kablosuz bağlantım kopunca bir daha bağlanamıyorum

Başlatan acemiyim, 19 Nisan 2013 - 10:54:05

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0 Üyeler ve 1 Ziyaretçi konuyu incelemekte.


Ubuntu 12.10 kurup Cinnamon yükledim onu kullanıyorum. İnternete bağlanırken açılışta herhangi bir sorun yaşamıyorum. Kablosuz bağlantı kullanıyorum. Fakat bir sebepten bağlantım kopuyor. Sebebi tespit edemedim. Gün boyunca hiç kopmadığı oluyor ki bu zaman dilimi 12 saatten fazla. Bazen öyle günler yaşıyorum ki kopuyor bilgisayarı tekrar başlatıyorum 5 dakika geçmiyor tekrar kopuyor ve bu üst üste devam ediyor. 1 saat boyunca böyle yeniden başlatmak ile uğraştım geçenlerde. Bu problemim unity'de  de oluyor ne yazıkki. Ayrıca netimin kopma nedeni gerçekten netin gitmesi değil. Çünkü bazen net kopmadan önce ve sonra ip adreslerim aynı oluyor. Hatta diğer odadaki bilgisayar sorunsuzca net bağlantısını sürdürüyor.
Ne yazıkki bilgim fazla değil ve nette araştırmalarımdan aşağıdaki komutlar ile internet erişimimi tekrar başlatmaya çalıştım. Ama hiç istemeyeceğim şeyler oldu. İnternet ile iletişimi olan programlar birden bire sonlanıyor ve pencereler başka bir temaya dönüyor hatta çıkış ve bilgisayarı kapat seçenekleri de yok oluyor. Denediğim komutlar şunlar:
sudo service networking restart
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
sudo ifconfig wlan0 down
sudo ifconfig wlan0 up

Diğer birdenediğim şey ise kayıtlı tüm kablosuz bağlanma noktalarını siliyorum ve benim modemim için gerekli bilgiler ile yeni bir bağlantı oluşturuyorum. Ama sonuç aynı bağlamıyor.

Forumda internet bağlantı problemleri için açılan konularda aşağıdaki çıktılar istenmiş. Onları veriyorum. Bazı komut çıktılarını hem internet gittikten sonraki hem de nettin normal çalıştığı zamanki olarak ayrı ayrı verdim. Bu aralar çok sık yaşıyorum ve acayip derecede bunaldım. Baya uzun bir yazı oldu. Umarım yardımcı olabilirsiniz.

Not: Normal ve koptuktan sonraki aynı olduğu için tek çıktı veriyorum
cat /etc/lsb-release

Not: Normal ve koptuktan sonraki aynı olduğu için tek çıktı veriyorum
uname -a
Linux ubuntu1204 3.5.0-27-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Mon Mar 25 20:00:05 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux

Not: Normal ve koptuktan sonraki aynı olduğu için tek çıktı veriyorum
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Core Processor DRAM Controller (rev 12)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Core Processor PCI Express x16 Root Port (rev 12)
00:1a.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset USB2 Enhanced Host Controller (rev 06)
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 06)
00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset PCI Express Root Port 1 (rev 06)
00:1c.2 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset PCI Express Root Port 3 (rev 06)
00:1c.3 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset PCI Express Root Port 4 (rev 06)
00:1d.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset USB2 Enhanced Host Controller (rev 06)
00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 Mobile PCI Bridge (rev a6)
00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 5 Series Chipset LPC Interface Controller (rev 06)
00:1f.2 SATA controller: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset 4 port SATA AHCI Controller (rev 06)
00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset SMBus Controller (rev 06)
02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GT216 [GeForce GT 330M] (rev a2)
02:00.1 Audio device: NVIDIA Corporation High Definition Audio Controller (rev a1)
03:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)
07:00.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. Yukon Optima 88E8059 [PCIe Gigabit Ethernet Controller with AVB] (rev 11)
ff:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Core Processor QuickPath Architecture Generic Non-core Registers (rev 02)
ff:00.1 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Core Processor QuickPath Architecture System Address Decoder (rev 02)
ff:02.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Core Processor QPI Link 0 (rev 02)
ff:02.1 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Core Processor QPI Physical 0 (rev 02)
ff:02.2 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Core Processor Reserved (rev 02)
ff:02.3 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Core Processor Reserved (rev 02)

Not: Normal ve koptuktan sonraki aynı olduğu için tek çıktı veriyorum
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:0020 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8087:0020 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0ac8:c342 Z-Star Microelectronics Corp.
Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0a5c:219b Broadcom Corp. Bluetooth 2.1 Device
Bus 002 Device 003: ID 046d:c05a Logitech, Inc. Optical Mouse M90

Not: Normal ve koptuktan sonraki içerik olarak aynı ama sıralama olarak farklı olduğundan iki çıktı verdim. Birinci çıktı normal ikinci net bağlanamıyorken
rfkill list
0: samsung-wlan: Wireless LAN
        Soft blocked: no
        Hard blocked: no
1: hci0: Bluetooth
        Soft blocked: no
        Hard blocked: no
2: phy0: Wireless LAN
        Soft blocked: no
        Hard blocked: no

0: hci0: Bluetooth
        Soft blocked: no
        Hard blocked: no
1: samsung-wlan: Wireless LAN
        Soft blocked: no
        Hard blocked: no
2: phy0: Wireless LAN
        Soft blocked: no
        Hard blocked: no

Not:Normal durum ve bağlanamama durumu çıktıları farklı. ilk çıktı normal durum, ikinci durum bağlanama durumunda olan çıktıdır.
sudo lshw -C network
       açıklama: Kablosuz arayüz
       ürün: AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express)
       üretici: Atheros Communications Inc.
       physical id: 0
       bus info: pci@0000:03:00.0
       mantıksal ad: wlan0
       sürüm: 01
       serial: f0:7b:cb:81:0f:23
       genişlik: 64 bits
       saat: 33MHz
       kapasiteler: pm msi pciexpress bus_master cap_list eternet physical wireless
       yapılandırma: broadcast=yes driver=ath9k driverversion=3.5.0-27-generic firmware=N/A ip= latency=0 link=yes multicast=yes wireless=IEEE 802.11bgn
       kaynaklar: irq:16 bellek:f0700000-f070ffff
       açıklama: Eternet interface
       ürün: Yukon Optima 88E8059 [PCIe Gigabit Ethernet Controller with AVB]
       üretici: Marvell Technology Group Ltd.
       physical id: 0
       bus info: pci@0000:07:00.0
       mantıksal ad: eth0
       sürüm: 11
       serial: 00:24:54:86:03:d3
       kapasite: 1Gbit/s
       genişlik: 64 bits
       saat: 33MHz
       kapasiteler: pm msi pciexpress bus_master cap_list rom eternet physical tp 10bt 10bt-fd 100bt 100bt-fd 1000bt 1000bt-fd autonegotiation
       yapılandırma: autonegotiation=on broadcast=yes driver=sky2 driverversion=1.30 latency=0 link=no multicast=yes port=twisted pair
       kaynaklar: irq:42 bellek:f0800000-f0803fff ioport:5000(boyut=256) bellek:f0400000-f041ffff

       açıklama: Kablosuz arayüz
       ürün: AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express)
       üretici: Atheros Communications Inc.
       physical id: 0
       bus info: pci@0000:03:00.0
       mantıksal ad: wlan0
       sürüm: 01
       serial: f0:7b:cb:81:0f:23
       genişlik: 64 bits
       saat: 33MHz
       kapasiteler: pm msi pciexpress bus_master cap_list eternet physical wireless
       yapılandırma: broadcast=yes driver=ath9k driverversion=3.5.0-27-generic firmware=N/A latency=0 link=no multicast=yes wireless=IEEE 802.11bgn
       kaynaklar: irq:16 bellek:f0700000-f070ffff
       açıklama: Eternet interface
       ürün: Yukon Optima 88E8059 [PCIe Gigabit Ethernet Controller with AVB]
       üretici: Marvell Technology Group Ltd.
       physical id: 0
       bus info: pci@0000:07:00.0
       mantıksal ad: eth0
       sürüm: 11
       serial: 00:24:54:86:03:d3
       kapasite: 1Gbit/s
       genişlik: 64 bits
       saat: 33MHz
       kapasiteler: pm msi pciexpress bus_master cap_list rom eternet physical tp 10bt 10bt-fd 100bt 100bt-fd 1000bt 1000bt-fd autonegotiation
       yapılandırma: autonegotiation=on broadcast=yes driver=sky2 driverversion=1.30 latency=0 link=no multicast=yes port=twisted pair
       kaynaklar: irq:41 bellek:f0800000-f0803fff ioport:5000(boyut=256) bellek:f0400000-f041ffff

Not:Normal durum ve bağlanamama durumu çıktıları farklı. ilk çıktı normal durum, ikinci durum bağlanama durumunda olan çıktıdır.
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:24:54:86:03:d3 
          UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback 
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Sunucu
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:7977 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:7977 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:518125 (518.1 KB)  TX bytes:518125 (518.1 KB)

wlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr f0:7b:cb:81:0f:23 
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::f27b:cbff:fe81:f23/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:2815 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:2953 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:2169316 (2.1 MB)  TX bytes:582317 (582.3 KB)

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:24:54:86:03:d3 
          UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback 
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Sunucu
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:8941 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:8941 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:631946 (631.9 KB)  TX bytes:631946 (631.9 KB)

wlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr f0:7b:cb:81:0f:23 
          UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
          RX packets:25827 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:33496 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000

Not:Normal durum ve bağlanamama durumu çıktıları farklı. ilk çıktı normal durum, ikinci durum bağlanama durumunda olan çıktıdır.
wlan0     IEEE 802.11bgn  ESSID:"sifre123456" 
          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.472 GHz  Access Point: F8:D1:11:65:68:E2   
          Bit Rate=108 Mb/s   Tx-Power=20 dBm   
          Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
          Power Management:off
          Link Quality=52/70  Signal level=-58 dBm 
          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
          Tx excessive retries:13  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:0

lo        no wireless extensions.

eth0      no wireless extensions.

wlan0     IEEE 802.11bgn  ESSID:off/any 
          Mode:Managed  Access Point: Not-Associated   Tx-Power=14 dBm   
          Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
          Power Management:off
lo        no wireless extensions.

eth0      no wireless extensions.

Not:Normal durum ve bağlanamama durumu çıktıları farklı. ilk çıktı normal durum, ikinci durum bağlanama durumunda olan çıktıdır.
iwlist scanning
wlan0     Scan completed :
          Cell 01 - Address: F8:D1:11:65:68:E2
                    Frequency:2.472 GHz (Channel 13)
                    Quality=50/70  Signal level=-60 dBm 
                    Encryption key:on
                    Bit Rates:1 Mb/s; 2 Mb/s; 5.5 Mb/s; 11 Mb/s; 9 Mb/s
                              18 Mb/s; 36 Mb/s; 54 Mb/s
                    Bit Rates:6 Mb/s; 12 Mb/s; 24 Mb/s; 48 Mb/s
                    Extra: Last beacon: 977316ms ago
                    IE: Unknown: 000B7369667265313233343536
                    IE: Unknown: 010882848B961224486C
                    IE: Unknown: 03010D
                    IE: Unknown: 2A0104
                    IE: Unknown: 32040C183060
                    IE: Unknown: 2D1A6E1117FF000000010000000000000000000000000C0000000000
                    IE: Unknown: 3D160D070400000000000000000000000000000000000000
                    IE: Unknown: 3E0100
                    IE: IEEE 802.11i/WPA2 Version 1
                        Group Cipher : TKIP
                        Pairwise Ciphers (2) : TKIP CCMP
                        Authentication Suites (1) : PSK
                    IE: Unknown: DD180050F2020101000003A4000027A4000042435E0062322F00
                    IE: Unknown: 0B0500000D7A12
                    IE: Unknown: 7F0101
                    IE: Unknown: DD07000C4304000000
                    IE: Unknown: 0706545220010D10
                    IE: Unknown: DD1E00904C336E1117FF000000010000000000000000000000000C0000000000
                    IE: Unknown: DD1A00904C340D070400000000000000000000000000000000000000
                    IE: Unknown: DD9F0050F204104A0001101044000102103B00010310470010BC329E001DD811B28601F8D1116568E21021001852616C696E6B20546563686E6F6C6F67792C20436F72702E1023001C52616C696E6B20576972656C6573732041636365737320506F696E74102400065254323836301042000831323334353637381054000800060050F20400011011000B5472656E64436869704150100800020084103C000100

lo        Interface doesn't support scanning.

eth0      Interface doesn't support scanning.

wlan0     Scan completed :
          Cell 01 - Address: F4:55:9C:F6:04:5A
                    Frequency:2.412 GHz (Channel 1)
                    Quality=28/70  Signal level=-82 dBm 
                    Encryption key:on
                    Bit Rates:1 Mb/s; 2 Mb/s; 5.5 Mb/s; 11 Mb/s; 6 Mb/s
                              9 Mb/s; 12 Mb/s; 18 Mb/s
                    Bit Rates:24 Mb/s; 36 Mb/s; 48 Mb/s; 54 Mb/s
                    Extra: Last beacon: 28552ms ago
                    IE: Unknown: 000C4875617765695F4847353231
                    IE: Unknown: 010882848B960C121824
                    IE: Unknown: 030101
                    IE: Unknown: 2A0100
                    IE: Unknown: 32043048606C
                    IE: WPA Version 1
                        Group Cipher : TKIP
                        Pairwise Ciphers (1) : TKIP
                        Authentication Suites (1) : PSK
                    IE: Unknown: DD180050F2020101000003A4000027A4000042435E0062322F00
                    IE: Unknown: DD0600E04C020120
          Cell 02 - Address: D8:5D:4C:B3:9A:18
                    Frequency:2.437 GHz (Channel 6)
                    Quality=60/70  Signal level=-50 dBm 
                    Encryption key:on
                    Bit Rates:1 Mb/s; 2 Mb/s; 5.5 Mb/s; 11 Mb/s; 6 Mb/s
                              9 Mb/s; 12 Mb/s; 18 Mb/s
                    Bit Rates:24 Mb/s; 36 Mb/s; 48 Mb/s; 54 Mb/s
                    Extra: Last beacon: 28292ms ago
                    IE: Unknown: 000B417964696E6C695F674E63
                    IE: Unknown: 010882848B960C121824
                    IE: Unknown: 030106
                    IE: Unknown: 2A0104
                    IE: Unknown: 32043048606C
                    IE: WPA Version 1
                        Group Cipher : TKIP
                        Pairwise Ciphers (1) : TKIP
                        Authentication Suites (1) : PSK
                    IE: IEEE 802.11i/WPA2 Version 1
                        Group Cipher : TKIP
                        Pairwise Ciphers (1) : TKIP
                        Authentication Suites (1) : PSK
          Cell 03 - Address: F8:D1:11:65:68:E2
                    Frequency:2.472 GHz (Channel 13)
                    Quality=48/70  Signal level=-62 dBm 
                    Encryption key:on
                    Bit Rates:1 Mb/s; 2 Mb/s; 5.5 Mb/s; 11 Mb/s; 9 Mb/s
                              18 Mb/s; 36 Mb/s; 54 Mb/s
                    Bit Rates:6 Mb/s; 12 Mb/s; 24 Mb/s; 48 Mb/s
                    Extra: Last beacon: 27764ms ago
                    IE: Unknown: 0000
                    IE: Unknown: 010882848B961224486C
                    IE: Unknown: 03010D
                    IE: Unknown: 32040C183060
                    IE: Unknown: 0706545220010D14
                    IE: Unknown: 33082001020304050607
                    IE: Unknown: 33082105060708090A0B
                    IE: Unknown: DD270050F204104A000110104400010210470010BC329E001DD811B28601F8D1116568E2103C000100
                    IE: Unknown: 050400010000
                    IE: Unknown: 2A0104
                    IE: Unknown: 2D1A6E1117FF000000010000000000000000000000000C0000000000
                    IE: Unknown: 3D160D070400000000000000000000000000000000000000
                    IE: IEEE 802.11i/WPA2 Version 1
                        Group Cipher : TKIP
                        Pairwise Ciphers (2) : TKIP CCMP
                        Authentication Suites (1) : PSK
                    IE: Unknown: DD180050F2020101000003A4000027A4000042435E0062322F00
                    IE: Unknown: 0B050000087A12
                    IE: Unknown: DD1E00904C336E1117FF000000010000000000000000000000000C0000000000
                    IE: Unknown: DD1A00904C340D070400000000000000000000000000000000000000
                    IE: Unknown: DD07000C4304000000
          Cell 04 - Address: 00:25:5E:B8:37:E0
                    Frequency:2.462 GHz (Channel 11)
                    Quality=21/70  Signal level=-89 dBm 
                    Encryption key:on
                    Bit Rates:1 Mb/s; 2 Mb/s; 5.5 Mb/s; 11 Mb/s; 18 Mb/s
                              24 Mb/s; 36 Mb/s; 54 Mb/s
                    Bit Rates:6 Mb/s; 9 Mb/s; 12 Mb/s; 48 Mb/s
                    Extra: Last beacon: 27920ms ago
                    IE: Unknown: 0006616C65783230
                    IE: Unknown: 010882848B962430486C
                    IE: Unknown: 03010B
                    IE: Unknown: 050400010000
                    IE: Unknown: 2A0100
                    IE: Unknown: 2F0100
                    IE: Unknown: 32040C121860
                    IE: Unknown: DD060010180201F4
                    IE: WPA Version 1
                        Group Cipher : TKIP
                        Pairwise Ciphers (1) : TKIP
                        Authentication Suites (1) : PSK
          Cell 05 - Address: C8:D5:FE:44:98:A7
                    Frequency:2.412 GHz (Channel 1)
                    Quality=20/70  Signal level=-90 dBm 
                    Encryption key:on
                    ESSID:"Muazez Ozkan"
                    Bit Rates:1 Mb/s; 2 Mb/s; 5.5 Mb/s; 11 Mb/s; 6 Mb/s
                              9 Mb/s; 12 Mb/s; 18 Mb/s
                    Bit Rates:24 Mb/s; 36 Mb/s; 48 Mb/s; 54 Mb/s
                    Extra: Last beacon: 28592ms ago
                    IE: Unknown: 000C4D75617A657A204F7A6B616E
                    IE: Unknown: 010882848B960C121824
                    IE: Unknown: 030101
                    IE: Unknown: 050400010000
                    IE: Unknown: 2A0104
                    IE: Unknown: 32043048606C
                    IE: WPA Version 1
                        Group Cipher : TKIP
                        Pairwise Ciphers (1) : TKIP
                        Authentication Suites (1) : PSK
                    IE: Unknown: DD180050F2020101000003A4000027A4000042435E0062322F00
                    IE: Unknown: DD0600E04C020120
          Cell 06 - Address: C8:D5:FE:47:4D:77
                    Frequency:2.412 GHz (Channel 1)
                    Quality=19/70  Signal level=-91 dBm 
                    Encryption key:on
                    Bit Rates:1 Mb/s; 2 Mb/s; 5.5 Mb/s; 11 Mb/s; 6 Mb/s
                              9 Mb/s; 12 Mb/s; 18 Mb/s
                    Bit Rates:24 Mb/s; 36 Mb/s; 48 Mb/s; 54 Mb/s
                    Extra: Last beacon: 28568ms ago
                    IE: Unknown: 000A53414652414E424F4C55
                    IE: Unknown: 010882848B960C121824
                    IE: Unknown: 030101
                    IE: Unknown: 2A0100
                    IE: Unknown: 32043048606C
                    IE: WPA Version 1
                        Group Cipher : TKIP
                        Pairwise Ciphers (1) : TKIP
                        Authentication Suites (1) : PSK
                    IE: Unknown: DD180050F2020101000003A4000027A4000042435E0062322F00
                    IE: Unknown: DD0600E04C020120

lo        Interface doesn't support scanning.

eth0      Interface doesn't support scanning.

