Avea Jet Modem ile internete bağlanma

Başlatan morf, 06 Ocak 2013 - 20:32:12

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0 Üyeler ve 1 Ziyaretçi konuyu incelemekte.


Selam arkadaşlar,
Şöyle bir sorunum var. Avea Jet Modem`i usb den bağladıktan sonra internete bağlanamıyorum. Join Air uygulamasını kullandığımda "Baglanti basarisiz. ppp0 baglantisi kurulamadi." diye hata veriyor. Wvdial veya gnome-ppp ile de çözüm bulamadım ve birçok ayar denedim sonuç nafile. Ancak windows yüklü bilgisayardan ethernet yoluyla bağlanabiliyorum. Network-manager yüklü değil, Wicd`i kullanıyorum. Yardımcı olursanız sevinirim.

Linux burak 2.6.35-32-generic-pae #64-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 3 00:57:30 UTC 2012 i686 GNU/Linux

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1d:7d:0a:0a:ff 
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:3960 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:4738 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:2503658 (2.5 MB)  TX bytes:592233 (592.2 KB)
          Interrupt:44 Base address:0x6000

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback 
          inet addr:  Mask:
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:76 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:76 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:3224 (3.2 KB)  TX bytes:3224 (3.2 KB)

wlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr f8:d1:11:11:30:a9 
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface   U     0      0        0 wlan0   U     0      0        0 eth0     U     0      0        0 eth0         UG    0      0        0 eth0         UG    100    0        0 wlan0

Bus 008 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 007 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 006 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 004 Device 003: ID 046d:c526 Logitech, Inc. Nano Receiver
Bus 004 Device 002: ID 046d:c318 Logitech, Inc. Illuminated Keyboard
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 002 Device 012: ID 19d2:0031 ONDA Communication S.p.A. ZTE MF636
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0cf3:9271 Atheros Communications, Inc. AR9271 802.11n
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

13-01-06 20:20:21  will exist carddispose fun(),isCardOnline =0
There no lanague source to use
13-01-06 20:20:21  enter updateTable()
13-01-06 20:20:21  enter run......
13-01-06 20:20:21  SerialThread: need to findPortName!
13-01-06 20:20:21  It is we find port name
13-01-06 20:20:23  sent cmd: ATE1

13-01-06 20:20:23  Vendor/Product ID: 1d6b:1
13-01-06 20:20:23  Vendor/Product ID: 1d6b:1
13-01-06 20:20:23  Vendor/Product ID: 1d6b:1
13-01-06 20:20:23  Vendor/Product ID: 1d6b:1
13-01-06 20:20:23  Vendor/Product ID: 46d:c526
13-01-06 20:20:23  Vendor/Product ID: 46d:c318
13-01-06 20:20:23  Vendor/Product ID: 1d6b:1
13-01-06 20:20:23  Vendor/Product ID: 1d6b:1
13-01-06 20:20:23  Vendor/Product ID: 19d2:31
13-01-06 20:20:23  The final our Vendor/Product ID: 19d2:31
13-01-06 20:20:23  ****** comcfg.cdromPort=0026,0053,2000,2810 sPid=0031
13-01-06 20:20:23  This is testport '/dev/ttyUSB2
13-01-06 20:20:23  ____________the temp device port is tempfd = 10_____________
13-01-06 20:20:23  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:23  sent cmd: AT

13-01-06 20:20:23  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=0, timer_usec=100000, con=1
13-01-06 20:20:23  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT

13-01-06 20:20:23  ______________AT test is OK!___________
13-01-06 20:20:26  This is testport '/dev/ttyUSB1
13-01-06 20:20:26  ____________the temp device port is tempfd = 11_____________
13-01-06 20:20:26  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:26  sent cmd: AT

13-01-06 20:20:26  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=0, timer_usec=100000, con=1
13-01-06 20:20:26  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT

13-01-06 20:20:26  ______________AT test is OK!___________
13-01-06 20:20:27  will exist carddispose fun(),isCardOnline =0
13-01-06 20:20:29  will exist carddispose fun(),isCardOnline =0
13-01-06 20:20:29 
________________Modem + AT____________

13-01-06 20:20:29  ===== iAtPort:11; iModemPort:10=====
13-01-06 20:20:29  =====close myOpenedFdList PORT:10=====
13-01-06 20:20:29  =====not close myOpenedFdList PORT:11=====
13-01-06 20:20:29  set AT  serial to '/dev/ttyUSB1'
13-01-06 20:20:29  set MODEM serial to '/dev/ttyUSB2'
13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: ATE1

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=3, timer_usec=0, con=30
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = ATE1

13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+ZOPRT?

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=6, timer_usec=0, con=60
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+ZOPRT?


13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+CPIN?

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=6, timer_usec=0, con=60
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CPIN?


13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** at+cpin? n=0,con=1
13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+CLCK="SC",2

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=6, timer_usec=0, con=60
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CLCK="SC",2
+CLCK: 0


13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+CLCK="SC",2

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=6, timer_usec=0, con=60
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CLCK="SC",2
+CLCK: 0


13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+CSQ

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=6, timer_usec=0, con=60
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CSQ
+CSQ: 7,99


13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+ZPAS?

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=1, timer_usec=0, con=10
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+ZPAS?


13-01-06 20:20:31   SerialThread::get_ZPAS_Res_Str() ===> ______ZPAS____ : AT+ZPAS?


13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+ZDON?

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=1, timer_usec=0, con=10
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+ZDON?
+ZDON: "AVEA",286,3,"AVEA",286,3,"ROAM_OFF"


13-01-06 20:20:31   SerialThread::get_ZDON_Res_Str() ===> ______ZDON____ : AT+ZDON?
+ZDON: "AVEA",286,3,"AVEA",286,3,"ROAM_OFF"


13-01-06 20:20:31  WTMainWindow:____ modem on, sim on ____
enter getLockNetStatus()...
13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+ZSEC?

