LibreOffice Sürümler: [4.1.0 Final | 3.6.7 Final | ?.?.? Önizleme]

Başlatan decent, 04 Aralık 2011 - 10:58:08

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0 Üyeler ve 3 Ziyaretçi konuyu incelemekte.


Kararlı Sürümler :

LibreOffice Sürüm Duyuruları:

Sürüm Notları:


LibreOffice 4.1.0 sürümünü Debian ve Ubuntu tabanlı sistemlerde yüklemek için aşağıdaki yönergeleri uygulayabilirsiniz.

PPA kaynağından yüklemek
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Paketleri indirerek elle yüklemek

sudo apt-get purge openoffice*

32 bit sistemler için:

tar -xzvf LibreOffice_4.1.0_Linux_x86_deb.tar.gz
cd LibreOffice_4.1.0_Linux_x86_deb/DEBS
sudo dpkg -i *.deb

64 bit sistemler için:

tar -xzvf LibreOffice_4.1.0_Linux_x86-64_deb.tar.gz
cd LibreOffice_4.1.0_Linux_x86-64_deb/DEBS
sudo dpkg -i *.deb

Kurulum hakkında ayrıntılı bilgi için aşağıdaki bağlantıyı inceleyebilirsiniz:

İlgili bağlantılar:


Burayı da güncel sürüm başlığı yapsak mı?


Olabilir; çünkü Beta, RC derken uzar gider.


3.4.5 sürümünü libreoffice ana sayfasından da indirebilirsiniz.
bugün yayınlandı:
boş zaman mahsûlleri


3.5 sürümü betalarını kullanıyorum... .3.4 sürümünden sonra kazanılan ivmeyi göstermesi açısından güzel bir konumda duruyor...
Artık bu forumu kullanmıyor.



Alıntı yapılan: yakusha - 19 Ocak 2012 - 17:30:30
3.5 sürümü betalarını kullanıyorum... .3.4 sürümünden sonra kazanılan ivmeyi göstermesi açısından güzel bir konumda duruyor...

@yakusha Herhangi bir sıkıntı oluyor mu?Yada yaşadığın sıkıntıları söylesen de ona göre yüklesek :D
Up and Running...


dev paketleri çapraz çalıştırılabiliyor... eldeki sürümü kaldırmadan da kurabiliyorsunuz...
Artık bu forumu kullanmıyor.


LibreOffice 3.5.0 Beta 2 Precise depolarına eklenmiş..

decent@precise:~$ libreoffice --version
LibreOffice 3.5


libre office ilk defa gözüme bu kadar güzel göründe gereksiz kodların kaldırılması cok iyi olmuş kullandığım en rahat libre office rc 3.5 herkese tavsiye ediyorum.

satranç modern bir beyin işkencesidir.


Kurmaya kalktığımda
sudo apt-get install *.deb

bahdem@bahdem:~$ cd Desktop/LibO_3.5.0rc1_Linux_x86-64_install-deb_en-US/DEBS/
bahdem@bahdem:~/Desktop/LibO_3.5.0rc1_Linux_x86-64_install-deb_en-US/DEBS$ sudo apt-get install *deb
[sudo] password for bahdem:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-base_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-base_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-binfilter_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-binfilter_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-calc_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-calc_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-core01_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-core01_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-core02_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-core02_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-core03_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-core03_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-core04_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-core04_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-core05_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-core05_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-core06_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-core06_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-core07_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-core07_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-draw_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-draw_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-en-us_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-en-us_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-en-us-base_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-en-us-base_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-en-us-calc_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-en-us-calc_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-en-us-math_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-en-us-math_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-en-us-res_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-en-us-res_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-en-us-writer_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-en-us-writer_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-extension-beanshell-script-provider_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-extension-beanshell-script-provider_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-extension-javascript-script-provider_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-extension-javascript-script-provider_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-extension-mediawiki-publisher_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-extension-mediawiki-publisher_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-extension-nlpsolver_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-extension-nlpsolver_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-extension-pdf-import_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-extension-pdf-import_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-extension-postgresql-sdbc_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-extension-postgresql-sdbc_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-extension-presentation-minimizer_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-extension-presentation-minimizer_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-extension-presenter-screen_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-extension-presenter-screen_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-extension-python-script-provider_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-extension-python-script-provider_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-extension-report-builder_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-extension-report-builder_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-gnome-integration_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-gnome-integration_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-graphicfilter_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-graphicfilter_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-images_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-images_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-impress_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-impress_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-javafilter_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-javafilter_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-kde-integration_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-kde-integration_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-math_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-math_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-ogltrans_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-ogltrans_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-onlineupdate_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-onlineupdate_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-ooofonts_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-ooofonts_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-ooolinguistic_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-ooolinguistic_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-pyuno_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-pyuno_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-writer_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-writer_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libobasis3.5-xsltfilter_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libobasis3.5-xsltfilter_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libreoffice3.5_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libreoffice3.5_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libreoffice3.5-base_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libreoffice3.5-base_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libreoffice3.5-calc_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libreoffice3.5-calc_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libreoffice3.5-dict-en_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libreoffice3.5-dict-en_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libreoffice3.5-dict-es_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libreoffice3.5-dict-es_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libreoffice3.5-dict-fr_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libreoffice3.5-dict-fr_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libreoffice3.5-draw_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libreoffice3.5-draw_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libreoffice3.5-en-us_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libreoffice3.5-en-us_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libreoffice3.5-impress_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libreoffice3.5-impress_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libreoffice3.5-math_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libreoffice3.5-math_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libreoffice3.5-ure_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libreoffice3.5-ure_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'
E: Unable to locate package libreoffice3.5-writer_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libreoffice3.5-writer_3.5.0-11_amd64.deb'

Up and Running...



Hocam saolasın yanlış hatırladım ya da uydurdum komutu :D
Up and Running...


Bu sefer gerçekten olmuş. Bu sürüm çok hızlı geldi bana. Formüllerde Türkçeleştirilmiş.
It is all your fault. Yes, I advised you, but you did.


Calc'da türkçe formüller ile hazırlanan ve kaydedilen bir belge, sadece ingilizce olan Libreoffice'te sorunsuzca açılabiliyormu? Aynı şekilde tersi de mümkün mü?


Alıntı yapılan: Tomas - 24 Ocak 2012 - 21:44:14
Calc'da türkçe formüller ile hazırlanan ve kaydedilen bir belge, sadece ingilizce olan Libreoffice'te sorunsuzca açılabiliyormu? Aynı şekilde tersi de mümkün mü?

Türkçe dl paketini yüklediğim için sorunuza olumlu yada olumsuz cevap veremeyeceğim.  :( Ama yeni kuran arkadaşlar dil paketini kurmadan deneyebilirler sanırım.
It is all your fault. Yes, I advised you, but you did.


Alıntı yapılan: alquirel - 24 Ocak 2012 - 20:47:40

Komutu yanlış veriyorsun. ;)

sudo dpkg -i *.deb

Sayende yükleme oldu ama bu yeni sürümü nasıl çalıştıracağım :D Eski sürüm çalışıyor bende hala ?
Up and Running...


boş zaman mahsûlleri


@ahmetturan, final bilgisi için teşekkür ederim.
İlk ileti güncellendi.


Document Foundation ekibi LibreOfis'in 3.5 sürümünü şimdiye kadarki en iyi özgür ofis programı olarak tanımlamışlar.
bununla ilgili bir infografik de var:
boş zaman mahsûlleri


Acaba güncellemesi ne zaman gelir?