usb 1-9 device descriptor read/64 error 110

Başlatan bote2002, 16 Şubat 2017 - 19:49:33

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Usb den kurarken linux mint veya ubuntu yu
usb 1-9 device descriptor read/64 error 110 hatalarından alıyorum. Usb aygıtı kesiyor sanırım. biostan bi ayar var sanırım ama bulamadım...

bilgisayar asus x550v

kolay gelsin


Aynı mesajla ben de Arch Linux'da karşılaşıyorum.


farklı giriş denediniz mi ? güç sorununa benziyor.

sorun devam ederse pc'yi kapatın tüm girişleri buna adaptör dahil çekin adaptörü de prizden çıkartıp 4-5 dakika bekleyip sonrasında açıp deneyin

down vote
Just to add another data point: I was running into "error -110" messages for my Inateck dual bay USB 3.0 to SATA device (amazon link). This fixed it for me:

shutdown -h now (turn off the computer)
Unplug USB device from computer.
Unplug power cord to back of the computer.
Unplug power to Inateck - pull wall wart plug from wall socket.
Noticed there was a green glowing LED on the Inateck wall wart; waited for that to go dark.
Waited ~3min total.
Plugged everything back in and booted up.
Worked liked a charm.

Note: Previously I tried just unplugging the computer and letting it sit for a while; that didn't work. I had to unplug the USB from the computer and the usb device power adapter from the wall.

Must be something with USB power provisioning/negotiation?