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=30, timer_usec=0, con=300
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+ZSEC?
+ZSEC: 3,0


initLocknetState, remain count=0
13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+CPMS?

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=6, timer_usec=0, con=60
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CPMS?
+CPMS: "SM",10,30,"SM",10,30,"ME",0,100


13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+ZUSIM=?

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=6, timer_usec=0, con=60
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+ZUSIM=?


13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+CPBR=?

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=3, timer_usec=0, con=30
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CPBR=?
+CPBR: (1-250),40,16


pl is 40,nl is 16,hpl is 0,opl is 0
13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+CSCS="UCS2"

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=6, timer_usec=0, con=60
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CSCS="UCS2"

13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+CNMI=3,1,0,2,0

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=6, timer_usec=0, con=60
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CNMI=3,1,0,2,0

13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+ZSMSD=2

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=6, timer_usec=0, con=60
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+ZSMSD=2

13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+CMGF?

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=6, timer_usec=0, con=60
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CMGF?
+CMGF: 0


13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+ZSNT?

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=3, timer_usec=0, con=30
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+ZSNT?
+ZSNT: 0,0,1


13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+ZCPBR=?

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** Cmd of ZCPBR is not support!
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=5, timer_usec=0, con=50
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+ZCPBR=?
not support

13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+ZCDRUN=4

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=3, timer_usec=0, con=30
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+ZCDRUN=4
Inquiry autorun open state result(0:NO 1:YES):1


13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+CRSM=176,28486,0,0,17

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=3, timer_usec=0, con=28
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CRSM=176,28486,0,0,17


13-01-06 20:20:31   SerialThread::get_ZPAS_Res_Str() ===> ______ZPAS____ : AT+CRSM=176,28486,0,0,17


***** ISDN's count = 5
13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+CNUM

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=3, timer_usec=0, con=30
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CNUM

13-01-06 20:20:31  mousePressEvent  n = 1
13-01-06 20:20:31  mousePressEvent  tmp = AT+CNUM
, len = 14

the num is error
***** ISDN's count = 4
13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+CNUM

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=3, timer_usec=0, con=30
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CNUM

13-01-06 20:20:31  mousePressEvent  n = 1
13-01-06 20:20:31  mousePressEvent  tmp = AT+CNUM
, len = 14

the num is error
***** ISDN's count = 3
13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+CNUM

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=3, timer_usec=0, con=30
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CNUM

13-01-06 20:20:31  mousePressEvent  n = 1
13-01-06 20:20:31  mousePressEvent  tmp = AT+CNUM
, len = 14

the num is error
***** ISDN's count = 2
13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+CNUM

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=3, timer_usec=0, con=30
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CNUM

13-01-06 20:20:31  mousePressEvent  n = 1
13-01-06 20:20:31  mousePressEvent  tmp = AT+CNUM
, len = 14

the num is error
***** ISDN's count = 1
13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+CNUM

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=3, timer_usec=0, con=30
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CNUM

13-01-06 20:20:31  mousePressEvent  n = 1
13-01-06 20:20:31  mousePressEvent  tmp = AT+CNUM
, len = 14

the num is error
QSettings::sync: filename is null/empty
launchUpdater begin

result is 86400
current is 1357496431
not Runing
13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+GMR

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=1, timer_usec=0, con=10
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+GMR


13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+CGSN

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=1, timer_usec=0, con=10
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CGSN


13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+CGMM

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=1, timer_usec=0, con=10
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CGMM


updater start success

launchUpdater end

13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+CIMI

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=1, timer_usec=0, con=10
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CIMI


13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** cimiNumber.latin1()=286034180288883
lastRunCIMI: 28603
thisRunCIMI: 28603
13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+CSQ

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=6, timer_usec=0, con=60
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CSQ
+CSQ: 7,99


13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+CPMS="SM","SM"

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=6, timer_usec=0, con=60
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CPMS="SM","SM"
+CPMS: 10,30,10,30,0,100


13-01-06 20:20:31  initAtCmd-->setShortMsgStorageMode(0) = 1
13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+CPMS="SM","SM"

13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=6, timer_usec=0, con=60
13-01-06 20:20:31  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CPMS="SM","SM"
+CPMS: 10,30,10,30,0,100


13-01-06 20:20:31  sent cmd: AT+CMGL=4

13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=15, timer_usec=0, con=142
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CMGL=4
+CMGL: 0,1,,163
+CMGL: 1,1,,163
+CMGL: 2,1,,163
+CMGL: 3,1,,163
+CMGL: 4,1,,156
+CMGL: 5,1,,156
+CMGL: 6,1,,156
+CMGL: 7,1,,163
+CMGL: 8,1,,156
+CMGL: 9,1,,163


