibi bir durum olabilir mi?

[omar@Hira ~]$ ls ~/.local/share/applications/
Thonny.desktop  mimeinfo.cache
[omar@Hira ~]$

[omar@Hira ~]$ ls /usr/share/applications/
firefox.desktop                     xfce-keyboard-settings.desktop
gcr-prompter.desktop                xfce-mouse-settings.desktop
gcr-viewer.desktop                  xfce-session-settings.desktop
gimp.desktop                        xfce-settings-manager.desktop
gnome-disk-image-mounter.desktop    xfce-ui-settings.desktop
gnome-disk-image-writer.desktop     xfce-wm-settings.desktop
gtk3-icon-browser.desktop           xfce-wmtweaks-settings.desktop
gufw.desktop                        xfce-workspaces-settings.desktop
mimeinfo.cache                      xfce4-about.desktop
nm-applet.desktop                   xfce4-accessibility-settings.desktop
nm-connection-editor.desktop        xfce4-appfinder.desktop
org.gnome.DiskUtility.desktop       xfce4-color-settings.desktop
org.gtk.IconBrowser4.desktop        xfce4-file-manager.desktop
org.xfce.Parole.desktop             xfce4-mail-reader.desktop
org.xfce.mousepad-settings.desktop  xfce4-mime-settings.desktop
org.xfce.mousepad.desktop           xfce4-notifyd-config.desktop
org.xfce.ristretto.desktop          xfce4-power-manager-settings.desktop
panel-desktop-handler.desktop       xfce4-run.desktop
panel-preferences.desktop           xfce4-screensaver-preferences.desktop
pavucontrol.desktop                 xfce4-screenshooter.desktop
screensavers                        xfce4-sensors.desktop
thunar-bulk-rename.desktop          xfce4-session-logout.desktop
thunar-settings.desktop             xfce4-settings-editor.desktop
thunar-volman-settings.desktop      xfce4-taskmanager.desktop
thunar.desktop                      xfce4-terminal-emulator.desktop
torbrowser-settings.desktop         xfce4-terminal-settings.desktop
torbrowser.desktop                  xfce4-terminal.desktop
xfce-backdrop-settings.desktop      xfce4-web-browser.desktop
[omar@Hira ~]$