Not: Birinci çıktı bağlantı varken ikinci çıktı bağlanama durumunda iken.
Module                  Size  Used by
pci_stub               12551  1
vboxpci                22897  0
vboxnetadp             25637  0
vboxnetflt             27262  0
vboxdrv               252271  3 vboxpci,vboxnetadp,vboxnetflt
zram                   18068  4
rfcomm                 37277  12
parport_pc             31969  0
bnep                   17708  2
ppdev                  12818  0
binfmt_misc            17261  1
snd_hda_codec_hdmi     31457  4
nvidia              10287298  59
arc4                   12474  2
snd_hda_codec_realtek    63579  1
joydev                 17162  0
snd_hda_intel          32516  5
ath9k                 116558  0
mac80211              461261  1 ath9k
snd_hda_codec         111548  3 snd_hda_codec_hdmi,snd_hda_codec_realtek,snd_hda_intel
snd_hwdep              13273  1 snd_hda_codec
ath9k_common           13784  1 ath9k
snd_pcm                80235  3 snd_hda_codec_hdmi,snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec
ath9k_hw              376270  2 ath9k,ath9k_common
snd_seq_midi           13133  0
snd_rawmidi            25383  1 snd_seq_midi
coretemp               13169  0
snd_seq_midi_event     14476  1 snd_seq_midi
ath                    19188  3 ath9k,ath9k_common,ath9k_hw
snd_seq                51281  2 snd_seq_midi,snd_seq_midi_event
snd_timer              24412  2 snd_pcm,snd_seq
psmouse                84878  0
kvm_intel             126746  0
snd_seq_device         14138  3 snd_seq_midi,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq
btusb                  17987  0
uvcvideo               71278  0
kvm                   357807  1 kvm_intel
cfg80211              175574  3 ath9k,mac80211,ath
samsung_laptop         14101  0
serio_raw              13032  0
bluetooth             183270  22 rfcomm,bnep,btusb
videobuf2_core         32071  1 uvcvideo
snd                    62146  20 snd_hda_codec_hdmi,snd_hda_codec_realtek,snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec,snd_hwdep,snd_pcm,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq,snd_timer,snd_seq_device
videodev               95842  2 uvcvideo,videobuf2_core
videobuf2_vmalloc      12757  1 uvcvideo
soundcore              14600  1 snd
lp                     13300  0
lpc_ich                16926  0
snd_page_alloc         14037  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm
videobuf2_memops       13213  1 videobuf2_vmalloc
video                  18895  1 samsung_laptop
mac_hid                13038  0
microcode              18210  0
parport                40754  3 parport_pc,ppdev,lp
hid_generic            12485  0
usbhid                 41734  0
hid                    82179  2 hid_generic,usbhid
sky2                   52927  0
ahci                   25497  6
libahci                25938  1 ahci

Module                  Size  Used by
pci_stub               12551  1
vboxpci                22897  0
vboxnetadp             25637  0
vboxnetflt             27262  0
vboxdrv               252271  3 vboxpci,vboxnetadp,vboxnetflt
zram                   18068  4
rfcomm                 37277  12
bnep                   17708  2
parport_pc             31969  0
ppdev                  12818  0
binfmt_misc            17261  1
nvidia              10287298  43
snd_hda_codec_hdmi     31457  4
snd_hda_codec_realtek    63579  1
snd_hda_intel          32516  5
snd_hda_codec         111548  3 snd_hda_codec_hdmi,snd_hda_codec_realtek,snd_hda_intel
arc4                   12474  2
joydev                 17162  0
snd_hwdep              13273  1 snd_hda_codec
ath9k                 116558  0
snd_pcm                80235  3 snd_hda_codec_hdmi,snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec
snd_seq_midi           13133  0
mac80211              461261  1 ath9k
snd_rawmidi            25383  1 snd_seq_midi
snd_seq_midi_event     14476  1 snd_seq_midi
ath9k_common           13784  1 ath9k
snd_seq                51281  2 snd_seq_midi,snd_seq_midi_event
ath9k_hw              376270  2 ath9k,ath9k_common
snd_timer              24412  2 snd_pcm,snd_seq
snd_seq_device         14138  3 snd_seq_midi,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq
coretemp               13169  0
ath                    19188  3 ath9k,ath9k_common,ath9k_hw
snd                    62146  20 snd_hda_codec_hdmi,snd_hda_codec_realtek,snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec,snd_hwdep,snd_pcm,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq,snd_timer,snd_seq_device
kvm_intel             126746  0
uvcvideo               71278  0
soundcore              14600  1 snd
snd_page_alloc         14037  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm
kvm                   357807  1 kvm_intel
psmouse                84878  0
videobuf2_core         32071  1 uvcvideo
samsung_laptop         14101  0
btusb                  17987  0
videodev               95842  2 uvcvideo,videobuf2_core
serio_raw              13032  0
bluetooth             183270  22 rfcomm,bnep,btusb
videobuf2_vmalloc      12757  1 uvcvideo
lp                     13300  0
cfg80211              175574  3 ath9k,mac80211,ath
videobuf2_memops       13213  1 videobuf2_vmalloc
lpc_ich                16926  0
video                  18895  1 samsung_laptop
mac_hid                13038  0
microcode              18210  0
parport                40754  3 parport_pc,ppdev,lp
hid_generic            12485  0
usbhid                 41734  0
hid                    82179  2 hid_generic,usbhid
ahci                   25497  6
sky2                   52927  0
libahci                25938  1 ahci