13-01-06 20:20:33  =========== sms'state is 1 ,insert into inbox============
13-01-06 20:20:33  _________wwx-->>enter gsmDecodePDU,now pSrc = 07910955890008002414D0C9294818742E83D32408000031101091235180A022DC2D26C3C144A0E65B9C66839EEE701EB47C93EBEEBA1EF402C1622E58CC2583C566A0584E3793819A6F719A0D7ABAC379D0F24DAEBBEBA0990BB44ECFD3ECB21C94669741F0709E1D9EB7C3F9B43BAD778186653828E80EA3E961F9899D0625E7C3321C941EA7DD2074B95D7683E8E9353B9C4FBB75A0FBFDEE4ACFC561F7DA357EB75D74F92BED26A7E5
13-01-06 20:20:33  ================enter initial pDst===============
13-01-06 20:20:33  ===========tp_ra is multi ================
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TPA = IS BANKASI
13-01-06 20:20:33  before TP_PID pSrc=000031101091235180A022DC2D26C3C144A0E65B9C66839EEE701EB47C93EBEEBA1EF402C1622E58CC2583C566A0584E3793819A6F719A0D7ABAC379D0F24DAEBBEBA0990BB44ECFD3ECB21C94669741F0709E1D9EB7C3F9B43BAD778186653828E80EA3E961F9899D0625E7C3321C941EA7DD2074B95D7683E8E9353B9C4FBB75A0FBFDEE4ACFC561F7DA357EB75D74F92BED26A7E5
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP_PID=
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP_DCS=
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP_SCTS=01011319321508
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP-UDL=160
13-01-06 20:20:33  ==============begin to Decode7bit============
13-01-06 20:20:33  =============== this is a normal sms ================
13-01-06 20:20:33  ==============Decode7bit end ============
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->contentStr="871280" Mobil Onay Kodunuz / 01.01.2013 19:32 Mobil Onay Kodunu 3. kisiler ile paylasmayiniz. Cep Anahtar'li IsCep icin hemen tiklayin: www.isbank.com.tr/indir
13-01-06 20:20:33  _________wwx-->>gsmDecodePDU  -END___
13-01-06 20:20:33  =========== sms'state is 1 ,insert into inbox============
13-01-06 20:20:33  _________wwx-->>enter gsmDecodePDU,now pSrc = 07910955890008002414D0C9294818742E83D32408000031101091342280A0A2594D96C3D144A0E65B9C66839EEE701EB47C93EBEEBA1EF402C1622E58CC2583C566A0584E479B819A6F719A0D7ABAC379D0F24DAEBBEBA0990BB44ECFD3ECB21C94669741F0709E1D9EB7C3F9B43BAD778186653828E80EA3E961F9899D0625E7C3321C941EA7DD2074B95D7683E8E9353B9C4FBB75A0FBFDEE4ACFC561F7DA357EB75D74F92BED26A7E5
13-01-06 20:20:33  ================enter initial pDst===============
13-01-06 20:20:33  ===========tp_ra is multi ================
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TPA = IS BANKASI
13-01-06 20:20:33  before TP_PID pSrc=000031101091342280A0A2594D96C3D144A0E65B9C66839EEE701EB47C93EBEEBA1EF402C1622E58CC2583C566A0584E479B819A6F719A0D7ABAC379D0F24DAEBBEBA0990BB44ECFD3ECB21C94669741F0709E1D9EB7C3F9B43BAD778186653828E80EA3E961F9899D0625E7C3321C941EA7DD2074B95D7683E8E9353B9C4FBB75A0FBFDEE4ACFC561F7DA357EB75D74F92BED26A7E5
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP_PID=
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP_DCS=
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP_SCTS=01011319432208
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP-UDL=160
13-01-06 20:20:33  ==============begin to Decode7bit============
13-01-06 20:20:33  =============== this is a normal sms ================
13-01-06 20:20:33  ==============Decode7bit end ============
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->contentStr="352984" Mobil Onay Kodunuz / 01.01.2013 19:43 Mobil Onay Kodunu 3. kisiler ile paylasmayiniz. Cep Anahtar'li IsCep icin hemen tiklayin: www.isbank.com.tr/indir
13-01-06 20:20:33  _________wwx-->>gsmDecodePDU  -END___
13-01-06 20:20:33  =========== sms'state is 1 ,insert into inbox============
13-01-06 20:20:33  _________wwx-->>enter gsmDecodePDU,now pSrc = 07910955890008002414D0C9294818742E83D32408000031101091558580A022DBCD0683D144A0E65B9C66839EEE701EB47C93EBEEBA1EF402C1622E58CC2583C566A0584E57B3819A6F719A0D7ABAC379D0F24DAEBBEBA0990BB44ECFD3ECB21C94669741F0709E1D9EB7C3F9B43BAD778186653828E80EA3E961F9899D0625E7C3321C941EA7DD2074B95D7683E8E9353B9C4FBB75A0FBFDEE4ACFC561F7DA357EB75D74F92BED26A7E5
13-01-06 20:20:33  ================enter initial pDst===============
13-01-06 20:20:33  ===========tp_ra is multi ================
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TPA = IS BANKASI
13-01-06 20:20:33  before TP_PID pSrc=000031101091558580A022DBCD0683D144A0E65B9C66839EEE701EB47C93EBEEBA1EF402C1622E58CC2583C566A0584E57B3819A6F719A0D7ABAC379D0F24DAEBBEBA0990BB44ECFD3ECB21C94669741F0709E1D9EB7C3F9B43BAD778186653828E80EA3E961F9899D0625E7C3321C941EA7DD2074B95D7683E8E9353B9C4FBB75A0FBFDEE4ACFC561F7DA357EB75D74F92BED26A7E5
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP_PID=
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP_DCS=
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP_SCTS=01011319555808
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP-UDL=160
13-01-06 20:20:33  ==============begin to Decode7bit============
13-01-06 20:20:33  =============== this is a normal sms ================
13-01-06 20:20:33  ==============Decode7bit end ============
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->contentStr="676004" Mobil Onay Kodunuz / 01.01.2013 19:56 Mobil Onay Kodunu 3. kisiler ile paylasmayiniz. Cep Anahtar'li IsCep icin hemen tiklayin: www.isbank.com.tr/indir
13-01-06 20:20:33  _________wwx-->>gsmDecodePDU  -END___
13-01-06 20:20:33  =========== sms'state is 1 ,insert into inbox============
13-01-06 20:20:33  _________wwx-->>enter gsmDecodePDU,now pSrc = 07910955890008002414D0C9294818742E83D32408000031103002732280A022DB0C87A3E544A0E65B9C66839EEE701EB47C93EBEEBA1EF402C1662E58CC2583C56620194C37BB819A6F719A0D7ABAC379D0F24DAEBBEBA0990BB44ECFD3ECB21C94669741F0709E1D9EB7C3F9B43BAD778186653828E80EA3E961F9899D0625E7C3321C941EA7DD2074B95D7683E8E9353B9C4FBB75A0FBFDEE4ACFC561F7DA357EB75D74F92BED26A7E5
13-01-06 20:20:33  ================enter initial pDst===============
13-01-06 20:20:33  ===========tp_ra is multi ================
