OpenCL İle İlgili Kodu Derleyemedim

Başlatan osmanakar, 27 Mart 2022 - 22:21:30

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0 Üyeler ve 1 Ziyaretçi konuyu incelemekte.


OpenCL ile alakalı olan bir kodu derleyemedim arkadaşlar. İlgili kod bu:

İlgili kodlar ise şu:

git clone
git clone
cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./OpenCL-Headers/install -S ./OpenCL-Headers -B ./OpenCL-Headers/build
cmake --build ./OpenCL-Headers/build --target install.
cmake -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/absolute/path/to/OpenCL-Headers/install -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./OpenCL-ICD-Loader/install -S ./OpenCL-ICD-Loader -B ./OpenCL-ICD-Loader/build
cmake --build ./OpenCL-ICD-Loader/build --target install

Beşinci yürütülmesi gereken komut olan cmake -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/absolute/path/to/OpenCL-Headers/install -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./OpenCL-ICD-Loader/install -S ./OpenCL-ICD-Loader -B ./OpenCL-ICD-Loader/build kodunu yazınca aşağıdaki hata çıkıyor karşıma:

cruslan@Crusland:~$ cmake -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/absolute/path/to/OpenCL-Headers/install -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./OpenCL-ICD-Loader/install -S ./OpenCL-ICD-Loader -B ./OpenCL-ICD-Loader/build
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:133 (find_package):
By not providing "FindOpenCLHeaders.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this.
project has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by.
"OpenCLHeaders", but CMake did not find one.

Could not find a package configuration file provided by "OpenCLHeaders"
with any of the following names:


Add the installation prefix of "OpenCLHeaders" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set.
"OpenCLHeaders_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If.
"OpenCLHeaders" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it.
has been installed.

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/home/cruslan/OpenCL-ICD-Loader/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
See also "/home/cruslan/OpenCL-ICD-Loader/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".

Hatanın ne olduğunu anlamadım ve ne yapmam gerektiği konusunda bir fikrim yok. Ne yapabilirim?