Not:Normal durum ve bağlanamama durumu çıktıları farklı. ilk çıktı normal durum, ikinci durum bağlanama durumunda olan çıktıdır.
[    0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset
[    0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpu
[    0.000000] Linux version 3.5.0-27-generic (buildd@akateko) (gcc version 4.7.2 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.7.2-2ubuntu1) ) #46-Ubuntu SMP Mon Mar 25 20:00:05 UTC 2013 (Ubuntu 3.5.0-27.46-generic
[    0.000000] KERNEL supported cpus:
[    0.000000]   Intel GenuineIntel
[    0.000000]   AMD AuthenticAMD
[    0.000000]   NSC Geode by NSC
[    0.000000]   Cyrix CyrixInstead
[    0.000000]   Centaur CentaurHauls
[    0.000000]   Transmeta GenuineTMx86
[    0.000000]   Transmeta TransmetaCPU
[    0.000000]   UMC UMC UMC UMC
[    0.000000] e820: BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x000000000009c3ff] usable
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000000009c400-0x000000000009ffff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000000dc000-0x00000000000fffff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x00000000bf27bfff] usable
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bf27c000-0x00000000bf281fff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bf282000-0x00000000bf3eafff] usable
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bf3eb000-0x00000000bf40efff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bf40f000-0x00000000bf46efff] usable
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bf46f000-0x00000000bf46ffff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bf470000-0x00000000bf4f0fff] ACPI NVS
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bf4f1000-0x00000000bf70efff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bf70f000-0x00000000bf715fff] usable
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bf716000-0x00000000bf71efff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bf71f000-0x00000000bf77ffff] usable
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bf780000-0x00000000bf79efff] ACPI NVS
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bf79f000-0x00000000bf7e1fff] usable
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bf7e2000-0x00000000bf7fefff] ACPI data
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bf7ff000-0x00000000bf7fffff] usable
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bf800000-0x00000000bfffffff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000e0000000-0x00000000efffffff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000f0b04000-0x00000000f0b04fff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000feaff000-0x00000000feafffff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000fec00000-0x00000000fec0ffff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000fed00000-0x00000000fed003ff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000fed1c000-0x00000000fed8ffff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000fee00000-0x00000000fee00fff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000ff000000-0x00000000ffffffff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000100000000-0x0000000137ffffff] usable
[    0.000000] NX (Execute Disable) protection: active
[    0.000000] SMBIOS 2.6 present.
[    0.000000] DMI: SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. R580/R590                  /R580/R590                  , BIOS 08JB.M032.20100331.hkk 03/31/2010
[    0.000000] e820: update [mem 0x00000000-0x0000ffff] usable ==> reserved
[    0.000000] e820: remove [mem 0x000a0000-0x000fffff] usable
[    0.000000] e820: last_pfn = 0x138000 max_arch_pfn = 0x1000000
[    0.000000] MTRR default type: uncachable
[    0.000000] MTRR fixed ranges enabled:
[    0.000000]   00000-9FFFF write-back
[    0.000000]   A0000-BFFFF uncachable
[    0.000000]   C0000-CFFFF write-protect
[    0.000000]   D0000-FFFFF write-through
[    0.000000] MTRR variable ranges enabled:
[    0.000000]   0 disabled
[    0.000000]   1 base 000000000 mask F80000000 write-back
[    0.000000]   2 base 080000000 mask FC0000000 write-back
[    0.000000]   3 base 100000000 mask FC0000000 write-back
[    0.000000]   4 base 138000000 mask FF8000000 uncachable
[    0.000000]   5 disabled
[    0.000000]   6 disabled
[    0.000000]   7 disabled
[    0.000000] x86 PAT enabled: cpu 0, old 0x7040600070406, new 0x7010600070106
[    0.000000] original variable MTRRs
[    0.000000] reg 1, base: 0GB, range: 2GB, type WB
[    0.000000] reg 2, base: 2GB, range: 1GB, type WB
[    0.000000] reg 3, base: 4GB, range: 1GB, type WB
[    0.000000] reg 4, base: 4992MB, range: 128MB, type UC
[    0.000000] total RAM covered: 3968M
[    0.000000] Found optimal setting for mtrr clean up
[    0.000000]  gran_size: 64K  chunk_size: 256M        num_reg: 4      lose cover RAM: 0G
[    0.000000] New variable MTRRs
[    0.000000] reg 0, base: 0GB, range: 2GB, type WB
[    0.000000] reg 1, base: 2GB, range: 1GB, type WB
[    0.000000] reg 2, base: 4GB, range: 1GB, type WB
[    0.000000] reg 3, base: 4992MB, range: 128MB, type UC
[    0.000000] e820: update [mem 0xc0000000-0xffffffff] usable ==> reserved
[    0.000000] found SMP MP-table at [mem 0x000f66c0-0x000f66cf] mapped at [c00f66c0]
[    0.000000] initial memory mapped: [mem 0x00000000-0x01ffffff]
[    0.000000] Base memory trampoline at [c0098000] 98000 size 16384
[    0.000000] init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x00000000-0x37bfdfff]
[    0.000000]  [mem 0x00000000-0x001fffff] page 4k
[    0.000000]  [mem 0x00200000-0x379fffff] page 2M
[    0.000000]  [mem 0x37a00000-0x37bfdfff] page 4k
[    0.000000] kernel direct mapping tables up to 0x37bfdfff @ [mem 0x01ffa000-0x01ffffff]
[    0.000000] RAMDISK: [mem 0x3630c000-0x3717dfff]
[    0.000000] ACPI: RSDP 000f6600 00024 (v02 PTLTD )
[    0.000000] ACPI: XSDT bf7f4a8d 0005C (v01 SECCSD LH43STAR 06040000  LTP 00000000)
[    0.000000] ACPI: FACP bf7e4000 000F4 (v03 INTEL  CRESTLNE 06040000 ALAN 00000001)
[    0.000000] ACPI: DSDT bf7e5000 0A0E1 (v02 Intel  CALPELLA 06040000 INTL 20060912)
[    0.000000] ACPI: FACS bf79bfc0 00040
[    0.000000] ACPI: HPET bf7fed6a 00038 (v01 INTEL  CRESTLNE 06040000 LOHR 0000005A)
[    0.000000] ACPI: MCFG bf7feda2 0003C (v01 INTEL  CRESTLNE 06040000 LOHR 0000005A)
[    0.000000] ACPI: APIC bf7fedde 00084 (v01 PTLTD  ? APIC   06040000  LTP 00000000)
[    0.000000] ACPI: BOOT bf7fee62 00028 (v01 PTLTD  $SBFTBL$ 06040000  LTP 00000001)
[    0.000000] ACPI: SLIC bf7fee8a 00176 (v01 SECCSD LH43STAR 06040000  LTP 00000000)
[    0.000000] ACPI: SSDT bf7e3000 009F1 (v01  PmRef    CpuPm 00003000 INTL 20061109)
[    0.000000] ACPI: Local APIC address 0xfee00000
[    0.000000] 4100MB HIGHMEM available.
[    0.000000] 891MB LOWMEM available.
[    0.000000]   mapped low ram: 0 - 37bfe000
[    0.000000]   low ram: 0 - 37bfe000
[    0.000000] Zone ranges:
[    0.000000]   DMA      [mem 0x00010000-0x00ffffff]
[    0.000000]   Normal   [mem 0x01000000-0x37bfdfff]
[    0.000000]   HighMem  [mem 0x37bfe000-0x37ffffff]
[    0.000000] Movable zone start for each node
[    0.000000] Early memory node ranges
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0x00010000-0x0009bfff]
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0x00100000-0xbf27bfff]
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0xbf282000-0xbf3eafff]
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0xbf40f000-0xbf46efff]
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0xbf70f000-0xbf715fff]
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0xbf71f000-0xbf77ffff]
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0xbf79f000-0xbf7e1fff]
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0xbf7ff000-0xbf7fffff]
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0x00000000-0x37ffffff]
[    0.000000] On node 0 totalpages: 1012861
[    0.000000] free_area_init_node: node 0, pgdat c189db80, node_mem_map f3c0c200
[    0.000000]   DMA zone: 32 pages used for memmap
[    0.000000]   DMA zone: 0 pages reserved
[    0.000000]   DMA zone: 3948 pages, LIFO batch:0
[    0.000000]   Normal zone: 1752 pages used for memmap
[    0.000000]   Normal zone: 222502 pages, LIFO batch:31
[    0.000000]   HighMem zone: 8201 pages used for memmap
[    0.000000]   HighMem zone: 776426 pages, LIFO batch:31
[    0.000000] Using APIC driver default
[    0.000000] ACPI: PM-Timer IO Port: 0x408
[    0.000000] ACPI: Local APIC address 0xfee00000
[    0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x00] lapic_id[0x00] enabled)
[    0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x01] lapic_id[0x04] enabled)
[    0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x02] lapic_id[0x01] enabled)
[    0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x03] lapic_id[0x05] enabled)
[    0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x00] high edge lint[0x1])
[    0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x01] high edge lint[0x1])
[    0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x02] high edge lint[0x1])
[    0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x03] high edge lint[0x1])
[    0.000000] ACPI: IOAPIC (id[0x02] address[0xfec00000] gsi_base[0])
[    0.000000] IOAPIC[0]: apic_id 2, version 32, address 0xfec00000, GSI 0-23
[    0.000000] ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 0 global_irq 2 high edge)
[    0.000000] ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 9 global_irq 9 high level)
[    0.000000] ACPI: IRQ0 used by override.
[    0.000000] ACPI: IRQ2 used by override.
[    0.000000] ACPI: IRQ9 used by override.
[    0.000000] Using ACPI (MADT) for SMP configuration information
[    0.000000] ACPI: HPET id: 0x8086a201 base: 0xfed00000
[    0.000000] SMP: Allowing 4 CPUs, 0 hotplug CPUs
[    0.000000] nr_irqs_gsi: 40
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: 000000000009c000 - 000000000009d000
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: 000000000009d000 - 00000000000a0000
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: 00000000000a0000 - 00000000000dc000
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: 00000000000dc000 - 0000000000100000
[    0.000000] e820: [mem 0xc0000000-0xdfffffff] available for PCI devices
[    0.000000] Booting paravirtualized kernel on bare hardware
[    0.000000] setup_percpu: NR_CPUS:8 nr_cpumask_bits:8 nr_cpu_ids:4 nr_node_ids:1
[    0.000000] PERCPU: Embedded 14 pages/cpu @f7bb2000 s34176 r0 d23168 u57344
[    0.000000] pcpu-alloc: s34176 r0 d23168 u57344 alloc=14*4096
[    0.000000] pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 [0] 1 [0] 2 [0] 3
[    0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 1002876
[    0.000000] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-3.5.0-27-generic root=UUID=717bed83-1ca1-4f8a-a71b-85a74e98b530 ro quiet splash
[    0.000000] PID hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
[    0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 131072 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
[    0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
[    0.000000] __ex_table already sorted, skipping sort
[    0.000000] Initializing CPU#0
[    0.000000] allocated 10223488 bytes of page_cgroup
[    0.000000] please try 'cgroup_disable=memory' option if you don't want memory cgroups
[    0.000000] Initializing HighMem for node 0 (00037bfe:00138000)
[    0.000000] Memory: 3975032k/5111808k available (5956k kernel code, 76412k reserved, 2918k data, 756k init, 3138508k highmem)
[    0.000000] virtual kernel memory layout:
[    0.000000]     fixmap  : 0xfff15000 - 0xfffff000   ( 936 kB)
[    0.000000]     pkmap   : 0xffc00000 - 0xffe00000   (2048 kB)
[    0.000000]     vmalloc : 0xf83fe000 - 0xffbfe000   ( 120 MB)
[    0.000000]     lowmem  : 0xc0000000 - 0xf7bfe000   ( 891 MB)
[    0.000000]       .init : 0xc18ab000 - 0xc1968000   ( 756 kB)
[    0.000000]       .data : 0xc15d11a4 - 0xc18aaa80   (2918 kB)
[    0.000000]       .text : 0xc1000000 - 0xc15d11a4   (5956 kB)
[    0.000000] Checking if this processor honours the WP bit even in supervisor mode...Ok.
[    0.000000] SLUB: Genslabs=15, HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=4, Nodes=1
[    0.000000] Hierarchical RCU implementation.
[    0.000000]  RCU dyntick-idle grace-period acceleration is enabled.
[    0.000000] NR_IRQS:2304 nr_irqs:712 16
[    0.000000] CPU 0 irqstacks, hard=f740a000 soft=f740c000
[    0.000000] Extended CMOS year: 2000
[    0.000000] Console: colour VGA+ 80x25
[    0.000000] console [tty0] enabled
[    0.000000] hpet clockevent registered
[    0.000000] Fast TSC calibration using PIT
[    0.008000] Detected 2128.248 MHz processor.
[    0.000001] Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 4256.49 BogoMIPS (lpj=8512992)
[    0.000005] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
[    0.000030] Security Framework initialized
[    0.000044] AppArmor: AppArmor initialized
[    0.000046] Yama: becoming mindful.
[    0.000097] Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
[    0.000305] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuacct
[    0.000307] Initializing cgroup subsys memory
[    0.000314] Initializing cgroup subsys devices
[    0.000316] Initializing cgroup subsys freezer
[    0.000318] Initializing cgroup subsys blkio
[    0.000320] Initializing cgroup subsys perf_event
[    0.000348] CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
[    0.000350] CPU: Processor Core ID: 0
[    0.000355] mce: CPU supports 9 MCE banks
[    0.000364] CPU0: Thermal monitoring handled by SMI
[    0.000371] using mwait in idle threads.
[    0.002606] ACPI: Core revision 20120320
[    0.017896] ftrace: allocating 24569 entries in 48 pages
[    0.031094] Enabling APIC mode:  Flat.  Using 1 I/O APICs
[    0.031595] ..TIMER: vector=0x30 apic1=0 pin1=2 apic2=-1 pin2=-1
[    0.071267] CPU0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU       M 330  @ 2.13GHz stepping 02
[    0.175919] Performance Events: PEBS fmt1+, 16-deep LBR, Westmere events, Intel PMU driver.
[    0.175926] CPUID marked event: 'bus cycles' unavailable
[    0.175928] ... version:                3
[    0.175930] ... bit width:              48
[    0.175931] ... generic registers:      4
[    0.175932] ... value mask:             0000ffffffffffff
[    0.175933] ... max period:             000000007fffffff
[    0.175935] ... fixed-purpose events:   3
[    0.175936] ... event mask:             000000070000000f
[    0.176104] NMI watchdog: enabled on all CPUs, permanently consumes one hw-PMU counter.
[    0.176186] CPU 1 irqstacks, hard=f7506000 soft=f7510000
[    0.186324] Initializing CPU#1
[    0.187132] CPU1: Thermal monitoring handled by SMI
[    0.176188] Booting Node   0, Processors  #1
[    0.189344] CPU 2 irqstacks, hard=f7538000 soft=f753a000
[    0.199500] Initializing CPU#2
[    0.200393] CPU2: Thermal monitoring handled by SMI
[    0.189348]  #2
[    0.202590] CPU 3 irqstacks, hard=f7544000 soft=f7546000
[    0.202595]  #3 Ok.
[    0.212744] Initializing CPU#3
[    0.213637] CPU3: Thermal monitoring handled by SMI
[    0.215789] Brought up 4 CPUs
[    0.215794] Total of 4 processors activated (17025.98 BogoMIPS).
[    0.218774] devtmpfs: initialized
[    0.218964] EVM: security.selinux
[    0.218965] EVM: security.SMACK64
[    0.218967] EVM: security.capability
[    0.219039] PM: Registering ACPI NVS region [mem 0xbf470000-0xbf4f0fff] (528384 bytes)
[    0.219052] PM: Registering ACPI NVS region [mem 0xbf780000-0xbf79efff] (126976 bytes)
[    0.220057] dummy:
[    0.220091] RTC time: 18:20:00, date: 04/18/13
[    0.220134] NET: Registered protocol family 16
[    0.220236] Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs...
[    0.220273] EISA bus registered
[    0.220350] ACPI: bus type pci registered
[    0.220419] PCI: MMCONFIG for domain 0000 [bus 00-ff] at [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff] (base 0xe0000000)
[    0.220423] PCI: MMCONFIG at [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff] reserved in E820
[    0.220424] PCI: Using MMCONFIG for extended config space
[    0.220425] PCI: Using configuration type 1 for base access
[    0.221421] bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
[    0.221510] ACPI: Added _OSI(Module Device)
[    0.221514] ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Device)
[    0.221516] ACPI: Added _OSI(3.0 _SCP Extensions)
[    0.221518] ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Aggregator Device)
[    0.223633] ACPI: EC: Look up EC in DSDT
[    0.230790] [Firmware Bug]: ACPI: BIOS _OSI(Linux) query ignored
[    0.232768] ACPI: SSDT bf719c18 003A0 (v01  PmRef  Cpu0Ist 00003000 INTL 20061109)
[    0.233279] ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
[    0.233281] ACPI: SSDT   (null) 003A0 (v01  PmRef  Cpu0Ist 00003000 INTL 20061109)
[    0.233419] ACPI: SSDT bf717698 005EB (v01  PmRef  Cpu0Cst 00003001 INTL 20061109)
[    0.233911] ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
[    0.233914] ACPI: SSDT   (null) 005EB (v01  PmRef  Cpu0Cst 00003001 INTL 20061109)
[    0.276202] ACPI: SSDT bf718a98 00303 (v01  PmRef    ApIst 00003000 INTL 20061109)
[    0.276778] ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
[    0.276780] ACPI: SSDT   (null) 00303 (v01  PmRef    ApIst 00003000 INTL 20061109)
[    0.312008] ACPI: SSDT bf716d98 00119 (v01  PmRef    ApCst 00003000 INTL 20061109)
[    0.312543] ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
[    0.312545] ACPI: SSDT   (null) 00119 (v01  PmRef    ApCst 00003000 INTL 20061109)
[    0.334053] ACPI: Interpreter enabled
[    0.334073] ACPI: (supports S0 S3 S4 S5)
[    0.334098] ACPI: Using IOAPIC for interrupt routing
[    0.334543] [Firmware Bug]: ACPI: No _BQC method, cannot determine initial brightness
[    0.340429] ACPI: Power Resource [FN00] (off)
[    0.340517] ACPI: Power Resource [FN01] (off)
[    0.340878] ACPI: EC: GPE = 0x17, I/O: command/status = 0x66, data = 0x62
[    0.341388] ACPI: No dock devices found.
[    0.341398] PCI: Using host bridge windows from ACPI; if necessary, use "pci=nocrs" and report a bug
[    0.341823] \_SB_.PCI0:_OSC invalid UUID
[    0.341825] _OSC request data:1 8 1f
[    0.341830] ACPI: PCI Root Bridge [PCI0] (domain 0000 [bus 00-fe])
[    0.342481] pci_root PNP0A08:00: host bridge window [io  0x0000-0x0cf7]
[    0.342483] pci_root PNP0A08:00: host bridge window [io  0x0d00-0xffff]
[    0.342486] pci_root PNP0A08:00: host bridge window [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff]
[    0.342488] pci_root PNP0A08:00: host bridge window [mem 0x000d0000-0x000d3fff]
[    0.342491] pci_root PNP0A08:00: host bridge window [mem 0x000d4000-0x000d7fff]
[    0.342493] pci_root PNP0A08:00: host bridge window [mem 0x000d8000-0x000dbfff]
[    0.342496] pci_root PNP0A08:00: host bridge window [mem 0xc0000000-0xfeafffff]
[    0.342531] PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00
[    0.342533] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io  0x0000-0x0cf7]
[    0.342535] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io  0x0d00-0xffff]
[    0.342538] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff]
[    0.342540] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000d0000-0x000d3fff]
[    0.342542] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000d4000-0x000d7fff]
[    0.342544] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000d8000-0x000dbfff]
[    0.342546] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0xc0000000-0xfeafffff]
[    0.342558] pci 0000:00:00.0: [8086:0044] type 00 class 0x060000
[    0.342580] DMAR: BIOS has allocated no shadow GTT; disabling IOMMU for graphics
[    0.342605] pci 0000:00:01.0: [8086:0045] type 01 class 0x060400
[    0.342643] pci 0000:00:01.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
[    0.342704] pci 0000:00:1a.0: [8086:3b3c] type 00 class 0x0c0320
[    0.342733] pci 0000:00:1a.0: reg 10: [mem 0xf0b06000-0xf0b063ff]
[    0.342850] pci 0000:00:1a.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
[    0.342886] pci 0000:00:1b.0: [8086:3b56] type 00 class 0x040300
[    0.342909] pci 0000:00:1b.0: reg 10: [mem 0xf0b00000-0xf0b03fff 64bit]
[    0.343013] pci 0000:00:1b.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
[    0.343045] pci 0000:00:1c.0: [8086:3b42] type 01 class 0x060400
[    0.343153] pci 0000:00:1c.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
[    0.343190] pci 0000:00:1c.2: [8086:3b46] type 01 class 0x060400
[    0.343297] pci 0000:00:1c.2: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
[    0.343331] pci 0000:00:1c.3: [8086:3b48] type 01 class 0x060400
[    0.343437] pci 0000:00:1c.3: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
[    0.343481] pci 0000:00:1d.0: [8086:3b34] type 00 class 0x0c0320
[    0.343508] pci 0000:00:1d.0: reg 10: [mem 0xf0b06400-0xf0b067ff]
[    0.343623] pci 0000:00:1d.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
[    0.343653] pci 0000:00:1e.0: [8086:2448] type 01 class 0x060401
[    0.343745] pci 0000:00:1f.0: [8086:3b09] type 00 class 0x060100
[    0.343884] pci 0000:00:1f.2: [8086:3b29] type 00 class 0x010601
[    0.343913] pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 10: [io  0x1830-0x1837]
[    0.343925] pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 14: [io  0x1824-0x1827]
[    0.343937] pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 18: [io  0x1828-0x182f]
[    0.343949] pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 1c: [io  0x1820-0x1823]
[    0.343961] pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 20: [io  0x1800-0x181f]
[    0.343973] pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 24: [mem 0xf0b05000-0xf0b057ff]
[    0.344045] pci 0000:00:1f.2: PME# supported from D3hot
[    0.344071] pci 0000:00:1f.3: [8086:3b30] type 00 class 0x0c0500
[    0.344094] pci 0000:00:1f.3: reg 10: [mem 0xf0b06800-0xf0b068ff 64bit]
[    0.344126] pci 0000:00:1f.3: reg 20: [io  0x1840-0x185f]
[    0.344203] pci 0000:02:00.0: [10de:0a29] type 00 class 0x030000
[    0.344213] pci 0000:02:00.0: reg 10: [mem 0xcc000000-0xccffffff]
[    0.344224] pci 0000:02:00.0: reg 14: [mem 0xd0000000-0xdfffffff 64bit pref]
[    0.344235] pci 0000:02:00.0: reg 1c: [mem 0xce000000-0xcfffffff 64bit pref]
[    0.344243] pci 0000:02:00.0: reg 24: [io  0x2000-0x207f]
[    0.344250] pci 0000:02:00.0: reg 30: [mem 0x00000000-0x0007ffff pref]
[    0.344305] pci 0000:02:00.1: [10de:0be2] type 00 class 0x040300
[    0.344316] pci 0000:02:00.1: reg 10: [mem 0xcdefc000-0xcdefffff]
[    0.344407] pci 0000:00:01.0: PCI bridge to [bus 02-02]
[    0.344411] pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [io  0x2000-0x2fff]
[    0.344414] pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [mem 0xcc000000-0xcdefffff]
[    0.344418] pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [mem 0xce000000-0xdfffffff 64bit pref]
[    0.344497] pci 0000:03:00.0: [168c:002b] type 00 class 0x028000
[    0.344522] pci 0000:03:00.0: reg 10: [mem 0xf0700000-0xf070ffff 64bit]
[    0.344635] pci 0000:03:00.0: supports D1
[    0.344637] pci 0000:03:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D1 D3hot
[    0.354442] pci 0000:00:1c.0: PCI bridge to [bus 03-04]
[    0.354448] pci 0000:00:1c.0:   bridge window [io  0x3000-0x3fff]
[    0.354454] pci 0000:00:1c.0:   bridge window [mem 0xf0700000-0xf07fffff]
[    0.354462] pci 0000:00:1c.0:   bridge window [mem 0xf0000000-0xf01fffff 64bit pref]
[    0.354523] pci 0000:00:1c.2: PCI bridge to [bus 05-06]
[    0.354528] pci 0000:00:1c.2:   bridge window [io  0x4000-0x4fff]
[    0.354533] pci 0000:00:1c.2:   bridge window [mem 0xf0600000-0xf06fffff]
[    0.354541] pci 0000:00:1c.2:   bridge window [mem 0xf0200000-0xf03fffff 64bit pref]
[    0.354812] pci 0000:07:00.0: [11ab:4381] type 00 class 0x020000
[    0.355030] pci 0000:07:00.0: reg 10: [mem 0xf0800000-0xf0803fff 64bit]
[    0.355142] pci 0000:07:00.0: reg 18: [io  0x5000-0x50ff]
[    0.355574] pci 0000:07:00.0: reg 30: [mem 0x00000000-0x0001ffff pref]
[    0.356152] pci 0000:07:00.0: supports D1 D2
[    0.356155] pci 0000:07:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D1 D2 D3hot D3cold
[    0.356522] pci 0000:00:1c.3: PCI bridge to [bus 07-08]
[    0.356528] pci 0000:00:1c.3:   bridge window [io  0x5000-0x5fff]
[    0.356533] pci 0000:00:1c.3:   bridge window [mem 0xf0800000-0xf08fffff]
[    0.356541] pci 0000:00:1c.3:   bridge window [mem 0xf0400000-0xf05fffff 64bit pref]
[    0.356620] pci 0000:00:1e.0: PCI bridge to [bus 09-09] (subtractive decode)
[    0.356633] pci 0000:00:1e.0:   bridge window [io  0x0000-0x0cf7] (subtractive decode)
[    0.356636] pci 0000:00:1e.0:   bridge window [io  0x0d00-0xffff] (subtractive decode)
[    0.356638] pci 0000:00:1e.0:   bridge window [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff] (subtractive decode)
[    0.356640] pci 0000:00:1e.0:   bridge window [mem 0x000d0000-0x000d3fff] (subtractive decode)
[    0.356642] pci 0000:00:1e.0:   bridge window [mem 0x000d4000-0x000d7fff] (subtractive decode)
[    0.356644] pci 0000:00:1e.0:   bridge window [mem 0x000d8000-0x000dbfff] (subtractive decode)
[    0.356647] pci 0000:00:1e.0:   bridge window [mem 0xc0000000-0xfeafffff] (subtractive decode)
[    0.356676] pci_bus 0000:00: on NUMA node 0
[    0.356681] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0._PRT]
[    0.356972] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.P0P2._PRT]
[    0.357046] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.P0P1._PRT]
[    0.357223] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.RP01._PRT]
[    0.357293] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.RP03._PRT]
[    0.357359] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.RP04._PRT]
[    0.357499] \_SB_.PCI0:_OSC invalid UUID
[    0.357500] _OSC request data:1 1f 1f
[    0.357505]  pci0000:00: Requesting ACPI _OSC control (0x1d)
[    0.357542] \_SB_.PCI0:_OSC invalid UUID
[    0.357544] _OSC request data:1 0 1d
[    0.357548]  pci0000:00: ACPI _OSC request failed (AE_ERROR), returned control mask: 0x1d
[    0.357549] ACPI _OSC control for PCIe not granted, disabling ASPM
[    0.362238] ACPI: PCI Root Bridge [CPBG] (domain 0000 [bus ff])
[    0.362300] PCI host bridge to bus 0000:ff
[    0.362308] pci 0000:ff:00.0: [8086:2c62] type 00 class 0x060000
[    0.362334] pci 0000:ff:00.1: [8086:2d01] type 00 class 0x060000
[    0.362358] pci 0000:ff:02.0: [8086:2d10] type 00 class 0x060000
[    0.362379] pci 0000:ff:02.1: [8086:2d11] type 00 class 0x060000
[    0.362400] pci 0000:ff:02.2: [8086:2d12] type 00 class 0x060000
[    0.362426] pci 0000:ff:02.3: [8086:2d13] type 00 class 0x060000
[    0.362459] pci_bus 0000:ff: on NUMA node 0
[    0.362467]  pci0000:ff: Requesting ACPI _OSC control (0x1d)
[    0.362470]  pci0000:ff: ACPI _OSC request failed (AE_NOT_FOUND), returned control mask: 0x1d
[    0.362471] ACPI _OSC control for PCIe not granted, disabling ASPM
[    0.362702] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] (IRQs *11)
[    0.362749] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKB] (IRQs *10)
[    0.362795] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] (IRQs 5) *10
[    0.362841] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] (IRQs *5)
[    0.362887] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKE] (IRQs 11) *0, disabled.
[    0.362933] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKF] (IRQs 10) *0, disabled.
[    0.362980] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKG] (IRQs 5) *7
[    0.363027] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKH] (IRQs 5) *11
[    0.363134] vgaarb: device added: PCI:0000:02:00.0,decodes=io+mem,owns=io+mem,locks=none
[    0.363139] vgaarb: loaded
[    0.363140] vgaarb: bridge control possible 0000:02:00.0
[    0.363337] SCSI subsystem initialized
[    0.363392] libata version 3.00 loaded.
[    0.363416] ACPI: bus type usb registered
[    0.363437] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
[    0.363446] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
[    0.363471] usbcore: registered new device driver usb
[    0.363556] PCI: Using ACPI for IRQ routing
[    0.373973] PCI: pci_cache_line_size set to 64 bytes
[    0.374132] e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0x0009c400-0x0009ffff]
[    0.374134] e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0xbf27c000-0xbfffffff]
[    0.374138] e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0xbf3eb000-0xbfffffff]
[    0.374141] e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0xbf46f000-0xbfffffff]
[    0.374144] e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0xbf716000-0xbfffffff]
[    0.374146] e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0xbf780000-0xbfffffff]
[    0.374148] e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0xbf7e2000-0xbfffffff]
[    0.374150] e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0xbf800000-0xbfffffff]
[    0.374255] NetLabel: Initializing
[    0.374256] NetLabel:  domain hash size = 128
[    0.374257] NetLabel:  protocols = UNLABELED CIPSOv4
[    0.374269] NetLabel:  unlabeled traffic allowed by default
[    0.374374] hpet0: at MMIO 0xfed00000, IRQs 2, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
[    0.374382] hpet0: 8 comparators, 64-bit 14.318180 MHz counter
[    0.376406] Switching to clocksource hpet
[    0.383794] AppArmor: AppArmor Filesystem Enabled
[    0.383824] pnp: PnP ACPI init
[    0.383843] ACPI: bus type pnp registered
[    0.384229] pnp 00:00: [bus 00-fe]
[    0.384233] pnp 00:00: [io  0x0000-0x0cf7 window]
[    0.384235] pnp 00:00: [io  0x0cf8-0x0cff]
[    0.384237] pnp 00:00: [io  0x0d00-0xffff window]
[    0.384240] pnp 00:00: [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff window]
[    0.384242] pnp 00:00: [mem 0x000c0000-0x000c3fff window]
[    0.384244] pnp 00:00: [mem 0x000c4000-0x000c7fff window]
[    0.384246] pnp 00:00: [mem 0x000c8000-0x000cbfff window]
[    0.384248] pnp 00:00: [mem 0x000cc000-0x000cffff window]
[    0.384250] pnp 00:00: [mem 0x000d0000-0x000d3fff window]
[    0.384253] pnp 00:00: [mem 0x000d4000-0x000d7fff window]
[    0.384255] pnp 00:00: [mem 0x000d8000-0x000dbfff window]
[    0.384257] pnp 00:00: [mem 0x000dc000-0x000dffff window]
[    0.384259] pnp 00:00: [mem 0x000e0000-0x000e3fff window]
[    0.384261] pnp 00:00: [mem 0x000e4000-0x000e7fff window]
[    0.384263] pnp 00:00: [mem 0x000e8000-0x000ebfff window]
[    0.384266] pnp 00:00: [mem 0x000ec000-0x000effff window]
[    0.384268] pnp 00:00: [mem 0x000f0000-0x000fffff window]
[    0.384270] pnp 00:00: [mem 0xc0000000-0xfeafffff window]
[    0.384272] pnp 00:00: [mem 0xfed40000-0xfed44fff window]
[    0.384350] pnp 00:00: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0a08 PNP0a03 (active)
[    0.384622] pnp 00:01: [io  0x0000-0x001f]
[    0.384625] pnp 00:01: [io  0x0081-0x0091]
[    0.384627] pnp 00:01: [io  0x0093-0x009f]
[    0.384629] pnp 00:01: [io  0x00c0-0x00df]
[    0.384632] pnp 00:01: [dma 4]
[    0.384661] pnp 00:01: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0200 (active)
[    0.384670] pnp 00:02: [mem 0xff000000-0xffffffff]
[    0.384695] pnp 00:02: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs INT0800 (active)
[    0.384771] pnp 00:03: [irq 0 disabled]
[    0.384782] pnp 00:03: [irq 8]
[    0.384785] pnp 00:03: [mem 0xfed00000-0xfed003ff]
[    0.384811] pnp 00:03: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0103 (active)
[    0.384822] pnp 00:04: [io  0x00f0]
[    0.384828] pnp 00:04: [irq 13]
[    0.384854] pnp 00:04: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c04 (active)
[    0.384867] pnp 00:05: [io  0x002e-0x002f]
[    0.384870] pnp 00:05: [io  0x004e-0x004f]
[    0.384872] pnp 00:05: [io  0x0061]
[    0.384874] pnp 00:05: [io  0x0063]
[    0.384876] pnp 00:05: [io  0x0065]
[    0.384877] pnp 00:05: [io  0x0067]
[    0.384879] pnp 00:05: [io  0x0070]
[    0.384881] pnp 00:05: [io  0x0080]
[    0.384883] pnp 00:05: [io  0x0092]
[    0.384885] pnp 00:05: [io  0x00b2-0x00b3]
[    0.384887] pnp 00:05: [io  0x0680-0x069f]
[    0.384890] pnp 00:05: [io  0x0500-0x050f]
[    0.384892] pnp 00:05: [io  0x0600-0x0603]
[    0.384894] pnp 00:05: [io  0xffff]
[    0.384896] pnp 00:05: [io  0x0400-0x047f]
[    0.384898] pnp 00:05: [io  0x1180-0x11ff]
[    0.384900] pnp 00:05: [io  0x164e-0x164f]
[    0.384902] pnp 00:05: [io  0xfe00]
[    0.384963] system 00:05: [io  0x0680-0x069f] has been reserved
[    0.384965] system 00:05: [io  0x0500-0x050f] has been reserved
[    0.384968] system 00:05: [io  0x0600-0x0603] has been reserved
[    0.384970] system 00:05: [io  0xffff] has been reserved
[    0.384973] system 00:05: [io  0x0400-0x047f] has been reserved
[    0.384975] system 00:05: [io  0x1180-0x11ff] has been reserved
[    0.384978] system 00:05: [io  0x164e-0x164f] has been reserved
[    0.384980] system 00:05: [io  0xfe00] has been reserved
[    0.384984] system 00:05: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active)
[    0.385016] pnp 00:06: [io  0x06a0-0x06af]
[    0.385018] pnp 00:06: [io  0x06b0-0x06ff]
[    0.385061] system 00:06: [io  0x06a0-0x06af] has been reserved
[    0.385064] system 00:06: [io  0x06b0-0x06ff] has been reserved
[    0.385067] system 00:06: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active)
[    0.385097] pnp 00:07: [io  0x0070-0x0077]
[    0.385124] pnp 00:07: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0b00 (active)
[    0.385135] pnp 00:08: [io  0x0060]
[    0.385137] pnp 00:08: [io  0x0064]
[    0.385143] pnp 00:08: [irq 1]
[    0.385169] pnp 00:08: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0303 (active)
[    0.385182] pnp 00:09: [irq 12]
[    0.385211] pnp 00:09: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0f13 (active)
[    0.385574] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0xfed1c000-0xfed1ffff]
[    0.385577] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0xfed10000-0xfed13fff]
[    0.385579] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0xfed18000-0xfed18fff]
[    0.385581] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0xfed19000-0xfed19fff]
[    0.385584] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff]
[    0.385586] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0xf0b04000-0xf0b04fff]
[    0.385588] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0xc0000000-0xc0000fff]
[    0.385590] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0xfed20000-0xfed3ffff]
[    0.385592] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0xfed90000-0xfed8ffff disabled]
[    0.385594] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0xfed40000-0xfed44fff]
[    0.385596] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0xfed45000-0xfed8ffff]
[    0.385598] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0xff000000-0xffffffff]
[    0.385600] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0xfee00000-0xfeefffff]
[    0.385672] system 00:0a: [mem 0xfed1c000-0xfed1ffff] has been reserved
[    0.385674] system 00:0a: [mem 0xfed10000-0xfed13fff] has been reserved
[    0.385677] system 00:0a: [mem 0xfed18000-0xfed18fff] has been reserved
[    0.385680] system 00:0a: [mem 0xfed19000-0xfed19fff] has been reserved
[    0.385682] system 00:0a: [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff] has been reserved
[    0.385685] system 00:0a: [mem 0xf0b04000-0xf0b04fff] has been reserved
[    0.385688] system 00:0a: [mem 0xc0000000-0xc0000fff] has been reserved