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TPA = IS BANKASI
13-01-06 20:20:33  before TP_PID pSrc=000031103002732280A022DB0C87A3E544A0E65B9C66839EEE701EB47C93EBEEBA1EF402C1662E58CC2583C56620194C37BB819A6F719A0D7ABAC379D0F24DAEBBEBA0990BB44ECFD3ECB21C94669741F0709E1D9EB7C3F9B43BAD778186653828E80EA3E961F9899D0625E7C3321C941EA7DD2074B95D7683E8E9353B9C4FBB75A0FBFDEE4ACFC561F7DA357EB75D74F92BED26A7E5
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP_PID=
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP_DCS=
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP_SCTS=01031320372208
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP-UDL=160
13-01-06 20:20:33  ==============begin to Decode7bit============
13-01-06 20:20:33  =============== this is a normal sms ================
13-01-06 20:20:33  ==============Decode7bit end ============
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->contentStr="638849" Mobil Onay Kodunuz / 03.01.2013 20:37 Mobil Onay Kodunu 3. kisiler ile paylasmayiniz. Cep Anahtar'li IsCep icin hemen tiklayin: www.isbank.com.tr/indir
13-01-06 20:20:33  _________wwx-->>gsmDecodePDU  -END___
13-01-06 20:20:33  =========== sms'state is 1 ,insert into inbox============
13-01-06 20:20:33  _________wwx-->>enter gsmDecodePDU,now pSrc = 07910955890008002414D0C9294818742E83D3240800003110300214328098221C2E16BBD144A0E65B9C66839EEE701EB47C93EBEEBA1EF402C1662E58CC2583C56620194C478BB940C23A68FD2683DAF539BD2C4F83E669B3BCEC4EEBD32071999D96B3CBEDF21A941EA7DDA0F3DB4D2ECBD3EC767A4E4FCB5DA063DD5E76B3D3E7B43BAD07A5C7693768E602ADD3F334BB2C07A5D965103C9C6787E7ED703EED4EEB5D
13-01-06 20:20:33  ================enter initial pDst===============
13-01-06 20:20:33  ===========tp_ra is multi ================
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TPA = IS BANKASI
13-01-06 20:20:33  before TP_PID pSrc=00003110300214328098221C2E16BBD144A0E65B9C66839EEE701EB47C93EBEEBA1EF402C1662E58CC2583C56620194C478BB940C23A68FD2683DAF539BD2C4F83E669B3BCEC4EEBD32071999D96B3CBEDF21A941EA7DDA0F3DB4D2ECBD3EC767A4E4FCB5DA063DD5E76B3D3E7B43BAD07A5C7693768E602ADD3F334BB2C07A5D965103C9C6787E7ED703EED4EEB5D
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP_PID=
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP_DCS=
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP_SCTS=01031320412308
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP-UDL=152
13-01-06 20:20:33  ==============begin to Decode7bit============
13-01-06 20:20:33  =============== this is a normal sms ================
13-01-06 20:20:33  ==============Decode7bit end ============
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->contentStr="881174" Mobil Onay Kodunuz / 03.01.2013 20:41. Bu kod musteri sifrenizi belirlemek icin gonderilmistir. Guvenliginiz icin 3. kisiler ile paylasmayiniz.
13-01-06 20:20:33  _________wwx-->>gsmDecodePDU  -END___
13-01-06 20:20:33  =========== sms'state is 1 ,insert into inbox============
13-01-06 20:20:33  _________wwx-->>enter gsmDecodePDU,now pSrc = 07910955890008002414D0C9294818742E83D3240800003110300264638098225AAE269BC544A0E65B9C66839EEE701EB47C93EBEEBA1EF402C1662E58CC2583C56620194C47B3B940C23A68FD2683DAF539BD2C4F83E669B3BCEC4EEBD32071999D96B3CBEDF21A941EA7DDA0F3DB4D2ECBD3EC767A4E4FCB5DA063DD5E76B3D3E7B43BAD07A5C7693768E602ADD3F334BB2C07A5D965103C9C6787E7ED703EED4EEB5D
13-01-06 20:20:33  ================enter initial pDst===============
13-01-06 20:20:33  ===========tp_ra is multi ================
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TPA = IS BANKASI
13-01-06 20:20:33  before TP_PID pSrc=00003110300264638098225AAE269BC544A0E65B9C66839EEE701EB47C93EBEEBA1EF402C1662E58CC2583C56620194C47B3B940C23A68FD2683DAF539BD2C4F83E669B3BCEC4EEBD32071999D96B3CBEDF21A941EA7DDA0F3DB4D2ECBD3EC767A4E4FCB5DA063DD5E76B3D3E7B43BAD07A5C7693768E602ADD3F334BB2C07A5D965103C9C6787E7ED703EED4EEB5D
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP_PID=
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP_DCS=
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP_SCTS=01031320463608
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP-UDL=152
13-01-06 20:20:33  ==============begin to Decode7bit============
13-01-06 20:20:33  =============== this is a normal sms ================
13-01-06 20:20:33  ==============Decode7bit end ============
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->contentStr="495231" Mobil Onay Kodunuz / 03.01.2013 20:46. Bu kod musteri sifrenizi belirlemek icin gonderilmistir. Guvenliginiz icin 3. kisiler ile paylasmayiniz.
13-01-06 20:20:33  _________wwx-->>gsmDecodePDU  -END___
13-01-06 20:20:33  =========== sms'state is 1 ,insert into inbox============
13-01-06 20:20:33  _________wwx-->>enter gsmDecodePDU,now pSrc = 07910955890008002414D0C9294818742E83D3240800003110300235518098A219AE96BBCD44A0E65B9C66839EEE701EB47C93EBEEBA1EF402C1662E58CC2583C56620194C579BB940C23A68FD2683DAF539BD2C4F83E669B3BCEC4EEBD32071999D96B3CBEDF21A941EA7DDA0F3DB4D2ECBD3EC767A4E4FCB5DA063DD5E76B3D3E7B43BAD07A5C7693768E602ADD3F334BB2C07A5D965103C9C6787E7ED703EED4EEB5D
13-01-06 20:20:33  ================enter initial pDst===============
13-01-06 20:20:33  ===========tp_ra is multi ================
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TPA = IS BANKASI
13-01-06 20:20:33  before TP_PID pSrc=00003110300235518098A219AE96BBCD44A0E65B9C66839EEE701EB47C93EBEEBA1EF402C1662E58CC2583C56620194C579BB940C23A68FD2683DAF539BD2C4F83E669B3BCEC4EEBD32071999D96B3CBEDF21A941EA7DDA0F3DB4D2ECBD3EC767A4E4FCB5DA063DD5E76B3D3E7B43BAD07A5C7693768E602ADD3F334BB2C07A5D965103C9C6787E7ED703EED4EEB5D
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP_PID=
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP_DCS=
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP_SCTS=01031320531508
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP-UDL=152
13-01-06 20:20:33  ==============begin to Decode7bit============
13-01-06 20:20:33  =============== this is a normal sms ================
13-01-06 20:20:33  ==============Decode7bit end ============
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->contentStr="385973" Mobil Onay Kodunuz / 03.01.2013 20:53. Bu kod musteri sifrenizi belirlemek icin gonderilmistir. Guvenliginiz icin 3. kisiler ile paylasmayiniz.
13-01-06 20:20:33  _________wwx-->>gsmDecodePDU  -END___
13-01-06 20:20:33  =========== sms'state is 1 ,insert into inbox============
13-01-06 20:20:33  _________wwx-->>enter gsmDecodePDU,now pSrc = 07910955890008002414D0C9294818742E83D32408000031103012321480A0229B8C86BBE144A0E65B9C66839EEE701EB47C93EBEEBA1EF402C1662E58CC2583C56620594C279B819A6F719A0D7ABAC379D0F24DAEBBEBA0990BB44ECFD3ECB21C94669741F0709E1D9EB7C3F9B43BAD778186653828E80EA3E961F9899D0625E7C3321C941EA7DD2074B95D7683E8E9353B9C4FBB75A0FBFDEE4ACFC561F7DA357EB75D74F92BED26A7E5
13-01-06 20:20:33  ================enter initial pDst===============
13-01-06 20:20:33  ===========tp_ra is multi ================
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TPA = IS BANKASI
13-01-06 20:20:33  before TP_PID pSrc=000031103012321480A0229B8C86BBE144A0E65B9C66839EEE701EB47C93EBEEBA1EF402C1662E58CC2583C56620594C279B819A6F719A0D7ABAC379D0F24DAEBBEBA0990BB44ECFD3ECB21C94669741F0709E1D9EB7C3F9B43BAD778186653828E80EA3E961F9899D0625E7C3321C941EA7DD2074B95D7683E8E9353B9C4FBB75A0FBFDEE4ACFC561F7DA357EB75D74F92BED26A7E5
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP_PID=
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP_DCS=
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP_SCTS=01031321234108
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP-UDL=160
13-01-06 20:20:33  ==============begin to Decode7bit============
13-01-06 20:20:33  =============== this is a normal sms ================
13-01-06 20:20:33  ==============Decode7bit end ============
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->contentStr="624878" Mobil Onay Kodunuz / 03.01.2013 21:23 Mobil Onay Kodunu 3. kisiler ile paylasmayiniz. Cep Anahtar'li IsCep icin hemen tiklayin: www.isbank.com.tr/indir
13-01-06 20:20:33  _________wwx-->>gsmDecodePDU  -END___
13-01-06 20:20:33  =========== sms'state is 1 ,insert into inbox============
13-01-06 20:20:33  _________wwx-->>enter gsmDecodePDU,now pSrc = 07910955890008002414D0C9294818742E83D3240800003110301264118098A258CD46CBD544A0E65B9C66839EEE701EB47C93EBEEBA1EF402C1662E58CC2583C56620594C47B3B940C23A68FD2683DAF539BD2C4F83E669B3BCEC4EEBD32071999D96B3CBEDF21A941EA7DDA0F3DB4D2ECBD3EC767A4E4FCB5DA063DD5E76B3D3E7B43BAD07A5C7693768E602ADD3F334BB2C07A5D965103C9C6787E7ED703EED4EEB5D
13-01-06 20:20:33  ================enter initial pDst===============
13-01-06 20:20:33  ===========tp_ra is multi ================
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TPA = IS BANKASI
13-01-06 20:20:33  before TP_PID pSrc=00003110301264118098A258CD46CBD544A0E65B9C66839EEE701EB47C93EBEEBA1EF402C1662E58CC2583C56620594C47B3B940C23A68FD2683DAF539BD2C4F83E669B3BCEC4EEBD32071999D96B3CBEDF21A941EA7DDA0F3DB4D2ECBD3EC767A4E4FCB5DA063DD5E76B3D3E7B43BAD07A5C7693768E602ADD3F334BB2C07A5D965103C9C6787E7ED703EED4EEB5D
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP_PID=
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP_DCS=
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP_SCTS=01031321461108
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP-UDL=152
13-01-06 20:20:33  ==============begin to Decode7bit============
13-01-06 20:20:33  =============== this is a normal sms ================
13-01-06 20:20:33  ==============Decode7bit end ============
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->contentStr="156495" Mobil Onay Kodunuz / 03.01.2013 21:46. Bu kod musteri sifrenizi belirlemek icin gonderilmistir. Guvenliginiz icin 3. kisiler ile paylasmayiniz.
13-01-06 20:20:33  _________wwx-->>gsmDecodePDU  -END___
13-01-06 20:20:33  =========== sms'state is 1 ,insert into inbox============
13-01-06 20:20:33  _________wwx-->>enter gsmDecodePDU,now pSrc = 07910955890008002414D0C9294818742E83D32408000031103022639480A0225B8C169BDD44A0E65B9C66839EEE701EB47C93EBEEBA1EF402C1662E58CC2583C56620994C37B3819A6F719A0D7ABAC379D0F24DAEBBEBA0990BB44ECFD3ECB21C94669741F0709E1D9EB7C3F9B43BAD778186653828E80EA3E961F9899D0625E7C3321C941EA7DD2074B95D7683E8E9353B9C4FBB75A0FBFDEE4ACFC561F7DA357EB75D74F92BED26A7E5
13-01-06 20:20:33  ================enter initial pDst===============
13-01-06 20:20:33  ===========tp_ra is multi ================
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TPA = IS BANKASI
13-01-06 20:20:33  before TP_PID pSrc=000031103022639480A0225B8C169BDD44A0E65B9C66839EEE701EB47C93EBEEBA1EF402C1662E58CC2583C56620994C37B3819A6F719A0D7ABAC379D0F24DAEBBEBA0990BB44ECFD3ECB21C94669741F0709E1D9EB7C3F9B43BAD778186653828E80EA3E961F9899D0625E7C3321C941EA7DD2074B95D7683E8E9353B9C4FBB75A0FBFDEE4ACFC561F7DA357EB75D74F92BED26A7E5
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP_PID=
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP_DCS=
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP_SCTS=01031322364908
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->TP-UDL=160
13-01-06 20:20:33  ==============begin to Decode7bit============
13-01-06 20:20:33  =============== this is a normal sms ================
13-01-06 20:20:33  ==============Decode7bit end ============
13-01-06 20:20:33  pDst->contentStr="614137" Mobil Onay Kodunuz / 03.01.2013 22:36 Mobil Onay Kodunu 3. kisiler ile paylasmayiniz. Cep Anahtar'li IsCep icin hemen tiklayin: www.isbank.com.tr/indir
13-01-06 20:20:33  _________wwx-->>gsmDecodePDU  -END___
CShortMsg::getSimAllSmsItem nMsg=10
13-01-06 20:20:33  initAtCmd------------>enter getSmsContent(4,0)
13-01-06 20:20:33  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:33  sent cmd: AT+CPMS="ME","ME"