[    0.385691] system 00:0a: [mem 0xfed20000-0xfed3ffff] has been reserved
[    0.385693] system 00:0a: [mem 0xfed40000-0xfed44fff] has been reserved
[    0.385696] system 00:0a: [mem 0xfed45000-0xfed8ffff] has been reserved
[    0.385699] system 00:0a: [mem 0xff000000-0xffffffff] has been reserved
[    0.385701] system 00:0a: [mem 0xfee00000-0xfeefffff] could not be reserved
[    0.385705] system 00:0a: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active)
[    0.386163] pnp 00:0b: [bus ff]
[    0.386250] pnp 00:0b: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0a03 (active)
[    0.386271] pnp: PnP ACPI: found 12 devices
[    0.386274] ACPI: ACPI bus type pnp unregistered
[    0.386279] PnPBIOS: Disabled by ACPI PNP
[    0.423732] pci 0000:02:00.0: BAR 6: assigned [mem 0xcd000000-0xcd07ffff pref]
[    0.423739] pci 0000:00:01.0: PCI bridge to [bus 02-02]
[    0.423743] pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [io  0x2000-0x2fff]
[    0.423747] pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [mem 0xcc000000-0xcdefffff]
[    0.423750] pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [mem 0xce000000-0xdfffffff 64bit pref]
[    0.423755] pci 0000:00:1c.0: PCI bridge to [bus 03-04]
[    0.423759] pci 0000:00:1c.0:   bridge window [io  0x3000-0x3fff]
[    0.423765] pci 0000:00:1c.0:   bridge window [mem 0xf0700000-0xf07fffff]
[    0.423771] pci 0000:00:1c.0:   bridge window [mem 0xf0000000-0xf01fffff 64bit pref]
[    0.423779] pci 0000:00:1c.2: PCI bridge to [bus 05-06]
[    0.423783] pci 0000:00:1c.2:   bridge window [io  0x4000-0x4fff]
[    0.423790] pci 0000:00:1c.2:   bridge window [mem 0xf0600000-0xf06fffff]
[    0.423795] pci 0000:00:1c.2:   bridge window [mem 0xf0200000-0xf03fffff 64bit pref]
[    0.423805] pci 0000:07:00.0: BAR 6: assigned [mem 0xf0400000-0xf041ffff pref]
[    0.423807] pci 0000:00:1c.3: PCI bridge to [bus 07-08]
[    0.423811] pci 0000:00:1c.3:   bridge window [io  0x5000-0x5fff]
[    0.423818] pci 0000:00:1c.3:   bridge window [mem 0xf0800000-0xf08fffff]
[    0.423823] pci 0000:00:1c.3:   bridge window [mem 0xf0400000-0xf05fffff 64bit pref]
[    0.423831] pci 0000:00:1e.0: PCI bridge to [bus 09-09]
[    0.423898] pci 0000:00:1e.0: setting latency timer to 64
[    0.423903] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 4 [io  0x0000-0x0cf7]
[    0.423906] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 5 [io  0x0d00-0xffff]
[    0.423908] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 6 [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff]
[    0.423910] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 7 [mem 0x000d0000-0x000d3fff]
[    0.423912] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 8 [mem 0x000d4000-0x000d7fff]
[    0.423914] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 9 [mem 0x000d8000-0x000dbfff]
[    0.423916] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 10 [mem 0xc0000000-0xfeafffff]
[    0.423919] pci_bus 0000:02: resource 0 [io  0x2000-0x2fff]
[    0.423921] pci_bus 0000:02: resource 1 [mem 0xcc000000-0xcdefffff]
[    0.423923] pci_bus 0000:02: resource 2 [mem 0xce000000-0xdfffffff 64bit pref]
[    0.423926] pci_bus 0000:03: resource 0 [io  0x3000-0x3fff]
[    0.423928] pci_bus 0000:03: resource 1 [mem 0xf0700000-0xf07fffff]
[    0.423930] pci_bus 0000:03: resource 2 [mem 0xf0000000-0xf01fffff 64bit pref]
[    0.423932] pci_bus 0000:05: resource 0 [io  0x4000-0x4fff]
[    0.423934] pci_bus 0000:05: resource 1 [mem 0xf0600000-0xf06fffff]
[    0.423937] pci_bus 0000:05: resource 2 [mem 0xf0200000-0xf03fffff 64bit pref]
[    0.423939] pci_bus 0000:07: resource 0 [io  0x5000-0x5fff]
[    0.423941] pci_bus 0000:07: resource 1 [mem 0xf0800000-0xf08fffff]
[    0.423943] pci_bus 0000:07: resource 2 [mem 0xf0400000-0xf05fffff 64bit pref]
[    0.423946] pci_bus 0000:09: resource 4 [io  0x0000-0x0cf7]
[    0.423948] pci_bus 0000:09: resource 5 [io  0x0d00-0xffff]
[    0.423950] pci_bus 0000:09: resource 6 [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff]
[    0.423952] pci_bus 0000:09: resource 7 [mem 0x000d0000-0x000d3fff]
[    0.423954] pci_bus 0000:09: resource 8 [mem 0x000d4000-0x000d7fff]
[    0.423957] pci_bus 0000:09: resource 9 [mem 0x000d8000-0x000dbfff]
[    0.423959] pci_bus 0000:09: resource 10 [mem 0xc0000000-0xfeafffff]
[    0.424000] NET: Registered protocol family 2
[    0.424057] IP route cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
[    0.424180] TCP established hash table entries: 131072 (order: 8, 1048576 bytes)
[    0.424894] TCP bind hash table entries: 65536 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
[    0.425240] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 131072 bind 65536)
[    0.425242] TCP: reno registered
[    0.425244] UDP hash table entries: 512 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
[    0.425254] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 512 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
[    0.425312] NET: Registered protocol family 1
[    0.425433] pci 0000:02:00.0: Boot video device
[    0.425491] PCI: CLS 64 bytes, default 64
[    0.425554] Simple Boot Flag at 0x37 set to 0x1
[    0.426093] audit: initializing netlink socket (disabled)
[    0.426109] type=2000 audit(1366309200.316:1): initialized
[    0.449954] highmem bounce pool size: 64 pages
[    0.449967] HugeTLB registered 2 MB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages
[    0.452006] VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.5.2
[    0.452054] Dquot-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order 0, 4096 bytes)
[    0.452647] fuse init (API version 7.19)
[    0.452731] msgmni has been set to 1633
[    0.453107] Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 252)
[    0.453138] io scheduler noop registered
[    0.453141] io scheduler deadline registered (default)
[    0.453149] io scheduler cfq registered
[    0.453281] pcieport 0000:00:01.0: irq 40 for MSI/MSI-X
[    0.453502] pci_hotplug: PCI Hot Plug PCI Core version: 0.5
[    0.453517] pciehp: PCI Express Hot Plug Controller Driver version: 0.4
[    0.453586] intel_idle: MWAIT substates: 0x1120
[    0.453588] intel_idle: v0.4 model 0x25
[    0.453589] intel_idle: lapic_timer_reliable_states 0xffffffff
[    0.454190] ACPI: AC Adapter [ADP1] (on-line)
[    0.454284] input: Lid Switch as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0C0D:00/input/input0
[    0.454505] ACPI: Lid Switch [LID0]
[    0.454553] input: Power Button as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0C0C:00/input/input1
[    0.454557] ACPI: Power Button [PWRB]
[    0.454594] input: Sleep Button as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0C0E:00/input/input2
[    0.454596] ACPI: Sleep Button [SLPB]
[    0.454631] input: Power Button as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXPWRBN:00/input/input3
[    0.454633] ACPI: Power Button [PWRF]
[    0.454830] ACPI: Fan [FAN0] (off)
[    0.454862] ACPI: Fan [FAN1] (off)
[    0.454914] ACPI: Requesting acpi_cpufreq
[    0.548616] Freeing initrd memory: 14792k freed
[    0.558006] thermal LNXTHERM:00: registered as thermal_zone0
[    0.558010] ACPI: Thermal Zone [TZ00] (58 C)
[    0.558629] thermal LNXTHERM:01: registered as thermal_zone1
[    0.558632] ACPI: Thermal Zone [TZ01] (58 C)
[    0.558649] ACPI: Battery Slot [BAT1] (battery absent)
[    0.558678] GHES: HEST is not enabled!
[    0.558739] isapnp: Scanning for PnP cards...
[    0.558777] Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 32 ports, IRQ sharing enabled
[    0.558946] ACPI: Battery Slot [BAT1] (battery absent)
[    0.560302] Linux agpgart interface v0.103
[    0.562258] brd: module loaded
[    0.563168] loop: module loaded
[    0.563624] Fixed MDIO Bus: probed
[    0.563678] tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.6
[    0.563680] tun: (C) 1999-2004 Max Krasnyansky <maxk@qualcomm.com>
[    0.563727] PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
[    0.563779] ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver
[    0.563820] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1a.0: setting latency timer to 64
[    0.563825] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1a.0: EHCI Host Controller
[    0.563832] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1a.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
[    0.563865] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1a.0: debug port 2
[    0.567838] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1a.0: cache line size of 64 is not supported
[    0.567860] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1a.0: irq 16, io mem 0xf0b06000
[    0.576446] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1a.0: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00
[    0.576470] usb usb1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0002
[    0.576473] usb usb1: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
[    0.576476] usb usb1: Product: EHCI Host Controller
[    0.576478] usb usb1: Manufacturer: Linux 3.5.0-27-generic ehci_hcd
[    0.576481] usb usb1: SerialNumber: 0000:00:1a.0
[    0.576614] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
[    0.576619] hub 1-0:1.0: 3 ports detected
[    0.576708] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: setting latency timer to 64
[    0.576713] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: EHCI Host Controller
[    0.576719] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
[    0.576750] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: debug port 2
[    0.580755] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: cache line size of 64 is not supported
[    0.580773] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: irq 23, io mem 0xf0b06400
[    0.592438] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00
[    0.592466] usb usb2: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0002
[    0.592469] usb usb2: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
[    0.592472] usb usb2: Product: EHCI Host Controller
[    0.592475] usb usb2: Manufacturer: Linux 3.5.0-27-generic ehci_hcd
[    0.592477] usb usb2: SerialNumber: 0000:00:1d.0
[    0.592599] hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found
[    0.592603] hub 2-0:1.0: 3 ports detected
[    0.592677] ohci_hcd: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver
[    0.592697] uhci_hcd: USB Universal Host Controller Interface driver
[    0.592755] usbcore: registered new interface driver libusual
[    0.592807] i8042: PNP: PS/2 Controller [PNP0303:PS2K,PNP0f13:PS2M] at 0x60,0x64 irq 1,12
[    0.596002] serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1
[    0.596008] serio: i8042 AUX port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12
[    0.596143] mousedev: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
[    0.596376] rtc_cmos 00:07: RTC can wake from S4
[    0.596566] rtc_cmos 00:07: rtc core: registered rtc_cmos as rtc0
[    0.596599] rtc0: alarms up to one month, y3k, 242 bytes nvram, hpet irqs
[    0.596657] device-mapper: uevent: version 1.0.3
[    0.596732] device-mapper: ioctl: 4.22.0-ioctl (2011-10-19) initialised: dm-devel@redhat.com
[    0.596763] EISA: Probing bus 0 at eisa.0
[    0.596766] EISA: Cannot allocate resource for mainboard
[    0.596768] Cannot allocate resource for EISA slot 1
[    0.596770] Cannot allocate resource for EISA slot 2
[    0.596772] Cannot allocate resource for EISA slot 3
[    0.596773] Cannot allocate resource for EISA slot 4
[    0.596775] Cannot allocate resource for EISA slot 5
[    0.596777] Cannot allocate resource for EISA slot 6
[    0.596779] Cannot allocate resource for EISA slot 7
[    0.596780] Cannot allocate resource for EISA slot 8
[    0.596782] EISA: Detected 0 cards.
[    0.596885] cpuidle: using governor ladder
[    0.597012] cpuidle: using governor menu
[    0.597014] EFI Variables Facility v0.08 2004-May-17
[    0.597281] ashmem: initialized
[    0.597659] TCP: cubic registered
[    0.597924] NET: Registered protocol family 10
[    0.598366] NET: Registered protocol family 17
[    0.598389] Key type dns_resolver registered
[    0.598555] Using IPI No-Shortcut mode
[    0.598935] PM: Hibernation image not present or could not be loaded.
[    0.598958] registered taskstats version 1
[    0.604345] Key type trusted registered
[    0.607404] Key type encrypted registered
[    0.611448]   Magic number: 9:520:342
[    0.611612] rtc_cmos 00:07: setting system clock to 2013-04-18 18:20:01 UTC (1366309201)
[    0.613412] BIOS EDD facility v0.16 2004-Jun-25, 0 devices found
[    0.613414] EDD information not available.
[    0.629474] input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard as /devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input4
[    0.888384] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 2 using ehci_hcd
[    0.921993] isapnp: No Plug & Play device found
[    0.922183] Freeing unused kernel memory: 756k freed
[    0.922442] Write protecting the kernel text: 5960k
[    0.922465] Write protecting the kernel read-only data: 2412k
[    0.922467] NX-protecting the kernel data: 4280k
[    0.943499] udevd[99]: starting version 175
[    0.972201] ahci 0000:00:1f.2: version 3.0
[    0.975590] sky2: driver version 1.30
[    0.975774] ahci 0000:00:1f.2: irq 41 for MSI/MSI-X
[    0.975972] sky2 0000:07:00.0: Yukon-2 Optima chip revision 1
[    0.976197] ahci: SSS flag set, parallel bus scan disabled
[    0.976901] sky2 0000:07:00.0: irq 42 for MSI/MSI-X
[    0.976905] ahci 0000:00:1f.2: AHCI 0001.0300 32 slots 4 ports 3 Gbps 0x13 impl SATA mode
[    0.976909] ahci 0000:00:1f.2: flags: 64bit ncq sntf stag pm led clo pio slum part ems sxs apst
[    0.976947] ahci 0000:00:1f.2: setting latency timer to 64
[    0.980846] sky2 0000:07:00.0: eth0: addr 00:24:54:86:03:d3
[    0.994902] scsi0 : ahci
[    0.995714] scsi1 : ahci
[    0.995827] scsi2 : ahci
[    0.995942] scsi3 : ahci
[    0.996306] scsi4 : ahci
[    0.996391] ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m2048@0xf0b05000 port 0xf0b05100 irq 41
[    0.996396] ata2: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m2048@0xf0b05000 port 0xf0b05180 irq 41
[    0.996398] ata3: DUMMY
[    0.996400] ata4: DUMMY
[    0.996404] ata5: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m2048@0xf0b05000 port 0xf0b05300 irq 41
[    1.020623] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=8087, idProduct=0020
[    1.020630] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=0, SerialNumber=0
[    1.020935] hub 1-1:1.0: USB hub found
[    1.020997] hub 1-1:1.0: 6 ports detected
[    1.132296] usb 2-1: new high-speed USB device number 2 using ehci_hcd
[    1.264888] usb 2-1: New USB device found, idVendor=8087, idProduct=0020
[    1.264897] usb 2-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=0, SerialNumber=0
[    1.265510] hub 2-1:1.0: USB hub found
[    1.265684] hub 2-1:1.0: 8 ports detected
[    1.316263] ata1: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 300)
[    1.317487] ata1.00: ATA-8: Hitachi HTS545032B9A300, PB3OC66G, max UDMA/133
[    1.317493] ata1.00: 625142448 sectors, multi 16: LBA48 NCQ (depth 31/32), AA
[    1.318946] ata1.00: configured for UDMA/133
[    1.319147] scsi 0:0:0:0: Direct-Access     ATA      Hitachi HTS54503 PB3O PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
[    1.319333] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 625142448 512-byte logical blocks: (320 GB/298 GiB)
[    1.319344] sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0
[    1.319407] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off
[    1.319411] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Mode Sense: 00 3a 00 00
[    1.319459] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA
[    1.336488] usb 1-1.1: new high-speed USB device number 3 using ehci_hcd
[    1.417563]  sda: sda1 sda2 sda3 sda4 < sda5 sda6 sda7 sda8 sda9 >
[    1.420517] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk
[    1.424191] Refined TSC clocksource calibration: 2128.123 MHz.
[    1.424201] Switching to clocksource tsc
[    1.449280] usb 1-1.1: New USB device found, idVendor=0ac8, idProduct=c342
[    1.449286] usb 1-1.1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0
[    1.449290] usb 1-1.1: Product: WebCam SCB-1900N
[    1.449293] usb 1-1.1: Manufacturer: Namuga Co.,Ltd.
[    1.520389] usb 1-1.3: new full-speed USB device number 4 using ehci_hcd
[    1.616722] usb 1-1.3: New USB device found, idVendor=0a5c, idProduct=219b
[    1.616728] usb 1-1.3: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
[    1.616732] usb 1-1.3: Product: Broadcom Bluetooth 2.1 Device
[    1.616735] usb 1-1.3: Manufacturer: Broadcom Corp
[    1.616737] usb 1-1.3: SerialNumber: B482FE50949F
[    1.636140] ata2: SATA link up 1.5 Gbps (SStatus 113 SControl 300)
[    1.641569] ata2.00: ATAPI: SlimtypeDVD A DS8A4S, JS21, max UDMA/100
[    1.642989] ata2.00: configured for UDMA/100
[    1.647202] scsi 1:0:0:0: CD-ROM            Slimtype DVD A DS8A4S     JS21 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
[    1.652473] sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 8x/8x writer dvd-ram cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
[    1.652478] cdrom: Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.20
[    1.652634] sr 1:0:0:0: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr0
[    1.652709] sr 1:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg1 type 5
[    1.688342] usb 2-1.5: new low-speed USB device number 3 using ehci_hcd
[    1.784318] usb 2-1.5: New USB device found, idVendor=046d, idProduct=c05a
[    1.784326] usb 2-1.5: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0
[    1.784332] usb 2-1.5: Product: USB Optical Mouse
[    1.784337] usb 2-1.5: Manufacturer: Logitech
[    1.972028] ata5: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)
[    1.975081] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid
[    1.975085] usbhid: USB HID core driver
[    1.977607] input: Logitech USB Optical Mouse as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.0/usb2/2-1/2-1.5/2-1.5:1.0/input/input5
[    1.977743] hid-generic 0003:046D:C05A.0001: input,hidraw0: USB HID v1.11 Mouse [Logitech USB Optical Mouse] on usb-0000:00:1d.0-1.5/input0
[    3.701230] EXT4-fs (sda5): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)
[   32.161692] Adding 2538492k swap on /dev/sda6.  Priority:-1 extents:1 across:2538492k
[   32.169551] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
[   32.239250] udevd[376]: starting version 175
[   32.399086] type=1400 audit(1366298433.295:2): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" name="/sbin/dhclient" pid=446 comm="apparmor_parser"
[   32.399715] type=1400 audit(1366298433.295:3): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" name="/usr/lib/NetworkManager/nm-dhcp-client.action" pid=446 comm="apparmor_parser"
[   32.399994] type=1400 audit(1366298433.295:4): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" name="/usr/lib/connman/scripts/dhclient-script" pid=446 comm="apparmor_parser"
[   32.668644] microcode: CPU0 sig=0x20652, pf=0x10, revision=0x9
[   32.795046] [Firmware Bug]: ACPI: No _BQC method, cannot determine initial brightness
[   32.795589] acpi device:02: registered as cooling_device6
[   32.795626] ACPI: Video Device [NVID] (multi-head: yes  rom: no  post: no)
[   32.795676] input: Video Bus as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0A08:00/device:00/LNXVIDEO:00/input/input6
[   32.817090] microcode: CPU1 sig=0x20652, pf=0x10, revision=0x9
[   32.818761] microcode: CPU2 sig=0x20652, pf=0x10, revision=0x9
[   32.820062] microcode: CPU3 sig=0x20652, pf=0x10, revision=0x9
[   32.821433] microcode: Microcode Update Driver: v2.00 <tigran@aivazian.fsnet.co.uk>, Peter Oruba
[   32.960966] ACPI Warning: 0x00000460-0x0000047f SystemIO conflicts with Region \PMIO 1 (20120320/utaddress-251)
[   32.960975] ACPI: If an ACPI driver is available for this device, you should use it instead of the native driver
[   32.960978] lpc_ich: Resource conflict(s) found affecting iTCO_wdt
[   32.960982] ACPI Warning: 0x00000428-0x0000042f SystemIO conflicts with Region \PMIO 1 (20120320/utaddress-251)
[   32.960988] ACPI: If an ACPI driver is available for this device, you should use it instead of the native driver
[   32.960992] ACPI Warning: 0x00001180-0x000011ff SystemIO conflicts with Region \GPIO 1 (20120320/utaddress-251)
[   32.960998] ACPI: If an ACPI driver is available for this device, you should use it instead of the native driver
[   32.961000] lpc_ich: Resource conflict(s) found affecting gpio_ich
[   33.033447] Linux video capture interface: v2.00
[   33.061877] Bluetooth: Core ver 2.16
[   33.061905] NET: Registered protocol family 31
[   33.061908] Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized
[   33.061911] Bluetooth: HCI socket layer initialized
[   33.061913] Bluetooth: L2CAP socket layer initialized
[   33.061918] Bluetooth: SCO socket layer initialized
[   33.096225] lp: driver loaded but no devices found
[   33.134766] samsung_laptop: detected SABI interface: SwSmi@
[   33.134769] samsung_laptop: Backlight controlled by ACPI video driver
[   33.168784] cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain
[   33.173821] cfg80211: World regulatory domain updated:
[   33.173825] cfg80211:   (start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth), (max_antenna_gain, max_eirp)
[   33.173828] cfg80211:   (2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   33.173830] cfg80211:   (2457000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 20000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   33.173832] cfg80211:   (2474000 KHz - 2494000 KHz @ 20000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   33.173833] cfg80211:   (5170000 KHz - 5250000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   33.173835] cfg80211:   (5735000 KHz - 5835000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   33.244975] uvcvideo: Found UVC 1.00 device WebCam SCB-1900N (0ac8:c342)
[   33.247054] input: WebCam SCB-1900N as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb1/1-1/1-1.1/1-1.1:1.0/input/input7
[   33.247146] usbcore: registered new interface driver uvcvideo
[   33.247148] USB Video Class driver (1.1.1)
[   33.258251] usbcore: registered new interface driver btusb
[   33.341984] kvm: VM_EXIT_LOAD_IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL does not work properly. Using workaround
[   34.116574] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:1b.0: irq 43 for MSI/MSI-X
[   34.134415] ath: EEPROM regdomain: 0x65
[   34.134418] ath: EEPROM indicates we should expect a direct regpair map
[   34.134421] ath: Country alpha2 being used: 00
[   34.134422] ath: Regpair used: 0x65
[   34.134425] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2412 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   34.134427] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   34.134429] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2417 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   34.134431] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   34.134433] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2422 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   34.134434] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   34.134436] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2427 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   34.134438] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   34.134439] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2432 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   34.134441] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   34.134443] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2437 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   34.134444] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   34.134446] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2442 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   34.134448] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   34.134449] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2447 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   34.134451] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   34.134452] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2452 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   34.134454] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   34.134456] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2457 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   34.134457] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   34.134459] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2462 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   34.134461] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   34.134462] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2467 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   34.134464] cfg80211: 2457000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   34.134466] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2472 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   34.134467] cfg80211: 2457000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   34.134469] cfg80211: Disabling freq 2484 MHz as custom regd has no rule that fits a 20 MHz wide channel
[   34.135847] cfg80211: Ignoring regulatory request Set by core since the driver uses its own custom regulatory domain
[   34.141150] psmouse serio1: synaptics: Touchpad model: 1, fw: 7.4, id: 0x1c0b1, caps: 0xd04733/0xa40000/0xa0000
[   34.182350] input: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad as /devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input8
[   34.323462] input: HDA Intel Mic as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0/input9
[   34.323570] input: HDA Intel Headphone as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0/input10
[   34.323866] hda_intel: Disabling MSI
[   34.323876] hda-intel: 0000:02:00.1: Handle VGA-switcheroo audio client
[   34.371976] ieee80211 phy0: Selected rate control algorithm 'ath9k_rate_control'
[   34.372298] Registered led device: ath9k-phy0
[   34.372307] ieee80211 phy0: Atheros AR9285 Rev:2 mem=0xf86c0000, irq=16
[   34.804925] nvidia: module license 'NVIDIA' taints kernel.
[   34.804930] Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
[   35.236027] input: HDA NVidia HDMI/DP,pcm=9 as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:02:00.1/sound/card1/input11
[   35.236143] input: HDA NVidia HDMI/DP,pcm=8 as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:02:00.1/sound/card1/input12
[   35.236237] input: HDA NVidia HDMI/DP,pcm=7 as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:02:00.1/sound/card1/input13
[   35.236327] input: HDA NVidia HDMI/DP,pcm=3 as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:02:00.1/sound/card1/input14
[   35.236858] vgaarb: device changed decodes: PCI:0000:02:00.0,olddecodes=io+mem,decodes=none:owns=io+mem
[   35.237010] NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86 Kernel Module  304.88  Wed Mar 27 14:31:12 PDT 2013
[   36.344847] init: udev-fallback-graphics main process (885) terminated with status 1
[   36.431006] EXT4-fs (sda5): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro
[   36.904276] EXT4-fs (sda9): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)
[   36.950761] EXT4-fs (sda8): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)
[   37.030899] init: failsafe main process (953) killed by TERM signal
[   37.178273] ppdev: user-space parallel port driver
[   37.184771] type=1400 audit(1366298438.083:5): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" name="/usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm/lightdm-guest-session-wrapper" pid=1071 comm="apparmor_parser"
[   37.184824] type=1400 audit(1366298438.083:6): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" name="/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/lightdm-remote-session-freerdp/freerdp-session-wrapper" pid=1072 comm="apparmor_parser"
[   37.185251] type=1400 audit(1366298438.083:7): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" name="/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/lightdm-remote-session-uccsconfigure/uccsconfigure-session-wrapper" pid=1073 comm="apparmor_parser"
[   37.185359] type=1400 audit(1366298438.083:8): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" name="/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/lightdm-remote-session-freerdp/freerdp-session-wrapper//chromium_browser" pid=1072 comm="apparmor_parser"
[   37.185480] type=1400 audit(1366298438.083:9): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" name="/usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm/lightdm-guest-session-wrapper//chromium_browser" pid=1071 comm="apparmor_parser"
[   37.185822] type=1400 audit(1366298438.083:10): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" name="/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/lightdm-remote-session-uccsconfigure/uccsconfigure-session-wrapper//chromium_browser" pid=1073 comm="apparmor_parser"
[   37.191353] type=1400 audit(1366298438.091:11): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_replace" name="/sbin/dhclient" pid=1074 comm="apparmor_parser"
[   37.223347] Bluetooth: BNEP (Ethernet Emulation) ver 1.3
[   37.223352] Bluetooth: BNEP filters: protocol multicast
[   37.318983] Bluetooth: RFCOMM TTY layer initialized
[   37.318991] Bluetooth: RFCOMM socket layer initialized
[   37.318993] Bluetooth: RFCOMM ver 1.11
[   37.325037] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
[   37.330564] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
[   37.343855] sky2 0000:07:00.0: eth0: enabling interface
[   37.344672] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
[   37.347538] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
[   37.353681] microcode: CPU0 updated to revision 0xd, date = 2011-09-01
[   37.354253] microcode: CPU1 updated to revision 0xd, date = 2011-09-01
[   37.354823] microcode: CPU2 updated to revision 0xd, date = 2011-09-01
[   37.355411] microcode: CPU3 updated to revision 0xd, date = 2011-09-01
[   37.519165] audit_printk_skb: 57 callbacks suppressed
[   37.519169] type=1400 audit(1366298438.419:31): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_replace" name="/usr/sbin/mysqld" pid=1223 comm="apparmor_parser"
[   37.640679] zram: module is from the staging directory, the quality is unknown, you have been warned.
[   37.641003] zram: Creating 4 devices ...
[   37.651499] Adding 498820k swap on /dev/zram0.  Priority:5 extents:1 across:498820k SS
[   37.655139] Adding 498820k swap on /dev/zram1.  Priority:5 extents:1 across:498820k SS
[   37.661130] Adding 498820k swap on /dev/zram2.  Priority:5 extents:1 across:498820k SS
[   37.664871] Adding 498820k swap on /dev/zram3.  Priority:5 extents:1 across:498820k SS
[   37.958329] cfg80211: Found new beacon on frequency: 2472 MHz (Ch 13) on phy0
[   38.528239] vboxdrv: Found 4 processor cores.
[   38.528399] vboxdrv: fAsync=0 offMin=0x2c8 offMax=0x1cb8
[   38.528460] vboxdrv: TSC mode is 'synchronous', kernel timer mode is 'normal'.
[   38.528462] vboxdrv: Successfully loaded version 4.1.18_Ubuntu (interface 0x00190000).
[   38.749401] vboxpci: IOMMU not found (not registered)
[  128.513624] update-notifier[8988]: segfault at 8 ip b6ee10ce sp bffd9af0 error 4 in libgobject-2.0.so.0.3400.1[b6ecf000+4e000]
[  132.465633] wlan0: authenticate with f8:d1:11:65:68:e2
[  132.478910] wlan0: send auth to f8:d1:11:65:68:e2 (try 1/3)
[  132.480996] wlan0: authenticated
[  132.488439] wlan0: associate with f8:d1:11:65:68:e2 (try 1/3)
[  132.492528] wlan0: RX AssocResp from f8:d1:11:65:68:e2 (capab=0x411 status=0 aid=1)
[  132.492626] wlan0: associated
[  132.492809] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan0: link becomes ready
[  132.492911] cfg80211: Calling CRDA for country: TR
[  132.497756] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2412 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[  132.497763] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[  132.497767] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2417 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[  132.497771] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[  132.497774] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2422 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[  132.497778] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[  132.497781] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2427 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[  132.497784] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[  132.497788] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2432 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[  132.497791] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[  132.497794] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2437 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[  132.497798] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[  132.497801] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2442 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[  132.497804] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[  132.497807] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2447 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[  132.497811] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[  132.497814] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2452 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[  132.497818] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[  132.497821] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2457 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[  132.497824] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[  132.497827] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2462 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[  132.497831] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[  132.497834] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2467 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[  132.497838] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[  132.497841] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2472 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[  132.497844] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[  132.497847] cfg80211: Disabling freq 2484 MHz
[  132.497856] ath: regdomain 0x8318 updated by CountryIE
[  132.497858] ath: EEPROM regdomain: 0x8318
[  132.497861] ath: EEPROM indicates we should expect a country code
[  132.497864] ath: doing EEPROM country->regdmn map search
[  132.497867] ath: country maps to regdmn code: 0x36
[  132.497870] ath: Country alpha2 being used: TR
[  132.497872] ath: Regpair used: 0x36
[  132.497906] cfg80211: Regulatory domain changed to country: TR
[  132.497909] cfg80211:   (start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth), (max_antenna_gain, max_eirp)
[  132.497912] cfg80211:   (2402000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A, 2000 mBm)
[  132.497916] cfg80211:   (5170000 KHz - 5250000 KHz @ 20000 KHz), (N/A, 2000 mBm)
[  132.497919] cfg80211:   (5250000 KHz - 5330000 KHz @ 20000 KHz), (N/A, 2000 mBm)
[  132.539157] cfg80211: Found new beacon on frequency: 2472 MHz (Ch 13) on phy0