13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=6, timer_usec=0, con=60
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CPMS="ME","ME"
+CPMS: 0,100,0,100,0,100


13-01-06 20:20:33  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:33  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:33  sent cmd: AT+CPMS="ME","ME"

13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=6, timer_usec=0, con=60
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CPMS="ME","ME"
+CPMS: 0,100,0,100,0,100


13-01-06 20:20:33  sent cmd: AT+CMGL=4

13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=15, timer_usec=0, con=150
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CMGL=4

13-01-06 20:20:33  initAtCmd------------->out while
13-01-06 20:20:33  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:33  sent cmd: AT+CSCA?

13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** saveUsernameChecked =
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** username = %1Username = null
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** password = %1Password = null
13-01-06 20:20:33  WTM::PDP:____ apn = cmnet,ipPDP = ip, PDPAddr =  ____
13-01-06 20:20:33  WTM::PDP:____ re = -1 ____
13-01-06 20:20:33  ======= enter startwvdial ======
13-01-06 20:20:33  startwvdial======= 1111111 ======
wvdial ******************************
13-01-06 20:20:33  startwvdial======= 222222 ======
13-01-06 20:20:33   wvdial command!

13-01-06 20:20:33  startwvdial======= 333333 ======
13-01-06 20:20:33  child pid is: 10930

13-01-06 20:20:33  hello from the parent process;
13-01-06 20:20:33  ======= exit startwvdial true ======
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=3, timer_usec=0, con=29
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CSCA?
+CSCA: "+905598008000",145


13-01-06 20:20:33  purgeComData:: AT+CGDCONT=1,"ip","cmnet",""
13-01-06 20:20:33  sent cmd: AT+CSCA?

--> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=3, timer_usec=0, con=30
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr =


13-01-06 20:20:33  SMS centre num =

--> Cannot get information for serial port.13-01-06 20:20:33  purgeComData:: AT+CSCA?
13-01-06 20:20:33  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:33  sent cmd: AT+CPMS="SM","SM"

13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=6, timer_usec=0, con=59
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr =
+CSCA: "+905598008000",145


13-01-06 20:20:33  sent cmd: AT+CPMS?

13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=3, timer_usec=0, con=30
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CPMS="SM","SM"
+CPMS: 10,30,10,30,0,100


13-01-06 20:20:33  purgeComData:: AT+CPMS?
+CPMS: "SM",10,30,"SM",10,30,"ME",0,100


13-01-06 20:20:33  sent cmd: AT+CPBR=1,20

13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in the resAtStr,to continue of while!!!
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=3, timer_usec=0, con=30
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CPBR=1,20
+CME ERROR: not found

+CME ERROR: not found

13-01-06 20:20:33  sent cmd: AT+CPBR=21,40

13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in the resAtStr,to continue of while!!!
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=3, timer_usec=0, con=30
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CPBR=21,40
+CME ERROR: not found

+CME ERROR: not found

13-01-06 20:20:33  sent cmd: AT+CPBR=41,60

13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in the resAtStr,to continue of while!!!
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=3, timer_usec=0, con=30
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CPBR=41,60
+CME ERROR: not found

+CME ERROR: not found

13-01-06 20:20:33  sent cmd: AT+CPBR=61,80

13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in the resAtStr,to continue of while!!!
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=3, timer_usec=0, con=30
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CPBR=61,80
+CME ERROR: not found

+CME ERROR: not found

13-01-06 20:20:33  sent cmd: AT+CPBR=81,100

13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in the resAtStr,to continue of while!!!
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=3, timer_usec=0, con=30
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CPBR=81,100
+CME ERROR: not found

+CME ERROR: not found

13-01-06 20:20:33  sent cmd: AT+CPBR=101,120

13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in the resAtStr,to continue of while!!!
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=3, timer_usec=0, con=30
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CPBR=101,120
+CME ERROR: not found

+CME ERROR: not found

13-01-06 20:20:33  sent cmd: AT+CPBR=121,140

13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in the resAtStr,to continue of while!!!
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=3, timer_usec=0, con=30
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CPBR=121,140
+CME ERROR: not found

+CME ERROR: not found

13-01-06 20:20:33  sent cmd: AT+CPBR=141,160

13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in the resAtStr,to continue of while!!!
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=3, timer_usec=0, con=30
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CPBR=141,160
+CME ERROR: not found

+CME ERROR: not found

13-01-06 20:20:33  sent cmd: AT+CPBR=161,180

13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in the resAtStr,to continue of while!!!
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=3, timer_usec=0, con=30
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CPBR=161,180
+CME ERROR: not found

+CME ERROR: not found

13-01-06 20:20:33  sent cmd: AT+CPBR=181,200

13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in the resAtStr,to continue of while!!!
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=3, timer_usec=0, con=30
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CPBR=181,200
+CME ERROR: not found

+CME ERROR: not found

13-01-06 20:20:33  sent cmd: AT+CPBR=201,220

13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in the resAtStr,to continue of while!!!
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=3, timer_usec=0, con=30
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CPBR=201,220
+CME ERROR: not found

+CME ERROR: not found

13-01-06 20:20:33  sent cmd: AT+CPBR=221,240

13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in the resAtStr,to continue of while!!!
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=3, timer_usec=0, con=30
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CPBR=221,240
+CME ERROR: not found

+CME ERROR: not found

13-01-06 20:20:33  sent cmd: AT+CPBR=241,250

13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in the resAtStr,to continue of while!!!
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=3, timer_usec=0, con=30
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CPBR=241,250
+CME ERROR: not found

+CME ERROR: not found

13-01-06 20:20:33  will exist carddispose fun(),isCardOnline =1
13-01-06 20:20:33  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:33  sent cmd: AT+ZPAS?

13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=1, timer_usec=0, con=10
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+ZPAS?


13-01-06 20:20:33   SerialThread::get_ZPAS_Res_Str() ===> ______ZPAS____ : AT+ZPAS?


13-01-06 20:20:33  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:33  sent cmd: AT+ZDON?

13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=1, timer_usec=0, con=10
13-01-06 20:20:33  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+ZDON?
+ZDON: "AVEA",286,3,"AVEA",286,3,"ROAM_OFF"


13-01-06 20:20:33   SerialThread::get_ZDON_Res_Str() ===> ______ZDON____ : AT+ZDON?
+ZDON: "AVEA",286,3,"AVEA",286,3,"ROAM_OFF"


13-01-06 20:20:33  WTMainWindow:____ modem on, sim on ____

--> Initializing modem.
--> Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
--> Modem initialized.
--> Configuration does not specify a valid phone number.
13-01-06 20:20:37  !!!!!!!!!!!!quit process10930, SIGNAL = 17

SIOCADDRT: Böyle bir aygıt yok
13-01-06 20:20:38  !!!!!!!!!!!!quit process0, SIGNAL = 17

SIOCADDRT: Böyle bir aygıt yok
13-01-06 20:20:39  !!!!!!!!!!!!quit process0, SIGNAL = 17

13-01-06 20:20:39  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:39  sent cmd: AT+CIMI

13-01-06 20:20:39  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=1, timer_usec=0, con=10
13-01-06 20:20:39  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CIMI


13-01-06 20:20:39  ****** cimiNumber.latin1()=286034180288883
lastRunCIMI: 28603
thisRunCIMI: 28603
13-01-06 20:20:39  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:39  sent cmd: AT+CSQ

13-01-06 20:20:39  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=6, timer_usec=0, con=60
13-01-06 20:20:39  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CSQ
+CSQ: 7,99


13-01-06 20:20:39  will exist carddispose fun(),isCardOnline =1
13-01-06 20:20:39  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:39  sent cmd: AT+ZPAS?

13-01-06 20:20:39  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=1, timer_usec=0, con=10
13-01-06 20:20:39  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+ZPAS?


13-01-06 20:20:39   SerialThread::get_ZPAS_Res_Str() ===> ______ZPAS____ : AT+ZPAS?


13-01-06 20:20:39  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:39  sent cmd: AT+ZDON?