Mesaj tekrarı yüzünden mesajınız birleştirildi. Bu mesajın gönderim tarihi : 19 Nisan 2013 - 11:01:09

Yazı uzun olduğundan kesintiye uğradı ikinci yazıyı o yüzden atıyorum.

Not:Yukarıda dmesg in normal hali vardı burada bağlanama durumundaki hali var.
[    0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset
[    0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpu
[    0.000000] Linux version 3.5.0-27-generic (buildd@akateko) (gcc version 4.7.2 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.7.2-2ubuntu1) ) #46-Ubuntu SMP Mon Mar 25 20:00:05 UTC 2013 (Ubuntu 3.5.0-27.46-generic
[    0.000000] KERNEL supported cpus:
[    0.000000]   Intel GenuineIntel
[    0.000000]   AMD AuthenticAMD
[    0.000000]   NSC Geode by NSC
[    0.000000]   Cyrix CyrixInstead
[    0.000000]   Centaur CentaurHauls
[    0.000000]   Transmeta GenuineTMx86
[    0.000000]   Transmeta TransmetaCPU
[    0.000000]   UMC UMC UMC UMC
[    0.000000] e820: BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x000000000009c3ff] usable
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000000009c400-0x000000000009ffff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000000dc000-0x00000000000fffff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x00000000bf27bfff] usable
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bf27c000-0x00000000bf281fff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bf282000-0x00000000bf3eafff] usable
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bf3eb000-0x00000000bf40efff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bf40f000-0x00000000bf46efff] usable
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bf46f000-0x00000000bf46ffff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bf470000-0x00000000bf4f0fff] ACPI NVS
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bf4f1000-0x00000000bf70efff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bf70f000-0x00000000bf715fff] usable
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bf716000-0x00000000bf71efff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bf71f000-0x00000000bf77ffff] usable
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bf780000-0x00000000bf79efff] ACPI NVS
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bf79f000-0x00000000bf7e1fff] usable
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bf7e2000-0x00000000bf7fefff] ACPI data
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bf7ff000-0x00000000bf7fffff] usable
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000bf800000-0x00000000bfffffff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000e0000000-0x00000000efffffff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000f0b04000-0x00000000f0b04fff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000feaff000-0x00000000feafffff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000fec00000-0x00000000fec0ffff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000fed00000-0x00000000fed003ff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000fed1c000-0x00000000fed8ffff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000fee00000-0x00000000fee00fff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000ff000000-0x00000000ffffffff] reserved
[    0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000100000000-0x0000000137ffffff] usable
[    0.000000] NX (Execute Disable) protection: active
[    0.000000] SMBIOS 2.6 present.
[    0.000000] DMI: SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. R580/R590                  /R580/R590                  , BIOS 08JB.M032.20100331.hkk 03/31/2010
[    0.000000] e820: update [mem 0x00000000-0x0000ffff] usable ==> reserved
[    0.000000] e820: remove [mem 0x000a0000-0x000fffff] usable
[    0.000000] e820: last_pfn = 0x138000 max_arch_pfn = 0x1000000
[    0.000000] MTRR default type: uncachable
[    0.000000] MTRR fixed ranges enabled:
[    0.000000]   00000-9FFFF write-back
[    0.000000]   A0000-BFFFF uncachable
[    0.000000]   C0000-CFFFF write-protect
[    0.000000]   D0000-FFFFF write-through
[    0.000000] MTRR variable ranges enabled:
[    0.000000]   0 disabled
[    0.000000]   1 base 000000000 mask F80000000 write-back
[    0.000000]   2 base 080000000 mask FC0000000 write-back
[    0.000000]   3 base 100000000 mask FC0000000 write-back
[    0.000000]   4 base 138000000 mask FF8000000 uncachable
[    0.000000]   5 disabled
[    0.000000]   6 disabled
[    0.000000]   7 disabled
[    0.000000] x86 PAT enabled: cpu 0, old 0x7040600070406, new 0x7010600070106
[    0.000000] original variable MTRRs
[    0.000000] reg 1, base: 0GB, range: 2GB, type WB
[    0.000000] reg 2, base: 2GB, range: 1GB, type WB
[    0.000000] reg 3, base: 4GB, range: 1GB, type WB
[    0.000000] reg 4, base: 4992MB, range: 128MB, type UC
[    0.000000] total RAM covered: 3968M
[    0.000000] Found optimal setting for mtrr clean up
[    0.000000]  gran_size: 64K  chunk_size: 256M        num_reg: 4      lose cover RAM: 0G
[    0.000000] New variable MTRRs
[    0.000000] reg 0, base: 0GB, range: 2GB, type WB
[    0.000000] reg 1, base: 2GB, range: 1GB, type WB
[    0.000000] reg 2, base: 4GB, range: 1GB, type WB
[    0.000000] reg 3, base: 4992MB, range: 128MB, type UC
[    0.000000] e820: update [mem 0xc0000000-0xffffffff] usable ==> reserved
[    0.000000] found SMP MP-table at [mem 0x000f66c0-0x000f66cf] mapped at [c00f66c0]
[    0.000000] initial memory mapped: [mem 0x00000000-0x01ffffff]
[    0.000000] Base memory trampoline at [c0098000] 98000 size 16384
[    0.000000] init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x00000000-0x37bfdfff]
[    0.000000]  [mem 0x00000000-0x001fffff] page 4k
[    0.000000]  [mem 0x00200000-0x379fffff] page 2M
[    0.000000]  [mem 0x37a00000-0x37bfdfff] page 4k
[    0.000000] kernel direct mapping tables up to 0x37bfdfff @ [mem 0x01ffa000-0x01ffffff]
[    0.000000] RAMDISK: [mem 0x3630c000-0x3717dfff]
[    0.000000] ACPI: RSDP 000f6600 00024 (v02 PTLTD )
[    0.000000] ACPI: XSDT bf7f4a8d 0005C (v01 SECCSD LH43STAR 06040000  LTP 00000000)
[    0.000000] ACPI: FACP bf7e4000 000F4 (v03 INTEL  CRESTLNE 06040000 ALAN 00000001)
[    0.000000] ACPI: DSDT bf7e5000 0A0E1 (v02 Intel  CALPELLA 06040000 INTL 20060912)
[    0.000000] ACPI: FACS bf79bfc0 00040
[    0.000000] ACPI: HPET bf7fed6a 00038 (v01 INTEL  CRESTLNE 06040000 LOHR 0000005A)
[    0.000000] ACPI: MCFG bf7feda2 0003C (v01 INTEL  CRESTLNE 06040000 LOHR 0000005A)
[    0.000000] ACPI: APIC bf7fedde 00084 (v01 PTLTD  ? APIC   06040000  LTP 00000000)
[    0.000000] ACPI: BOOT bf7fee62 00028 (v01 PTLTD  $SBFTBL$ 06040000  LTP 00000001)
[    0.000000] ACPI: SLIC bf7fee8a 00176 (v01 SECCSD LH43STAR 06040000  LTP 00000000)
[    0.000000] ACPI: SSDT bf7e3000 009F1 (v01  PmRef    CpuPm 00003000 INTL 20061109)
[    0.000000] ACPI: Local APIC address 0xfee00000
[    0.000000] 4100MB HIGHMEM available.
[    0.000000] 891MB LOWMEM available.
[    0.000000]   mapped low ram: 0 - 37bfe000
[    0.000000]   low ram: 0 - 37bfe000
[    0.000000] Zone ranges:
[    0.000000]   DMA      [mem 0x00010000-0x00ffffff]
[    0.000000]   Normal   [mem 0x01000000-0x37bfdfff]
[    0.000000]   HighMem  [mem 0x37bfe000-0x37ffffff]
[    0.000000] Movable zone start for each node
[    0.000000] Early memory node ranges
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0x00010000-0x0009bfff]
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0x00100000-0xbf27bfff]
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0xbf282000-0xbf3eafff]
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0xbf40f000-0xbf46efff]
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0xbf70f000-0xbf715fff]
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0xbf71f000-0xbf77ffff]
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0xbf79f000-0xbf7e1fff]
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0xbf7ff000-0xbf7fffff]
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0x00000000-0x37ffffff]
[    0.000000] On node 0 totalpages: 1012861
[    0.000000] free_area_init_node: node 0, pgdat c189db80, node_mem_map f3c0c200
[    0.000000]   DMA zone: 32 pages used for memmap
[    0.000000]   DMA zone: 0 pages reserved
[    0.000000]   DMA zone: 3948 pages, LIFO batch:0
[    0.000000]   Normal zone: 1752 pages used for memmap
[    0.000000]   Normal zone: 222502 pages, LIFO batch:31
[    0.000000]   HighMem zone: 8201 pages used for memmap
[    0.000000]   HighMem zone: 776426 pages, LIFO batch:31
[    0.000000] Using APIC driver default
[    0.000000] ACPI: PM-Timer IO Port: 0x408
[    0.000000] ACPI: Local APIC address 0xfee00000
[    0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x00] lapic_id[0x00] enabled)
[    0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x01] lapic_id[0x04] enabled)
[    0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x02] lapic_id[0x01] enabled)
[    0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x03] lapic_id[0x05] enabled)
[    0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x00] high edge lint[0x1])
[    0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x01] high edge lint[0x1])
[    0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x02] high edge lint[0x1])
[    0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x03] high edge lint[0x1])
[    0.000000] ACPI: IOAPIC (id[0x02] address[0xfec00000] gsi_base[0])
[    0.000000] IOAPIC[0]: apic_id 2, version 32, address 0xfec00000, GSI 0-23
[    0.000000] ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 0 global_irq 2 high edge)
[    0.000000] ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 9 global_irq 9 high level)
[    0.000000] ACPI: IRQ0 used by override.
[    0.000000] ACPI: IRQ2 used by override.
[    0.000000] ACPI: IRQ9 used by override.
[    0.000000] Using ACPI (MADT) for SMP configuration information
[    0.000000] ACPI: HPET id: 0x8086a201 base: 0xfed00000
[    0.000000] SMP: Allowing 4 CPUs, 0 hotplug CPUs
[    0.000000] nr_irqs_gsi: 40
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: 000000000009c000 - 000000000009d000
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: 000000000009d000 - 00000000000a0000
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: 00000000000a0000 - 00000000000dc000
[    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: 00000000000dc000 - 0000000000100000
[    0.000000] e820: [mem 0xc0000000-0xdfffffff] available for PCI devices
[    0.000000] Booting paravirtualized kernel on bare hardware
[    0.000000] setup_percpu: NR_CPUS:8 nr_cpumask_bits:8 nr_cpu_ids:4 nr_node_ids:1
[    0.000000] PERCPU: Embedded 14 pages/cpu @f7bb2000 s34176 r0 d23168 u57344
[    0.000000] pcpu-alloc: s34176 r0 d23168 u57344 alloc=14*4096
[    0.000000] pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 [0] 1 [0] 2 [0] 3
[    0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 1002876
[    0.000000] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-3.5.0-27-generic root=UUID=717bed83-1ca1-4f8a-a71b-85a74e98b530 ro quiet splash
[    0.000000] PID hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
[    0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 131072 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
[    0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
[    0.000000] __ex_table already sorted, skipping sort
[    0.000000] Initializing CPU#0
[    0.000000] allocated 10223488 bytes of page_cgroup
[    0.000000] please try 'cgroup_disable=memory' option if you don't want memory cgroups
[    0.000000] Initializing HighMem for node 0 (00037bfe:00138000)
[    0.000000] Memory: 3975032k/5111808k available (5956k kernel code, 76412k reserved, 2918k data, 756k init, 3138508k highmem)
[    0.000000] virtual kernel memory layout:
[    0.000000]     fixmap  : 0xfff15000 - 0xfffff000   ( 936 kB)
[    0.000000]     pkmap   : 0xffc00000 - 0xffe00000   (2048 kB)
[    0.000000]     vmalloc : 0xf83fe000 - 0xffbfe000   ( 120 MB)
[    0.000000]     lowmem  : 0xc0000000 - 0xf7bfe000   ( 891 MB)
[    0.000000]       .init : 0xc18ab000 - 0xc1968000   ( 756 kB)
[    0.000000]       .data : 0xc15d11a4 - 0xc18aaa80   (2918 kB)
[    0.000000]       .text : 0xc1000000 - 0xc15d11a4   (5956 kB)
[    0.000000] Checking if this processor honours the WP bit even in supervisor mode...Ok.
[    0.000000] SLUB: Genslabs=15, HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=4, Nodes=1
[    0.000000] Hierarchical RCU implementation.
[    0.000000]  RCU dyntick-idle grace-period acceleration is enabled.
[    0.000000] NR_IRQS:2304 nr_irqs:712 16
[    0.000000] CPU 0 irqstacks, hard=f740a000 soft=f740c000
[    0.000000] Extended CMOS year: 2000
[    0.000000] Console: colour VGA+ 80x25
[    0.000000] console [tty0] enabled
[    0.000000] hpet clockevent registered
[    0.000000] Fast TSC calibration using PIT
[    0.004000] Detected 2128.088 MHz processor.
[    0.000001] Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 4256.17 BogoMIPS (lpj=8512352)
[    0.000005] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
[    0.000030] Security Framework initialized
[    0.000045] AppArmor: AppArmor initialized
[    0.000046] Yama: becoming mindful.
[    0.000098] Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
[    0.000305] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuacct
[    0.000307] Initializing cgroup subsys memory
[    0.000315] Initializing cgroup subsys devices
[    0.000316] Initializing cgroup subsys freezer
[    0.000318] Initializing cgroup subsys blkio
[    0.000320] Initializing cgroup subsys perf_event
[    0.000348] CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
[    0.000350] CPU: Processor Core ID: 0
[    0.000355] mce: CPU supports 9 MCE banks
[    0.000364] CPU0: Thermal monitoring handled by SMI
[    0.000371] using mwait in idle threads.
[    0.002619] ACPI: Core revision 20120320
[    0.018247] ftrace: allocating 24569 entries in 48 pages
[    0.031448] Enabling APIC mode:  Flat.  Using 1 I/O APICs
[    0.031949] ..TIMER: vector=0x30 apic1=0 pin1=2 apic2=-1 pin2=-1
[    0.071619] CPU0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU       M 330  @ 2.13GHz stepping 02
[    0.176360] Performance Events: PEBS fmt1+, 16-deep LBR, Westmere events, Intel PMU driver.
[    0.176367] CPUID marked event: 'bus cycles' unavailable
[    0.176369] ... version:                3
[    0.176370] ... bit width:              48
[    0.176371] ... generic registers:      4
[    0.176373] ... value mask:             0000ffffffffffff
[    0.176374] ... max period:             000000007fffffff
[    0.176375] ... fixed-purpose events:   3
[    0.176377] ... event mask:             000000070000000f
[    0.176544] NMI watchdog: enabled on all CPUs, permanently consumes one hw-PMU counter.
[    0.176627] CPU 1 irqstacks, hard=f7506000 soft=f7510000
[    0.186764] Initializing CPU#1
[    0.187573] CPU1: Thermal monitoring handled by SMI
[    0.176629] Booting Node   0, Processors  #1
[    0.189782] CPU 2 irqstacks, hard=f7538000 soft=f753a000
[    0.199936] Initializing CPU#2
[    0.200829] CPU2: Thermal monitoring handled by SMI
[    0.189786]  #2
[    0.203024] CPU 3 irqstacks, hard=f7544000 soft=f7546000
[    0.203028]  #3 Ok.
[    0.213177] Initializing CPU#3
[    0.214069] CPU3: Thermal monitoring handled by SMI
[    0.216222] Brought up 4 CPUs
[    0.216226] Total of 4 processors activated (17024.70 BogoMIPS).
[    0.219208] devtmpfs: initialized
[    0.219397] EVM: security.selinux
[    0.219398] EVM: security.SMACK64
[    0.219399] EVM: security.capability
[    0.219471] PM: Registering ACPI NVS region [mem 0xbf470000-0xbf4f0fff] (528384 bytes)
[    0.219484] PM: Registering ACPI NVS region [mem 0xbf780000-0xbf79efff] (126976 bytes)
[    0.220492] dummy:
[    0.220527] RTC time: 22:15:33, date: 04/18/13
[    0.220570] NET: Registered protocol family 16
[    0.220671] Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs...
[    0.220708] EISA bus registered
[    0.220786] ACPI: bus type pci registered
[    0.220854] PCI: MMCONFIG for domain 0000 [bus 00-ff] at [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff] (base 0xe0000000)
[    0.220858] PCI: MMCONFIG at [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff] reserved in E820
[    0.220859] PCI: Using MMCONFIG for extended config space
[    0.220860] PCI: Using configuration type 1 for base access
[    0.221857] bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
[    0.221946] ACPI: Added _OSI(Module Device)
[    0.221950] ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Device)
[    0.221952] ACPI: Added _OSI(3.0 _SCP Extensions)
[    0.221953] ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Aggregator Device)
[    0.224072] ACPI: EC: Look up EC in DSDT
[    0.231220] [Firmware Bug]: ACPI: BIOS _OSI(Linux) query ignored
[    0.233191] ACPI: SSDT bf719c18 003A0 (v01  PmRef  Cpu0Ist 00003000 INTL 20061109)
[    0.233701] ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
[    0.233704] ACPI: SSDT   (null) 003A0 (v01  PmRef  Cpu0Ist 00003000 INTL 20061109)
[    0.233842] ACPI: SSDT bf717698 005EB (v01  PmRef  Cpu0Cst 00003001 INTL 20061109)
[    0.234334] ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
[    0.234337] ACPI: SSDT   (null) 005EB (v01  PmRef  Cpu0Cst 00003001 INTL 20061109)
[    0.276637] ACPI: SSDT bf718a98 00303 (v01  PmRef    ApIst 00003000 INTL 20061109)
[    0.277213] ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
[    0.277216] ACPI: SSDT   (null) 00303 (v01  PmRef    ApIst 00003000 INTL 20061109)
[    0.312450] ACPI: SSDT bf716d98 00119 (v01  PmRef    ApCst 00003000 INTL 20061109)
[    0.312985] ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
[    0.312987] ACPI: SSDT   (null) 00119 (v01  PmRef    ApCst 00003000 INTL 20061109)
[    0.333914] ACPI: Interpreter enabled
[    0.333934] ACPI: (supports S0 S3 S4 S5)
[    0.333959] ACPI: Using IOAPIC for interrupt routing
[    0.334400] [Firmware Bug]: ACPI: No _BQC method, cannot determine initial brightness
[    0.340301] ACPI: Power Resource [FN00] (off)
[    0.340390] ACPI: Power Resource [FN01] (off)
[    0.340737] ACPI: EC: GPE = 0x17, I/O: command/status = 0x66, data = 0x62
[    0.341248] ACPI: No dock devices found.
[    0.341257] PCI: Using host bridge windows from ACPI; if necessary, use "pci=nocrs" and report a bug
[    0.341682] \_SB_.PCI0:_OSC invalid UUID
[    0.341684] _OSC request data:1 8 1f
[    0.341689] ACPI: PCI Root Bridge [PCI0] (domain 0000 [bus 00-fe])
[    0.342334] pci_root PNP0A08:00: host bridge window [io  0x0000-0x0cf7]
[    0.342337] pci_root PNP0A08:00: host bridge window [io  0x0d00-0xffff]
[    0.342340] pci_root PNP0A08:00: host bridge window [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff]
[    0.342342] pci_root PNP0A08:00: host bridge window [mem 0x000d0000-0x000d3fff]
[    0.342344] pci_root PNP0A08:00: host bridge window [mem 0x000d4000-0x000d7fff]
[    0.342347] pci_root PNP0A08:00: host bridge window [mem 0x000d8000-0x000dbfff]
[    0.342349] pci_root PNP0A08:00: host bridge window [mem 0xc0000000-0xfeafffff]
[    0.342384] PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00
[    0.342387] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io  0x0000-0x0cf7]
[    0.342389] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io  0x0d00-0xffff]
[    0.342391] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff]
[    0.342393] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000d0000-0x000d3fff]
[    0.342395] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000d4000-0x000d7fff]
[    0.342397] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000d8000-0x000dbfff]
[    0.342400] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0xc0000000-0xfeafffff]
[    0.342411] pci 0000:00:00.0: [8086:0044] type 00 class 0x060000
[    0.342433] DMAR: BIOS has allocated no shadow GTT; disabling IOMMU for graphics
[    0.342458] pci 0000:00:01.0: [8086:0045] type 01 class 0x060400
[    0.342496] pci 0000:00:01.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
[    0.342557] pci 0000:00:1a.0: [8086:3b3c] type 00 class 0x0c0320
[    0.342584] pci 0000:00:1a.0: reg 10: [mem 0xf0b06000-0xf0b063ff]
[    0.342701] pci 0000:00:1a.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
[    0.342736] pci 0000:00:1b.0: [8086:3b56] type 00 class 0x040300
[    0.342759] pci 0000:00:1b.0: reg 10: [mem 0xf0b00000-0xf0b03fff 64bit]
[    0.342863] pci 0000:00:1b.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
[    0.342900] pci 0000:00:1c.0: [8086:3b42] type 01 class 0x060400
[    0.343009] pci 0000:00:1c.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
[    0.343044] pci 0000:00:1c.2: [8086:3b46] type 01 class 0x060400
[    0.343150] pci 0000:00:1c.2: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
[    0.343184] pci 0000:00:1c.3: [8086:3b48] type 01 class 0x060400
[    0.343290] pci 0000:00:1c.3: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
[    0.343334] pci 0000:00:1d.0: [8086:3b34] type 00 class 0x0c0320
[    0.343360] pci 0000:00:1d.0: reg 10: [mem 0xf0b06400-0xf0b067ff]
[    0.343475] pci 0000:00:1d.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
[    0.343504] pci 0000:00:1e.0: [8086:2448] type 01 class 0x060401
[    0.343597] pci 0000:00:1f.0: [8086:3b09] type 00 class 0x060100
[    0.343735] pci 0000:00:1f.2: [8086:3b29] type 00 class 0x010601
[    0.343763] pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 10: [io  0x1830-0x1837]
[    0.343776] pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 14: [io  0x1824-0x1827]
[    0.343788] pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 18: [io  0x1828-0x182f]
[    0.343800] pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 1c: [io  0x1820-0x1823]
[    0.343812] pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 20: [io  0x1800-0x181f]
[    0.343824] pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 24: [mem 0xf0b05000-0xf0b057ff]
[    0.343895] pci 0000:00:1f.2: PME# supported from D3hot
[    0.343922] pci 0000:00:1f.3: [8086:3b30] type 00 class 0x0c0500
[    0.343945] pci 0000:00:1f.3: reg 10: [mem 0xf0b06800-0xf0b068ff 64bit]
[    0.343978] pci 0000:00:1f.3: reg 20: [io  0x1840-0x185f]
[    0.344055] pci 0000:02:00.0: [10de:0a29] type 00 class 0x030000
[    0.344066] pci 0000:02:00.0: reg 10: [mem 0xcc000000-0xccffffff]
[    0.344077] pci 0000:02:00.0: reg 14: [mem 0xd0000000-0xdfffffff 64bit pref]
[    0.344088] pci 0000:02:00.0: reg 1c: [mem 0xce000000-0xcfffffff 64bit pref]
[    0.344095] pci 0000:02:00.0: reg 24: [io  0x2000-0x207f]
[    0.344103] pci 0000:02:00.0: reg 30: [mem 0x00000000-0x0007ffff pref]
[    0.344158] pci 0000:02:00.1: [10de:0be2] type 00 class 0x040300
[    0.344168] pci 0000:02:00.1: reg 10: [mem 0xcdefc000-0xcdefffff]
[    0.344259] pci 0000:00:01.0: PCI bridge to [bus 02-02]
[    0.344263] pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [io  0x2000-0x2fff]
[    0.344266] pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [mem 0xcc000000-0xcdefffff]
[    0.344270] pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [mem 0xce000000-0xdfffffff 64bit pref]
[    0.344351] pci 0000:03:00.0: [168c:002b] type 00 class 0x028000
[    0.344377] pci 0000:03:00.0: reg 10: [mem 0xf0700000-0xf070ffff 64bit]
[    0.344494] pci 0000:03:00.0: supports D1
[    0.344496] pci 0000:03:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D1 D3hot
[    0.354880] pci 0000:00:1c.0: PCI bridge to [bus 03-04]
[    0.354886] pci 0000:00:1c.0:   bridge window [io  0x3000-0x3fff]
[    0.354892] pci 0000:00:1c.0:   bridge window [mem 0xf0700000-0xf07fffff]
[    0.354900] pci 0000:00:1c.0:   bridge window [mem 0xf0000000-0xf01fffff 64bit pref]
[    0.354962] pci 0000:00:1c.2: PCI bridge to [bus 05-06]
[    0.354967] pci 0000:00:1c.2:   bridge window [io  0x4000-0x4fff]
[    0.354973] pci 0000:00:1c.2:   bridge window [mem 0xf0600000-0xf06fffff]
[    0.354981] pci 0000:00:1c.2:   bridge window [mem 0xf0200000-0xf03fffff 64bit pref]
[    0.355219] pci 0000:07:00.0: [11ab:4381] type 00 class 0x020000
[    0.355438] pci 0000:07:00.0: reg 10: [mem 0xf0800000-0xf0803fff 64bit]
[    0.355546] pci 0000:07:00.0: reg 18: [io  0x5000-0x50ff]
[    0.355975] pci 0000:07:00.0: reg 30: [mem 0x00000000-0x0001ffff pref]
[    0.356517] pci 0000:07:00.0: supports D1 D2
[    0.356520] pci 0000:07:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D1 D2 D3hot D3cold
[    0.366974] pci 0000:00:1c.3: PCI bridge to [bus 07-08]
[    0.366982] pci 0000:00:1c.3:   bridge window [io  0x5000-0x5fff]
[    0.366987] pci 0000:00:1c.3:   bridge window [mem 0xf0800000-0xf08fffff]
[    0.366995] pci 0000:00:1c.3:   bridge window [mem 0xf0400000-0xf05fffff 64bit pref]
[    0.367076] pci 0000:00:1e.0: PCI bridge to [bus 09-09] (subtractive decode)
[    0.367090] pci 0000:00:1e.0:   bridge window [io  0x0000-0x0cf7] (subtractive decode)
[    0.367092] pci 0000:00:1e.0:   bridge window [io  0x0d00-0xffff] (subtractive decode)
[    0.367094] pci 0000:00:1e.0:   bridge window [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff] (subtractive decode)
[    0.367096] pci 0000:00:1e.0:   bridge window [mem 0x000d0000-0x000d3fff] (subtractive decode)
[    0.367099] pci 0000:00:1e.0:   bridge window [mem 0x000d4000-0x000d7fff] (subtractive decode)
[    0.367101] pci 0000:00:1e.0:   bridge window [mem 0x000d8000-0x000dbfff] (subtractive decode)
[    0.367103] pci 0000:00:1e.0:   bridge window [mem 0xc0000000-0xfeafffff] (subtractive decode)
[    0.367134] pci_bus 0000:00: on NUMA node 0
[    0.367141] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0._PRT]
[    0.367446] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.P0P2._PRT]
[    0.367520] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.P0P1._PRT]
[    0.367699] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.RP01._PRT]
[    0.367770] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.RP03._PRT]
[    0.367836] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.RP04._PRT]
[    0.367979] \_SB_.PCI0:_OSC invalid UUID
[    0.367980] _OSC request data:1 1f 1f
[    0.367985]  pci0000:00: Requesting ACPI _OSC control (0x1d)
[    0.368022] \_SB_.PCI0:_OSC invalid UUID
[    0.368024] _OSC request data:1 0 1d
[    0.368028]  pci0000:00: ACPI _OSC request failed (AE_ERROR), returned control mask: 0x1d
[    0.368029] ACPI _OSC control for PCIe not granted, disabling ASPM
[    0.372722] ACPI: PCI Root Bridge [CPBG] (domain 0000 [bus ff])
[    0.372784] PCI host bridge to bus 0000:ff
[    0.372793] pci 0000:ff:00.0: [8086:2c62] type 00 class 0x060000
[    0.372821] pci 0000:ff:00.1: [8086:2d01] type 00 class 0x060000
[    0.372846] pci 0000:ff:02.0: [8086:2d10] type 00 class 0x060000
[    0.372867] pci 0000:ff:02.1: [8086:2d11] type 00 class 0x060000
[    0.372888] pci 0000:ff:02.2: [8086:2d12] type 00 class 0x060000
[    0.372909] pci 0000:ff:02.3: [8086:2d13] type 00 class 0x060000
[    0.372941] pci_bus 0000:ff: on NUMA node 0
[    0.372950]  pci0000:ff: Requesting ACPI _OSC control (0x1d)
[    0.372952]  pci0000:ff: ACPI _OSC request failed (AE_NOT_FOUND), returned control mask: 0x1d
[    0.372954] ACPI _OSC control for PCIe not granted, disabling ASPM
[    0.373184] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] (IRQs *11)
[    0.373231] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKB] (IRQs *10)
[    0.373277] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] (IRQs 5) *10
[    0.373324] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] (IRQs *5)
[    0.373369] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKE] (IRQs 11) *0, disabled.
[    0.373415] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKF] (IRQs 10) *0, disabled.
[    0.373462] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKG] (IRQs 5) *7
[    0.373508] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKH] (IRQs 5) *11
[    0.373617] vgaarb: device added: PCI:0000:02:00.0,decodes=io+mem,owns=io+mem,locks=none
[    0.373622] vgaarb: loaded
[    0.373624] vgaarb: bridge control possible 0000:02:00.0
[    0.373820] SCSI subsystem initialized
[    0.373876] libata version 3.00 loaded.
[    0.373900] ACPI: bus type usb registered
[    0.373921] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
[    0.373930] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
[    0.373954] usbcore: registered new device driver usb
[    0.374040] PCI: Using ACPI for IRQ routing
[    0.384461] PCI: pci_cache_line_size set to 64 bytes
[    0.384622] e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0x0009c400-0x0009ffff]
[    0.384625] e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0xbf27c000-0xbfffffff]
[    0.384628] e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0xbf3eb000-0xbfffffff]
[    0.384631] e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0xbf46f000-0xbfffffff]
[    0.384634] e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0xbf716000-0xbfffffff]
[    0.384637] e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0xbf780000-0xbfffffff]
[    0.384639] e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0xbf7e2000-0xbfffffff]
[    0.384641] e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0xbf800000-0xbfffffff]
[    0.384747] NetLabel: Initializing
[    0.384749] NetLabel:  domain hash size = 128
[    0.384750] NetLabel:  protocols = UNLABELED CIPSOv4
[    0.384761] NetLabel:  unlabeled traffic allowed by default
[    0.384867] hpet0: at MMIO 0xfed00000, IRQs 2, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
[    0.384875] hpet0: 8 comparators, 64-bit 14.318180 MHz counter
[    0.386894] Switching to clocksource hpet
[    0.394479] AppArmor: AppArmor Filesystem Enabled
[    0.394509] pnp: PnP ACPI init
[    0.394527] ACPI: bus type pnp registered
[    0.394915] pnp 00:00: [bus 00-fe]
[    0.394919] pnp 00:00: [io  0x0000-0x0cf7 window]
[    0.394921] pnp 00:00: [io  0x0cf8-0x0cff]
[    0.394923] pnp 00:00: [io  0x0d00-0xffff window]
[    0.394926] pnp 00:00: [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff window]
[    0.394928] pnp 00:00: [mem 0x000c0000-0x000c3fff window]
[    0.394930] pnp 00:00: [mem 0x000c4000-0x000c7fff window]
[    0.394932] pnp 00:00: [mem 0x000c8000-0x000cbfff window]
[    0.394934] pnp 00:00: [mem 0x000cc000-0x000cffff window]
[    0.394936] pnp 00:00: [mem 0x000d0000-0x000d3fff window]
[    0.394939] pnp 00:00: [mem 0x000d4000-0x000d7fff window]
[    0.394941] pnp 00:00: [mem 0x000d8000-0x000dbfff window]
[    0.394943] pnp 00:00: [mem 0x000dc000-0x000dffff window]
[    0.394945] pnp 00:00: [mem 0x000e0000-0x000e3fff window]
[    0.394947] pnp 00:00: [mem 0x000e4000-0x000e7fff window]
[    0.394949] pnp 00:00: [mem 0x000e8000-0x000ebfff window]
[    0.394951] pnp 00:00: [mem 0x000ec000-0x000effff window]
[    0.394954] pnp 00:00: [mem 0x000f0000-0x000fffff window]
[    0.394956] pnp 00:00: [mem 0xc0000000-0xfeafffff window]
[    0.394958] pnp 00:00: [mem 0xfed40000-0xfed44fff window]
[    0.395036] pnp 00:00: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0a08 PNP0a03 (active)
[    0.395292] pnp 00:01: [io  0x0000-0x001f]
[    0.395294] pnp 00:01: [io  0x0081-0x0091]
[    0.395296] pnp 00:01: [io  0x0093-0x009f]
[    0.395299] pnp 00:01: [io  0x00c0-0x00df]
[    0.395301] pnp 00:01: [dma 4]
[    0.395331] pnp 00:01: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0200 (active)
[    0.395340] pnp 00:02: [mem 0xff000000-0xffffffff]
[    0.395364] pnp 00:02: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs INT0800 (active)
[    0.395441] pnp 00:03: [irq 0 disabled]
[    0.395452] pnp 00:03: [irq 8]
[    0.395455] pnp 00:03: [mem 0xfed00000-0xfed003ff]
[    0.395481] pnp 00:03: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0103 (active)
[    0.395492] pnp 00:04: [io  0x00f0]
[    0.395498] pnp 00:04: [irq 13]
[    0.395524] pnp 00:04: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c04 (active)
[    0.395538] pnp 00:05: [io  0x002e-0x002f]
[    0.395540] pnp 00:05: [io  0x004e-0x004f]
[    0.395542] pnp 00:05: [io  0x0061]
[    0.395544] pnp 00:05: [io  0x0063]
[    0.395546] pnp 00:05: [io  0x0065]
[    0.395548] pnp 00:05: [io  0x0067]
[    0.395550] pnp 00:05: [io  0x0070]
[    0.395552] pnp 00:05: [io  0x0080]
[    0.395553] pnp 00:05: [io  0x0092]
[    0.395556] pnp 00:05: [io  0x00b2-0x00b3]
[    0.395558] pnp 00:05: [io  0x0680-0x069f]
[    0.395560] pnp 00:05: [io  0x0500-0x050f]
[    0.395562] pnp 00:05: [io  0x0600-0x0603]
[    0.395564] pnp 00:05: [io  0xffff]
[    0.395566] pnp 00:05: [io  0x0400-0x047f]
[    0.395568] pnp 00:05: [io  0x1180-0x11ff]
[    0.395570] pnp 00:05: [io  0x164e-0x164f]
[    0.395572] pnp 00:05: [io  0xfe00]
[    0.395633] system 00:05: [io  0x0680-0x069f] has been reserved
[    0.395636] system 00:05: [io  0x0500-0x050f] has been reserved
[    0.395638] system 00:05: [io  0x0600-0x0603] has been reserved
[    0.395641] system 00:05: [io  0xffff] has been reserved
[    0.395643] system 00:05: [io  0x0400-0x047f] has been reserved
[    0.395646] system 00:05: [io  0x1180-0x11ff] has been reserved
[    0.395648] system 00:05: [io  0x164e-0x164f] has been reserved
[    0.395651] system 00:05: [io  0xfe00] has been reserved
[    0.395654] system 00:05: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active)
[    0.395687] pnp 00:06: [io  0x06a0-0x06af]
[    0.395689] pnp 00:06: [io  0x06b0-0x06ff]
[    0.395732] system 00:06: [io  0x06a0-0x06af] has been reserved
[    0.395734] system 00:06: [io  0x06b0-0x06ff] has been reserved
[    0.395737] system 00:06: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active)
[    0.395767] pnp 00:07: [io  0x0070-0x0077]
[    0.395794] pnp 00:07: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0b00 (active)
[    0.395805] pnp 00:08: [io  0x0060]
[    0.395808] pnp 00:08: [io  0x0064]
[    0.395814] pnp 00:08: [irq 1]
[    0.395840] pnp 00:08: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0303 (active)
[    0.395852] pnp 00:09: [irq 12]
[    0.395881] pnp 00:09: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0f13 (active)
[    0.396244] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0xfed1c000-0xfed1ffff]
[    0.396247] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0xfed10000-0xfed13fff]
[    0.396249] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0xfed18000-0xfed18fff]
[    0.396251] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0xfed19000-0xfed19fff]
[    0.396253] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff]
[    0.396256] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0xf0b04000-0xf0b04fff]
[    0.396258] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0xc0000000-0xc0000fff]
[    0.396260] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0xfed20000-0xfed3ffff]
[    0.396262] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0xfed90000-0xfed8ffff disabled]
[    0.396264] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0xfed40000-0xfed44fff]
[    0.396266] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0xfed45000-0xfed8ffff]
[    0.396268] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0xff000000-0xffffffff]
[    0.396270] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0xfee00000-0xfeefffff]
[    0.396342] system 00:0a: [mem 0xfed1c000-0xfed1ffff] has been reserved
[    0.396344] system 00:0a: [mem 0xfed10000-0xfed13fff] has been reserved
[    0.396347] system 00:0a: [mem 0xfed18000-0xfed18fff] has been reserved
[    0.396350] system 00:0a: [mem 0xfed19000-0xfed19fff] has been reserved
[    0.396352] system 00:0a: [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff] has been reserved
[    0.396355] system 00:0a: [mem 0xf0b04000-0xf0b04fff] has been reserved
[    0.396358] system 00:0a: [mem 0xc0000000-0xc0000fff] has been reserved
[    0.396361] system 00:0a: [mem 0xfed20000-0xfed3ffff] has been reserved
[    0.396363] system 00:0a: [mem 0xfed40000-0xfed44fff] has been reserved
[    0.396366] system 00:0a: [mem 0xfed45000-0xfed8ffff] has been reserved
[    0.396369] system 00:0a: [mem 0xff000000-0xffffffff] has been reserved
[    0.396371] system 00:0a: [mem 0xfee00000-0xfeefffff] could not be reserved
[    0.396375] system 00:0a: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active)
[    0.396834] pnp 00:0b: [bus ff]
[    0.396921] pnp 00:0b: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0a03 (active)
[    0.396941] pnp: PnP ACPI: found 12 devices
[    0.396944] ACPI: ACPI bus type pnp unregistered
[    0.396949] PnPBIOS: Disabled by ACPI PNP
[    0.434405] pci 0000:02:00.0: BAR 6: assigned [mem 0xcd000000-0xcd07ffff pref]
[    0.434412] pci 0000:00:01.0: PCI bridge to [bus 02-02]
[    0.434416] pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [io  0x2000-0x2fff]
[    0.434420] pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [mem 0xcc000000-0xcdefffff]
[    0.434423] pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [mem 0xce000000-0xdfffffff 64bit pref]
[    0.434428] pci 0000:00:1c.0: PCI bridge to [bus 03-04]
[    0.434432] pci 0000:00:1c.0:   bridge window [io  0x3000-0x3fff]
[    0.434438] pci 0000:00:1c.0:   bridge window [mem 0xf0700000-0xf07fffff]
[    0.434444] pci 0000:00:1c.0:   bridge window [mem 0xf0000000-0xf01fffff 64bit pref]
[    0.434452] pci 0000:00:1c.2: PCI bridge to [bus 05-06]
[    0.434456] pci 0000:00:1c.2:   bridge window [io  0x4000-0x4fff]
[    0.434463] pci 0000:00:1c.2:   bridge window [mem 0xf0600000-0xf06fffff]
[    0.434468] pci 0000:00:1c.2:   bridge window [mem 0xf0200000-0xf03fffff 64bit pref]
[    0.434478] pci 0000:07:00.0: BAR 6: assigned [mem 0xf0400000-0xf041ffff pref]
[    0.434480] pci 0000:00:1c.3: PCI bridge to [bus 07-08]
[    0.434484] pci 0000:00:1c.3:   bridge window [io  0x5000-0x5fff]
[    0.434491] pci 0000:00:1c.3:   bridge window [mem 0xf0800000-0xf08fffff]
[    0.434496] pci 0000:00:1c.3:   bridge window [mem 0xf0400000-0xf05fffff 64bit pref]
[    0.434504] pci 0000:00:1e.0: PCI bridge to [bus 09-09]
[    0.434572] pci 0000:00:1e.0: setting latency timer to 64
[    0.434577] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 4 [io  0x0000-0x0cf7]
[    0.434579] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 5 [io  0x0d00-0xffff]
[    0.434581] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 6 [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff]
[    0.434584] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 7 [mem 0x000d0000-0x000d3fff]
[    0.434586] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 8 [mem 0x000d4000-0x000d7fff]
[    0.434588] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 9 [mem 0x000d8000-0x000dbfff]
[    0.434590] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 10 [mem 0xc0000000-0xfeafffff]
[    0.434592] pci_bus 0000:02: resource 0 [io  0x2000-0x2fff]
[    0.434594] pci_bus 0000:02: resource 1 [mem 0xcc000000-0xcdefffff]
[    0.434597] pci_bus 0000:02: resource 2 [mem 0xce000000-0xdfffffff 64bit pref]
[    0.434599] pci_bus 0000:03: resource 0 [io  0x3000-0x3fff]
[    0.434601] pci_bus 0000:03: resource 1 [mem 0xf0700000-0xf07fffff]
[    0.434604] pci_bus 0000:03: resource 2 [mem 0xf0000000-0xf01fffff 64bit pref]
[    0.434606] pci_bus 0000:05: resource 0 [io  0x4000-0x4fff]
[    0.434608] pci_bus 0000:05: resource 1 [mem 0xf0600000-0xf06fffff]
[    0.434610] pci_bus 0000:05: resource 2 [mem 0xf0200000-0xf03fffff 64bit pref]
[    0.434613] pci_bus 0000:07: resource 0 [io  0x5000-0x5fff]
[    0.434615] pci_bus 0000:07: resource 1 [mem 0xf0800000-0xf08fffff]
[    0.434617] pci_bus 0000:07: resource 2 [mem 0xf0400000-0xf05fffff 64bit pref]
[    0.434620] pci_bus 0000:09: resource 4 [io  0x0000-0x0cf7]
[    0.434622] pci_bus 0000:09: resource 5 [io  0x0d00-0xffff]
[    0.434624] pci_bus 0000:09: resource 6 [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff]
[    0.434626] pci_bus 0000:09: resource 7 [mem 0x000d0000-0x000d3fff]
[    0.434629] pci_bus 0000:09: resource 8 [mem 0x000d4000-0x000d7fff]
[    0.434631] pci_bus 0000:09: resource 9 [mem 0x000d8000-0x000dbfff]
[    0.434633] pci_bus 0000:09: resource 10 [mem 0xc0000000-0xfeafffff]
[    0.434673] NET: Registered protocol family 2
[    0.434730] IP route cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
[    0.434849] TCP established hash table entries: 131072 (order: 8, 1048576 bytes)
[    0.435561] TCP bind hash table entries: 65536 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
[    0.435905] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 131072 bind 65536)
[    0.435907] TCP: reno registered
[    0.435910] UDP hash table entries: 512 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
[    0.435920] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 512 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
[    0.435977] NET: Registered protocol family 1
[    0.436098] pci 0000:02:00.0: Boot video device
[    0.436156] PCI: CLS 64 bytes, default 64
[    0.436218] Simple Boot Flag at 0x37 set to 0x1
[    0.436761] audit: initializing netlink socket (disabled)
[    0.436777] type=2000 audit(1366323333.324:1): initialized
[    0.460645] highmem bounce pool size: 64 pages
[    0.460658] HugeTLB registered 2 MB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages
[    0.462688] VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.5.2
[    0.462736] Dquot-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order 0, 4096 bytes)
[    0.463316] fuse init (API version 7.19)
[    0.463404] msgmni has been set to 1633
[    0.463836] Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 252)
[    0.463866] io scheduler noop registered
[    0.463869] io scheduler deadline registered (default)
[    0.463876] io scheduler cfq registered
[    0.464008] pcieport 0000:00:01.0: irq 40 for MSI/MSI-X
[    0.464232] pci_hotplug: PCI Hot Plug PCI Core version: 0.5
[    0.464247] pciehp: PCI Express Hot Plug Controller Driver version: 0.4
[    0.464313] intel_idle: MWAIT substates: 0x1120
[    0.464315] intel_idle: v0.4 model 0x25
[    0.464316] intel_idle: lapic_timer_reliable_states 0xffffffff
[    0.464922] ACPI: AC Adapter [ADP1] (on-line)
[    0.465017] input: Lid Switch as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0C0D:00/input/input0
[    0.465236] ACPI: Lid Switch [LID0]
[    0.465286] input: Power Button as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0C0C:00/input/input1
[    0.465291] ACPI: Power Button [PWRB]
[    0.465326] input: Sleep Button as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0C0E:00/input/input2
[    0.465329] ACPI: Sleep Button [SLPB]
[    0.465364] input: Power Button as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXPWRBN:00/input/input3
[    0.465367] ACPI: Power Button [PWRF]
[    0.465560] ACPI: Fan [FAN0] (off)
[    0.465594] ACPI: Fan [FAN1] (off)
[    0.465646] ACPI: Requesting acpi_cpufreq
[    0.549607] Freeing initrd memory: 14792k freed
[    0.560253] thermal LNXTHERM:00: registered as thermal_zone0
[    0.560258] ACPI: Thermal Zone [TZ00] (61 C)
[    0.560878] thermal LNXTHERM:01: registered as thermal_zone1
[    0.560880] ACPI: Thermal Zone [TZ01] (61 C)
[    0.560898] ACPI: Battery Slot [BAT1] (battery absent)
[    0.560928] GHES: HEST is not enabled!
[    0.560995] isapnp: Scanning for PnP cards...
[    0.561031] Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 32 ports, IRQ sharing enabled
[    0.561177] ACPI: Battery Slot [BAT1] (battery absent)
[    0.562549] Linux agpgart interface v0.103
[    0.564529] brd: module loaded
[    0.565460] loop: module loaded
[    0.565915] Fixed MDIO Bus: probed
[    0.565967] tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.6
[    0.565969] tun: (C) 1999-2004 Max Krasnyansky <maxk@qualcomm.com>
[    0.566016] PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
[    0.566074] ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver
[    0.566115] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1a.0: setting latency timer to 64
[    0.566120] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1a.0: EHCI Host Controller
[    0.566127] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1a.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
[    0.566163] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1a.0: debug port 2
[    0.570135] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1a.0: cache line size of 64 is not supported
[    0.570161] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1a.0: irq 16, io mem 0xf0b06000
[    0.579117] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1a.0: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00
[    0.579141] usb usb1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0002
[    0.579144] usb usb1: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
[    0.579147] usb usb1: Product: EHCI Host Controller
[    0.579150] usb usb1: Manufacturer: Linux 3.5.0-27-generic ehci_hcd
[    0.579152] usb usb1: SerialNumber: 0000:00:1a.0
[    0.579290] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
[    0.579296] hub 1-0:1.0: 3 ports detected
[    0.579386] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: setting latency timer to 64
[    0.579391] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: EHCI Host Controller
[    0.579397] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
[    0.579426] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: debug port 2
[    0.583428] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: cache line size of 64 is not supported
[    0.583447] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: irq 23, io mem 0xf0b06400
[    0.595110] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00
[    0.595138] usb usb2: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0002
[    0.595141] usb usb2: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
[    0.595143] usb usb2: Product: EHCI Host Controller
[    0.595146] usb usb2: Manufacturer: Linux 3.5.0-27-generic ehci_hcd
[    0.595148] usb usb2: SerialNumber: 0000:00:1d.0
[    0.595274] hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found
[    0.595279] hub 2-0:1.0: 3 ports detected
[    0.595351] ohci_hcd: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver
[    0.595370] uhci_hcd: USB Universal Host Controller Interface driver
[    0.595431] usbcore: registered new interface driver libusual
[    0.595482] i8042: PNP: PS/2 Controller [PNP0303:PS2K,PNP0f13:PS2M] at 0x60,0x64 irq 1,12
[    0.599317] serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1
[    0.599324] serio: i8042 AUX port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12
[    0.599476] mousedev: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
[    0.599722] rtc_cmos 00:07: RTC can wake from S4
[    0.599866] rtc_cmos 00:07: rtc core: registered rtc_cmos as rtc0
[    0.599899] rtc0: alarms up to one month, y3k, 242 bytes nvram, hpet irqs
[    0.599957] device-mapper: uevent: version 1.0.3
[    0.600035] device-mapper: ioctl: 4.22.0-ioctl (2011-10-19) initialised: dm-devel@redhat.com
[    0.600067] EISA: Probing bus 0 at eisa.0
[    0.600070] EISA: Cannot allocate resource for mainboard
[    0.600072] Cannot allocate resource for EISA slot 1
[    0.600073] Cannot allocate resource for EISA slot 2
[    0.600075] Cannot allocate resource for EISA slot 3
[    0.600077] Cannot allocate resource for EISA slot 4
[    0.600079] Cannot allocate resource for EISA slot 5
[    0.600081] Cannot allocate resource for EISA slot 6
[    0.600082] Cannot allocate resource for EISA slot 7
[    0.600084] Cannot allocate resource for EISA slot 8
[    0.600086] EISA: Detected 0 cards.
[    0.600188] cpuidle: using governor ladder
[    0.600314] cpuidle: using governor menu
[    0.600316] EFI Variables Facility v0.08 2004-May-17
[    0.600722] ashmem: initialized
[    0.601101] TCP: cubic registered
[    0.601365] NET: Registered protocol family 10
[    0.601809] NET: Registered protocol family 17
[    0.601839] Key type dns_resolver registered
[    0.602004] Using IPI No-Shortcut mode
[    0.602413] PM: Hibernation image not present or could not be loaded.
[    0.602436] registered taskstats version 1
[    0.606833] Key type trusted registered
[    0.608860] Key type encrypted registered
[    0.611817]   Magic number: 9:394:300
[    0.611971] rtc_cmos 00:07: setting system clock to 2013-04-18 22:15:33 UTC (1366323333)
[    0.613846] BIOS EDD facility v0.16 2004-Jun-25, 0 devices found
[    0.613848] EDD information not available.
[    0.632432] input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard as /devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input4
[    0.891059] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 2 using ehci_hcd
[    0.924141] isapnp: No Plug & Play device found
[    0.924313] Freeing unused kernel memory: 756k freed
[    0.924577] Write protecting the kernel text: 5960k
[    0.924602] Write protecting the kernel read-only data: 2412k
[    0.924604] NX-protecting the kernel data: 4280k
[    0.945858] udevd[99]: starting version 175
[    0.998718] sky2: driver version 1.30