13-01-06 20:20:39  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=1, timer_usec=0, con=10
13-01-06 20:20:39  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+ZDON?
+ZDON: "AVEA",286,3,"AVEA",286,3,"ROAM_OFF"


13-01-06 20:20:39   SerialThread::get_ZDON_Res_Str() ===> ______ZDON____ : AT+ZDON?
+ZDON: "AVEA",286,3,"AVEA",286,3,"ROAM_OFF"


13-01-06 20:20:39  WTMainWindow:____ modem on, sim on ____
SIOCADDRT: Böyle bir aygıt yok
13-01-06 20:20:40  !!!!!!!!!!!!quit process0, SIGNAL = 17

SIOCADDRT: Böyle bir aygıt yok
13-01-06 20:20:41  !!!!!!!!!!!!quit process0, SIGNAL = 17

13-01-06 20:20:41  !!!!!!!!!!!!quit process10915, SIGNAL = 17

SIOCADDRT: Böyle bir aygıt yok
13-01-06 20:20:42  !!!!!!!!!!!!quit process-1, SIGNAL = 17

SIOCADDRT: Böyle bir aygıt yok
13-01-06 20:20:43  !!!!!!!!!!!!quit process-1, SIGNAL = 17

SIOCADDRT: Böyle bir aygıt yok
13-01-06 20:20:44  !!!!!!!!!!!!quit process-1, SIGNAL = 17

13-01-06 20:20:47  MyButton::focusInEvent_________enter________

13-01-06 20:20:47  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:47  sent cmd: AT+CIMI

13-01-06 20:20:47  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=1, timer_usec=0, con=10
13-01-06 20:20:47  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CIMI


13-01-06 20:20:47  ****** cimiNumber.latin1()=286034180288883
lastRunCIMI: 28603
thisRunCIMI: 28603
13-01-06 20:20:47  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:47  sent cmd: AT+CSQ

13-01-06 20:20:47  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=6, timer_usec=0, con=60
13-01-06 20:20:47  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+CSQ
+CSQ: 7,99


13-01-06 20:20:47  will exist carddispose fun(),isCardOnline =1
13-01-06 20:20:47  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:47  sent cmd: AT+ZPAS?

13-01-06 20:20:47  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=1, timer_usec=0, con=10
13-01-06 20:20:47  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+ZPAS?


13-01-06 20:20:47   SerialThread::get_ZPAS_Res_Str() ===> ______ZPAS____ : AT+ZPAS?


13-01-06 20:20:47  purgeComData::
13-01-06 20:20:47  sent cmd: AT+ZDON?

13-01-06 20:20:47  ****** in resAtStr, timer_sec=1, timer_usec=0, con=10
13-01-06 20:20:47  ****** in resAtStr, pResStr = AT+ZDON?
+ZDON: "AVEA",286,3,"AVEA",286,3,"ROAM_OFF"


13-01-06 20:20:47   SerialThread::get_ZDON_Res_Str() ===> ______ZDON____ : AT+ZDON?
+ZDON: "AVEA",286,3,"AVEA",286,3,"ROAM_OFF"


13-01-06 20:20:47  WTMainWindow:____ modem on, sim on ____
13-01-06 20:20:47  MyButton::focusInEvent_________enter________

13-01-06 20:20:49  MyButton::focusOutEvent_________enter________

13-01-06 20:20:49  ____MyMessageBox::slotClickOk()____
13-01-06 20:20:51  ____MyMessageBox::slotClickOk()____
13-01-06 20:20:51  ____reply = 3____
13-01-06 20:20:51  !!!!!!!!!!!!quit process-1, SIGNAL = 17

[Dialer Defaults]

Init1 = ATZ

Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0

Modem Type : Analog Modem

ISDN = 0

New PPPD = yes

Phone = *99#

Modem = /dev/ttyUSB2

Username = dummy

Password = dummy

Baud = 57600

--> Initializing modem.--> Ignoring malformed input line: "Modem Type : Analog Modem"
--> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
--> Cannot get information for serial port.
--> Initializing modem.
--> Sending: ATZ
--> Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
--> Modem initialized.
--> Sending: ATDT*99#
--> Waiting for carrier.
CONNECT 7200000
--> Carrier detected.  Waiting for prompt.
--> Don't know what to do!  Starting pppd and hoping for the best.
--> Starting pppd at Sun Jan  6 20:32:14 2013
--> Pid of pppd: 15854
--> pppd: p��[08]���[08]
--> Using interface ppp0
--> pppd: p��[08]���[08]
--> pppd: p��[08]���[08]
--> pppd: p��[08]���[08]
--> pppd: p��[08]���[08]
--> pppd: p��[08]���[08]
--> pppd: p��[08]���[08]
--> pppd: p��[08]���[08]
--> pppd: p��[08]���[08]
--> pppd: p��[08]���[08]
--> Authentication (PAP) started
--> pppd: p��[08]���[08]
--> pppd: p��[08]���[08]
--> pppd: p��[08]���[08]
--> Authentication (PAP) successful
--> pppd: p��[08]���[08]
--> pppd: p��[08]���[08]
--> pppd: p��[08]���[08]
--> pppd: p��[08]���[08]
--> pppd: p��[08]���[08]
--> pppd: p��[08]���[08]
--> pppd: p��[08]���[08]
--> Disconnecting at Sun Jan  6 20:32:15 2013
--> The PPP daemon has died: A modem hung up the phone (exit code = 16)
--> man pppd explains pppd error codes in more detail.
--> Try again and look into /var/log/messages and the wvdial and pppd man pages for more information.
--> Auto Reconnect will be attempted in 5 seconds
--> Cannot get information for serial port.
--> Initializing modem.

#auto lo
#iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

auto ppp0
iface ppp0 inet wvdial

#iface eth0 inet static

#auto lo
#iface lo inet loopback
#iface eth0 inet dhcp
#auto eth0

mtu 1492

auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet static

kdebug 7
lcp-echo-failure 3
lcp-echo-interval 15
lcp-max-configure 10
lcp-max-failure 10
ipcp-max-failure 10
ipcp-max-configure 10


Wicd ile görülüyor mu bilmem ama Network Manager ile ağ listesinden avea jet modemi görüp tıklayarak kurulum ve bağlanma işini yaparsınız. Join ile bağlantı sorunlu zaten onu mesaj atmak için kullanabilirsiniz. Özel bir nedeni yoksa NM ile bağlanın.
nereye gidersen git kendini de götürürsün.