[    0.999083] sky2 0000:07:00.0: Yukon-2 Optima chip revision 1
[    0.999501] ahci 0000:00:1f.2: version 3.0
[    1.000176] ahci 0000:00:1f.2: irq 42 for MSI/MSI-X
[    1.000209] sky2 0000:07:00.0: irq 41 for MSI/MSI-X
[    1.000319] ahci: SSS flag set, parallel bus scan disabled
[    1.000501] ahci 0000:00:1f.2: AHCI 0001.0300 32 slots 4 ports 3 Gbps 0x13 impl SATA mode
[    1.000506] ahci 0000:00:1f.2: flags: 64bit ncq sntf stag pm led clo pio slum part ems sxs apst
[    1.000514] ahci 0000:00:1f.2: setting latency timer to 64
[    1.003353] sky2 0000:07:00.0: eth0: addr 00:24:54:86:03:d3
[    1.019102] scsi0 : ahci
[    1.019378] scsi1 : ahci
[    1.019470] scsi2 : ahci
[    1.019559] scsi3 : ahci
[    1.022388] scsi4 : ahci
[    1.022474] ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m2048@0xf0b05000 port 0xf0b05100 irq 42
[    1.022479] ata2: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m2048@0xf0b05000 port 0xf0b05180 irq 42
[    1.022481] ata3: DUMMY
[    1.022483] ata4: DUMMY
[    1.022487] ata5: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m2048@0xf0b05000 port 0xf0b05300 irq 42
[    1.023466] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=8087, idProduct=0020
[    1.023471] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=0, SerialNumber=0
[    1.023932] hub 1-1:1.0: USB hub found
[    1.024075] hub 1-1:1.0: 6 ports detected
[    1.134966] usb 2-1: new high-speed USB device number 2 using ehci_hcd
[    1.267534] usb 2-1: New USB device found, idVendor=8087, idProduct=0020
[    1.267540] usb 2-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=0, SerialNumber=0
[    1.268045] hub 2-1:1.0: USB hub found
[    1.268260] hub 2-1:1.0: 8 ports detected
[    1.338960] ata1: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 300)
[    1.338963] usb 1-1.1: new high-speed USB device number 3 using ehci_hcd
[    1.340209] ata1.00: ATA-8: Hitachi HTS545032B9A300, PB3OC66G, max UDMA/133
[    1.340215] ata1.00: 625142448 sectors, multi 16: LBA48 NCQ (depth 31/32), AA
[    1.341679] ata1.00: configured for UDMA/133
[    1.342046] scsi 0:0:0:0: Direct-Access     ATA      Hitachi HTS54503 PB3O PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
[    1.342318] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 625142448 512-byte logical blocks: (320 GB/298 GiB)
[    1.342323] sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0
[    1.342416] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off
[    1.342422] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Mode Sense: 00 3a 00 00
[    1.342460] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA
[    1.434822] Refined TSC clocksource calibration: 2128.126 MHz.
[    1.434831] Switching to clocksource tsc
[    1.451957] usb 1-1.1: New USB device found, idVendor=0ac8, idProduct=c342
[    1.451962] usb 1-1.1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0
[    1.451966] usb 1-1.1: Product: WebCam SCB-1900N
[    1.451969] usb 1-1.1: Manufacturer: Namuga Co.,Ltd.
[    1.464141]  sda: sda1 sda2 sda3 sda4 < sda5 sda6 sda7 sda8 sda9 >
[    1.465104] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk
[    1.523078] usb 1-1.3: new full-speed USB device number 4 using ehci_hcd
[    1.619156] usb 1-1.3: New USB device found, idVendor=0a5c, idProduct=219b
[    1.619165] usb 1-1.3: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
[    1.619170] usb 1-1.3: Product: Broadcom Bluetooth 2.1 Device
[    1.619175] usb 1-1.3: Manufacturer: Broadcom Corp
[    1.619180] usb 1-1.3: SerialNumber: B482FE50949F
[    1.658807] ata2: SATA link up 1.5 Gbps (SStatus 113 SControl 300)
[    1.661296] ata2.00: ATAPI: SlimtypeDVD A DS8A4S, JS21, max UDMA/100
[    1.662717] ata2.00: configured for UDMA/100
[    1.666542] scsi 1:0:0:0: CD-ROM            Slimtype DVD A DS8A4S     JS21 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
[    1.672208] sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 8x/8x writer dvd-ram cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
[    1.672215] cdrom: Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.20
[    1.672470] sr 1:0:0:0: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr0
[    1.672563] sr 1:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg1 type 5
[    1.690873] usb 2-1.5: new low-speed USB device number 3 using ehci_hcd
[    1.787598] usb 2-1.5: New USB device found, idVendor=046d, idProduct=c05a
[    1.787604] usb 2-1.5: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0
[    1.787607] usb 2-1.5: Product: USB Optical Mouse
[    1.787610] usb 2-1.5: Manufacturer: Logitech
[    1.990673] ata5: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)
[    1.993494] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid
[    1.993497] usbhid: USB HID core driver
[    1.996141] input: Logitech USB Optical Mouse as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.0/usb2/2-1/2-1.5/2-1.5:1.0/input/input5
[    1.996280] hid-generic 0003:046D:C05A.0001: input,hidraw0: USB HID v1.11 Mouse [Logitech USB Optical Mouse] on usb-0000:00:1d.0-1.5/input0
[    3.858970] EXT4-fs (sda5): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)
[   32.519311] Adding 2538492k swap on /dev/sda6.  Priority:-1 extents:1 across:2538492k
[   32.524662] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
[   32.607971] udevd[376]: starting version 175
[   32.789969] type=1400 audit(1366312565.686:2): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" name="/sbin/dhclient" pid=443 comm="apparmor_parser"
[   32.789984] type=1400 audit(1366312565.686:3): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_replace" name="/sbin/dhclient" pid=589 comm="apparmor_parser"
[   32.790534] type=1400 audit(1366312565.686:4): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" name="/usr/lib/NetworkManager/nm-dhcp-client.action" pid=443 comm="apparmor_parser"
[   32.790792] type=1400 audit(1366312565.686:5): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" name="/usr/lib/connman/scripts/dhclient-script" pid=443 comm="apparmor_parser"
[   32.790804] type=1400 audit(1366312565.686:6): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_replace" name="/usr/lib/NetworkManager/nm-dhcp-client.action" pid=589 comm="apparmor_parser"
[   32.791160] type=1400 audit(1366312565.686:7): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_replace" name="/usr/lib/connman/scripts/dhclient-script" pid=589 comm="apparmor_parser"
[   33.081824] microcode: CPU0 sig=0x20652, pf=0x10, revision=0x9
[   33.163647] microcode: CPU1 sig=0x20652, pf=0x10, revision=0x9
[   33.165015] microcode: CPU2 sig=0x20652, pf=0x10, revision=0x9
[   33.166317] microcode: CPU3 sig=0x20652, pf=0x10, revision=0x9
[   33.167660] microcode: Microcode Update Driver: v2.00 <tigran@aivazian.fsnet.co.uk>, Peter Oruba
[   33.356744] [Firmware Bug]: ACPI: No _BQC method, cannot determine initial brightness
[   33.357307] acpi device:02: registered as cooling_device6
[   33.357356] ACPI: Video Device [NVID] (multi-head: yes  rom: no  post: no)
[   33.357424] input: Video Bus as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0A08:00/device:00/LNXVIDEO:00/input/input6
[   33.451985] ACPI Warning: 0x00000460-0x0000047f SystemIO conflicts with Region \PMIO 1 (20120320/utaddress-251)
[   33.451993] ACPI: If an ACPI driver is available for this device, you should use it instead of the native driver
[   33.451995] lpc_ich: Resource conflict(s) found affecting iTCO_wdt
[   33.451999] ACPI Warning: 0x00000428-0x0000042f SystemIO conflicts with Region \PMIO 1 (20120320/utaddress-251)
[   33.452003] ACPI: If an ACPI driver is available for this device, you should use it instead of the native driver
[   33.452006] ACPI Warning: 0x00001180-0x000011ff SystemIO conflicts with Region \GPIO 1 (20120320/utaddress-251)
[   33.452010] ACPI: If an ACPI driver is available for this device, you should use it instead of the native driver
[   33.452011] lpc_ich: Resource conflict(s) found affecting gpio_ich
[   33.470851] cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain
[   33.476123] cfg80211: World regulatory domain updated:
[   33.476126] cfg80211:   (start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth), (max_antenna_gain, max_eirp)
[   33.476129] cfg80211:   (2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   33.476131] cfg80211:   (2457000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 20000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   33.476133] cfg80211:   (2474000 KHz - 2494000 KHz @ 20000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   33.476134] cfg80211:   (5170000 KHz - 5250000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   33.476136] cfg80211:   (5735000 KHz - 5835000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   33.513891] Bluetooth: Core ver 2.16
[   33.513913] NET: Registered protocol family 31
[   33.513915] Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized
[   33.513917] Bluetooth: HCI socket layer initialized
[   33.513918] Bluetooth: L2CAP socket layer initialized
[   33.513923] Bluetooth: SCO socket layer initialized
[   33.579988] Linux video capture interface: v2.00
[   33.593789] usbcore: registered new interface driver btusb
[   33.614535] samsung_laptop: detected SABI interface: SwSmi@
[   33.614538] samsung_laptop: Backlight controlled by ACPI video driver
[   33.631773] lp: driver loaded but no devices found
[   33.747048] uvcvideo: Found UVC 1.00 device WebCam SCB-1900N (0ac8:c342)
[   33.749584] input: WebCam SCB-1900N as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb1/1-1/1-1.1/1-1.1:1.0/input/input7
[   33.749693] usbcore: registered new interface driver uvcvideo
[   33.749695] USB Video Class driver (1.1.1)
[   33.754950] kvm: VM_EXIT_LOAD_IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL does not work properly. Using workaround
[   34.384881] psmouse serio1: synaptics: Touchpad model: 1, fw: 7.4, id: 0x1c0b1, caps: 0xd04733/0xa40000/0xa0000
[   34.414410] ath: EEPROM regdomain: 0x65
[   34.414413] ath: EEPROM indicates we should expect a direct regpair map
[   34.414416] ath: Country alpha2 being used: 00
[   34.414418] ath: Regpair used: 0x65
[   34.414422] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2412 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   34.414424] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   34.414427] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2417 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   34.414429] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   34.414431] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2422 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   34.414434] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   34.414436] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2427 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   34.414438] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   34.414440] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2432 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   34.414443] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   34.414445] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2437 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   34.414447] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   34.414449] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2442 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   34.414451] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   34.414453] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2447 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   34.414456] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   34.414458] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2452 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   34.414460] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   34.414462] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2457 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   34.414464] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   34.414467] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2462 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   34.414469] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   34.414471] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2467 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   34.414473] cfg80211: 2457000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   34.414475] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2472 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   34.414478] cfg80211: 2457000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   34.414480] cfg80211: Disabling freq 2484 MHz as custom regd has no rule that fits a 20 MHz wide channel
[   34.415917] cfg80211: Ignoring regulatory request Set by core since the driver uses its own custom regulatory domain
[   34.426404] input: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad as /devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input8
[   34.651967] ieee80211 phy0: Selected rate control algorithm 'ath9k_rate_control'
[   34.652336] Registered led device: ath9k-phy0
[   34.652346] ieee80211 phy0: Atheros AR9285 Rev:2 mem=0xf8660000, irq=16
[   34.729727] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:1b.0: irq 43 for MSI/MSI-X
[   34.825238] input: HDA Intel Mic as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0/input9
[   34.825336] input: HDA Intel Headphone as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0/input10
[   34.825583] hda_intel: Disabling MSI
[   34.825592] hda-intel: 0000:02:00.1: Handle VGA-switcheroo audio client
[   35.462516] nvidia: module license 'NVIDIA' taints kernel.
[   35.462520] Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
[   35.782520] input: HDA NVidia HDMI/DP,pcm=9 as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:02:00.1/sound/card1/input11
[   35.782691] input: HDA NVidia HDMI/DP,pcm=8 as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:02:00.1/sound/card1/input12
[   35.782815] input: HDA NVidia HDMI/DP,pcm=7 as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:02:00.1/sound/card1/input13
[   35.783024] input: HDA NVidia HDMI/DP,pcm=3 as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:02:00.1/sound/card1/input14
[   35.783688] vgaarb: device changed decodes: PCI:0000:02:00.0,olddecodes=io+mem,decodes=none:owns=io+mem
[   35.783975] NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86 Kernel Module  304.88  Wed Mar 27 14:31:12 PDT 2013
[   37.294366] init: udev-fallback-graphics main process (887) terminated with status 1
[   37.377355] EXT4-fs (sda5): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro
[   38.073697] EXT4-fs (sda9): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)
[   38.119462] EXT4-fs (sda8): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)
[   38.200731] init: failsafe main process (954) killed by TERM signal
[   38.350071] type=1400 audit(1366312571.250:8): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" name="/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/lightdm-remote-session-uccsconfigure/uccsconfigure-session-wrapper" pid=1067 comm="apparmor_parser"
[   38.350483] type=1400 audit(1366312571.250:9): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" name="/usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm/lightdm-guest-session-wrapper" pid=1065 comm="apparmor_parser"
[   38.350596] type=1400 audit(1366312571.250:10): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" name="/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/lightdm-remote-session-uccsconfigure/uccsconfigure-session-wrapper//chromium_browser" pid=1067 comm="apparmor_parser"
[   38.351082] type=1400 audit(1366312571.250:11): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" name="/usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm/lightdm-guest-session-wrapper//chromium_browser" pid=1065 comm="apparmor_parser"
[   38.354428] type=1400 audit(1366312571.254:12): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" name="/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/lightdm-remote-session-freerdp/freerdp-session-wrapper" pid=1066 comm="apparmor_parser"
[   38.354955] type=1400 audit(1366312571.254:13): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" name="/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/lightdm-remote-session-freerdp/freerdp-session-wrapper//chromium_browser" pid=1066 comm="apparmor_parser"
[   38.358432] type=1400 audit(1366312571.258:14): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_replace" name="/sbin/dhclient" pid=1068 comm="apparmor_parser"
[   38.360826] type=1400 audit(1366312571.258:15): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_replace" name="/usr/lib/NetworkManager/nm-dhcp-client.action" pid=1068 comm="apparmor_parser"
[   38.361208] type=1400 audit(1366312571.258:16): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_replace" name="/usr/lib/connman/scripts/dhclient-script" pid=1068 comm="apparmor_parser"
[   38.363406] ppdev: user-space parallel port driver
[   38.366524] type=1400 audit(1366312571.266:17): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" name="/usr/sbin/mysqld" pid=1076 comm="apparmor_parser"
[   38.403062] Bluetooth: BNEP (Ethernet Emulation) ver 1.3
[   38.403068] Bluetooth: BNEP filters: protocol multicast
[   38.448805] Bluetooth: RFCOMM TTY layer initialized
[   38.448812] Bluetooth: RFCOMM socket layer initialized
[   38.448815] Bluetooth: RFCOMM ver 1.11
[   38.493183] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
[   38.498703] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
[   38.513416] sky2 0000:07:00.0: eth0: enabling interface
[   38.514265] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
[   38.517086] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
[   38.552702] microcode: CPU0 updated to revision 0xd, date = 2011-09-01
[   38.553273] microcode: CPU1 updated to revision 0xd, date = 2011-09-01
[   38.553828] microcode: CPU2 updated to revision 0xd, date = 2011-09-01
[   38.554399] microcode: CPU3 updated to revision 0xd, date = 2011-09-01
[   38.853706] zram: module is from the staging directory, the quality is unknown, you have been warned.
[   38.854103] zram: Creating 4 devices ...
[   38.866197] Adding 498820k swap on /dev/zram0.  Priority:5 extents:1 across:498820k SS
[   38.869615] Adding 498820k swap on /dev/zram1.  Priority:5 extents:1 across:498820k SS
[   38.873140] Adding 498820k swap on /dev/zram2.  Priority:5 extents:1 across:498820k SS
[   38.876531] Adding 498820k swap on /dev/zram3.  Priority:5 extents:1 across:498820k SS
[   39.236991] cfg80211: Found new beacon on frequency: 2472 MHz (Ch 13) on phy0
[   39.544641] vboxdrv: Found 4 processor cores.
[   39.544810] vboxdrv: fAsync=0 offMin=0x2c8 offMax=0x1408
[   39.544892] vboxdrv: TSC mode is 'synchronous', kernel timer mode is 'normal'.
[   39.544895] vboxdrv: Successfully loaded version 4.1.18_Ubuntu (interface 0x00190000).
[   39.895605] vboxpci: IOMMU not found (not registered)
[   40.177727] wlan0: authenticate with f8:d1:11:65:68:e2
[   40.189628] wlan0: send auth to f8:d1:11:65:68:e2 (try 1/3)
[   40.191553] wlan0: authenticated
[   40.200737] wlan0: associate with f8:d1:11:65:68:e2 (try 1/3)
[   40.204636] wlan0: RX AssocResp from f8:d1:11:65:68:e2 (capab=0x411 status=0 aid=1)
[   40.204707] wlan0: associated
[   40.204877] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan0: link becomes ready
[   40.205129] cfg80211: Calling CRDA for country: TR
[   40.208947] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2412 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   40.208951] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   40.208953] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2417 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   40.208955] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   40.208957] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2422 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   40.208959] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   40.208960] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2427 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   40.208962] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   40.208964] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2432 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   40.208965] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   40.208967] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2437 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   40.208969] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   40.208970] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2442 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   40.208972] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   40.208974] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2447 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   40.208975] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   40.208977] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2452 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   40.208979] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   40.208980] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2457 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   40.208982] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   40.208984] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2462 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   40.208985] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   40.208987] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2467 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   40.208989] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   40.208990] cfg80211: Updating information on frequency 2472 MHz for a 20 MHz width channel with regulatory rule:
[   40.208992] cfg80211: 2402000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   40.208994] cfg80211: Disabling freq 2484 MHz
[   40.208998] ath: regdomain 0x8318 updated by CountryIE
[   40.209000] ath: EEPROM regdomain: 0x8318
[   40.209001] ath: EEPROM indicates we should expect a country code
[   40.209003] ath: doing EEPROM country->regdmn map search
[   40.209004] ath: country maps to regdmn code: 0x36
[   40.209006] ath: Country alpha2 being used: TR
[   40.209007] ath: Regpair used: 0x36
[   40.209034] cfg80211: Regulatory domain changed to country: TR
[   40.209036] cfg80211:   (start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth), (max_antenna_gain, max_eirp)
[   40.209038] cfg80211:   (2402000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A, 2000 mBm)
[   40.209039] cfg80211:   (5170000 KHz - 5250000 KHz @ 20000 KHz), (N/A, 2000 mBm)
[   40.209041] cfg80211:   (5250000 KHz - 5330000 KHz @ 20000 KHz), (N/A, 2000 mBm)
[   40.260079] cfg80211: Found new beacon on frequency: 2472 MHz (Ch 13) on phy0
[  116.130648] show_signal_msg: 51 callbacks suppressed
[  116.130658] update-notifier[7816]: segfault at 8 ip b6e940ce sp bfc43c90 error 4 in libgobject-2.0.so.0.3400.1[b6e82000+4e000]
[  117.548234] warning: `VirtualBox' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use)
[  659.816024] wlan0: deauthenticated from f8:d1:11:65:68:e2 (Reason: 3)
[  659.851216] cfg80211: All devices are disconnected, going to restore regulatory settings
[  659.851227] cfg80211: Restoring regulatory settings
[  659.851238] cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain
[  659.859040] cfg80211: Ignoring regulatory request Set by core since the driver uses its own custom regulatory domain
[  659.862365] cfg80211: World regulatory domain updated:
[  659.862371] cfg80211:   (start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth), (max_antenna_gain, max_eirp)
[  659.862376] cfg80211:   (2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[  659.862381] cfg80211:   (2457000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 20000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[  659.862385] cfg80211:   (2474000 KHz - 2494000 KHz @ 20000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[  659.862389] cfg80211:   (5170000 KHz - 5250000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[  659.862392] cfg80211:   (5735000 KHz - 5835000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[  675.807346] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready

Not:Normal durum ve bağlanamama durumu çıktıları farklı. ilk çıktı normal durum, ikinci durum bağlanama durumunda olan çıktıdır.
dmesg | tail
[  132.497864] ath: doing EEPROM country->regdmn map search
[  132.497867] ath: country maps to regdmn code: 0x36
[  132.497870] ath: Country alpha2 being used: TR
[  132.497872] ath: Regpair used: 0x36
[  132.497906] cfg80211: Regulatory domain changed to country: TR
[  132.497909] cfg80211:   (start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth), (max_antenna_gain, max_eirp)
[  132.497912] cfg80211:   (2402000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A, 2000 mBm)
[  132.497916] cfg80211:   (5170000 KHz - 5250000 KHz @ 20000 KHz), (N/A, 2000 mBm)
[  132.497919] cfg80211:   (5250000 KHz - 5330000 KHz @ 20000 KHz), (N/A, 2000 mBm)
[  132.539157] cfg80211: Found new beacon on frequency: 2472 MHz (Ch 13) on phy0

[  659.851238] cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain
[  659.859040] cfg80211: Ignoring regulatory request Set by core since the driver uses its own custom regulatory domain
[  659.862365] cfg80211: World regulatory domain updated:
[  659.862371] cfg80211:   (start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth), (max_antenna_gain, max_eirp)
[  659.862376] cfg80211:   (2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[  659.862381] cfg80211:   (2457000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 20000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[  659.862385] cfg80211:   (2474000 KHz - 2494000 KHz @ 20000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[  659.862389] cfg80211:   (5170000 KHz - 5250000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[  659.862392] cfg80211:   (5735000 KHz - 5835000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[  675.807346] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready


http://forum.ubuntu-tr.net/index.php?topic=38290.0 başlığına binaen şu çözümü bir dener misin:

Değişikliğin ne fark ettirdiği yani açıklaması da o başlıkta mevcut. Umarım çözüm olur senin için.
Hayattan çıkarı olmayanların, ölümden de çıkarı olmayacaktır.
Hayatlarıyla yanlış olanların ölümleriyle doğru olmalarına imkân var mıdır?

Böylece yalan, dünyanın düzenine dönüştürülüyor.


Dediğiniz şeyi deneyim. Fakat şöyle bir durum var ben aynı modemi aynı ayarlarda ubuntu ile yaklaşık 2 senedir kullanıyordum ve hiç böyle bir problem yaşamadım. Geçenlerde bilgisayarıma format attıp yeni çıkmış ubuntu sürümlerinden birini kurdum ve bu olanlar bu kullandığım sürüm ile birlikte başladı.
Netin kendi kendine gitmesini bekleyeceğim kendim açıp kapayınca zaten sorun olmuyordu. O bir sebepten(tespit edemiyorum) kesilince bulamıyor. Dediğiniz ayarı yaptım. Umarım sorun çözülür. Gider gelirse ya da gelmezse tekrar mesaj atarım. Teşekkür ederim.

Mesaj tekrarı yüzünden mesajınız birleştirildi. Bu mesajın gönderim tarihi : 20 Nisan 2013 - 08:20:59

Belirttiğiniz konunun cevap mesajına göre modemimde ayarlamarı yaptım. Fakat çözüm olmadı. Bugün sabaha yine internet kopması ardından tekrar bağlanamama sorunu ile başladım. Başka bir öneriniz var mı?

Ek olarak internet servislerimi tekrar başlattırabileceğim bir yol var mı? Tabii ilk mesajımda belirttiklerim hariç onlar hiç istemediğim sonuçlara götürüyor beni.


Ubuntu, arch ve debian forumlarında benzer konuları okudum. Bir takım teknik öneriler vardı ama deneyimli olmadığımdan deneyemedim. Fakat denediğim şeylerden birkaçı birleşince sonuç aldım gibi. Belki de sadece birisi sonuç veriyordur. Birden bire kopma nedenini hala çözememek ile birlikte modemimin 3 ayarında değişiklik yaptım ve bağlantımın kopmasının ardıktan otomatik olarak bağlandığını görebildim. Değiştirdiğim 3 ayar ise şöyle:
-SSID gözükür hale getirdim
-Doğrulama Türü: WPA2-PSK
-Şifreleme: AES

Bunları değiştirmek benim sorunumu çözmüş olsa da neden koptuğu ve tekrar bağlanamadığını aslında çözmedim. Yorumların birinde birisi şifreleme yöntemini değiştiremeyeceğini okulunun TKIP kullandığını söylemişti.
Ben konuyu kendim için çözüldü başlığına çevireceğim fakat daha deneyimli birileri yine gerçek sebebi ve nasıl çözebileceğimi belirtirse sevinirim.


@acemiyim, sizinle aynı kablosuz aygıtı kullanıyoruz. lspci -k | grep -A3 Net
07:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)
Subsystem: Foxconn International, Inc. Device e037
Kernel driver in use: ath9k

Kopla sorununu ne Ubuntu'da (networkmanager) ne de Arh'da (wicd) yaşadım. Kablosuz ağım gizli. Şifreleme türü WPA2-PSK/AEES. Modem Airties rt-205tt. IPv6'yı tamamen kapattım çekirdeği ipv6.disable=1 parametresi girerek. Ayrıca  /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf içinden ipv6 ile ilgili ne varsa sildim, gerekli olmamasına rağmen. /etc/modprobe.d/ath9k.conf dosyasına
options ath9k nohwcrypt=1
yazdım. /etc/sysctl.conf içine #Disable ipv6
net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 = 1
yazdım. Sanırım bunlar yeterli:)


İşte ben de hiç sorun yaşamıyordum. Hatta Linux ile hiç uyumsuzluk sorunu yaşamadım ne şanslıyım diye düşünüyordum. Ama bu yükleme ile internet işi baya bunalttı beni.
Dediklerinizi deneyeceğim. Dediklerinizden sorunun IPv6'yı denemeye çalışması gibi bir sebepten olabilir şeklinde bir sonuç mu çıkıyor. Yoksa bu sizin kişisel tercihiniz mi?


Bahsettiğim ayarları yapmasamda ağa bağlantımda bir sorun yaşamıyorum. Ama siz bunları uygularsanız bağlantınız belki daha kararlı olabilir.